Friday, May 29, 2020

Democrats and MSM rely on fear mongering to shame world into wearing a mask

RE:  Kaitlyn Helmchen's OpEd "Students stressed out" of May 28, 2020

I do not find it odd that young people are suffering anxiety.  That has been the goal of Democrats and their leftist media lemmings who have been peddling one line of doom and gloom after another for 50 years.  While Democrats and the media know nothings peddle their “the sky is falling” scenarios one after another, people are living longer healthier lives, even in the middle of a pandemic, enjoying cleaner air and water and living in a world at relative peace. 

The latest line of nonsense being pushed by the Chicken Littles on the left is the Wuhan Virus.  We know the virus is a nasty deadly ordeal.  We also know 80% of the deaths occur in the age groups 65 and older.  We know young people, age 24 and under, have a better chance of being bitten to death by ducks than succumbing to the Chinese Virus.

So the new “end of the world” scenario is that, out of respect for others’ safety, we all have to wear masks 24/7 and remain in lockdown until weak-kneed testing expert like Abe Schwab can get tested for the Chinese Virus three times an hour and have a government minder tell him when it’s safe to come out from under his bed.  The JG has sent their best virtue signaling reporter – Sherry Slater - out into the cruel, cruel world to hector people who choose not to wear a mask.

In early April Medical News Today published a report that indicates neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filters for the Wuhan Virus.  In fact it’s worse.  We are told that we should wear a mask out of respect for others so as not to spread our germs to the general population.  Alas, here’s the bad news for virtue signaling scolds like Slater and long list of fear mongering JG letter writers advocating for masking. The study showed greater contamination on the outside of the mask than the inside. 

It would seem that people wearing masks are more likely to become infected and spread disease by the simple act of putting on and taking off the mask.

So fear not young people.  Ignore the fear-mongering Democrats and their crooked media boob army.  The only thing you have to fear is fake news being generated from a purely political press more interested in bringing down PDJT than they are in the truth. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020 1:00 am
Students stressed out
As problem grows, cope by getting organized, seeking help rather than choosing isolation
Kaitlyn Helmchen
As anxiety becomes more recognized, people have wondered how we, as a society, can solve this issue. Before we can do that, we must look at how it has been increasing in recent years and the potential causes of stress and/or anxiety.
More students are becoming stressed and/or anxious about life. According to Higher Education Research, in 1985, 18% of incoming first-year college students said they felt stressed.
Since then, this has only gotten higher, with 28% of students saying this in 2000 and 41% in 2016. As we can see, it has not decreased, and it is not stopping.
What are some causes of anxiety and stress? When some students in North Side High School's senior class were surveyed recently, 60.2% said school stresses them out the most. Now, this can include a variety of things such as grades, tests, friends at school and homework. Other students said the future gives them anxiety and stresses them out as well.
Students are taking this issue into their own hands in several ways. In the North Side High School survey, 39.3% of the students said they use music to relieve their stress and/or anxiety, and another 21.8% said they use art/literature.
The problem with these choices is they can cause isolation and lead to overthinking as time goes on. These ways can cause a cycle of a student feeling bad one day, listening to music to feel better, and then feeling the same way again the next day.
Students can start having a better impact on their stressors by having a planner so they can write down what needs to be done and when something needs to be completed. This could lead to them being more organized and teach them time management skills, which are useful when it comes to work.
Students can also talk to their counselors about how they feel and how to go about doing things, such as completing projects.
Why should we care about anxiety and stress so much? If anxiety continues to be a problem, other issues can arise. As anxiety becomes severe, physical problems such as headaches and feeling tired become more frequent. Over time, people can become depressed and start using bad coping habits, such as substance abuse, to lighten that stress.
Although stress and anxiety may affect us all, it can become more severe and cause other problems for us, which is why we should care about these issues right away.
Kaitlyn Helmchen will graduate from North Side High School on June 5 and plans to study at Indiana University-Bloomington.

Friday, May 29, 2020 1:00 am
Return to campus? Weigh the risks first
Abe Schwab
Notre Dame, Purdue and IU have all announced their plans to resume face-to-face classes this fall. And this is understandable. Students surveyed want to be on campus and parents want them there, too. It's what the customer wants.
But taking part in face-to-face classes has costs that students and their parents should consider.
Face to face classes will increase the spread of the coronavirus to students, employees and their families. We don't know how these infections will affect students, and it may be tempting to dismiss this concern. After all, the mortality rate seems very low, especially for 15-to-24-year-olds.
Woefully inadequate testing in the U.S. means we don't know how many people have died from COVID-19. Compared with the United States' six-year average, 30,000 more people have died this year. We have 2,000 extra deaths from non-COVID-19 pneumonia in Indiana. Only the most naïve would believe that most of these extra deaths are from something other than undiagnosed COVID-19.
More importantly, mortality is only one of the possible harms of COVID-19. The long-term effects on cardiac and respiratory systems and other bodily functions are not fully known but are obviously severe in some cases in which the patient doesn't die. Without attention to the potentially life-long harms, both physical and financial, of COVID-19, students and their parents might inadvertently ignore significant non-lethal consequences of COVID-19.
And these outcomes are not limited to students. Students' families, employees and employees' families will also be subject to these harms. And many of them are not in the 15-24 age bracket.
It's not surprising that federal, local, and state governments would allow for individuals to take on these risky choices. We routinely value economic activity more than saving a single life. Preserving human life is important, but it's only worth so much.
A simple example: If we enforced a speed limit of 20 miles per hour on any road anywhere in the United States, we would have fewer fatalities from car crashes. We would save lives. And yet we allow speed limits of 70 mph, and in some states even higher than that. And this has economic benefits. Individuals can travel further for work, organizations can transport goods faster, etc. We've accepted that certain economic benefits are valuable enough to allow for a certain number of additional deaths.
We don't know in detail what will happen over the next year, but we do know that increasing interpersonal interactions will lead to more deaths and other severe medical complications from COVID-19. We don't know who will be infected, who will be hospitalized or who will die. But we know that when we increase our interpersonal interactions, some will. And you have to ask yourself – do you want to subject yourself or your children to that risk?
Abe Schwab is professor of philosophy and director of Ethics Across the Curriculum at Purdue Fort Wayne who specializes in applied ethics.

Friday, May 29, 2020 1:00 am
Holcomb should mandate masks, not play politics
Why is Gov. Eric Holcomb so reluctant to issue a mandatory mask order? Citing ample evidence, medical experts – including his own health commissioner, Dr. Kristina Box – have repeatedly championed the effectiveness of wearing a mask in public gatherings against the spread of the coronavirus.
The governor, ever solicitous to protect business interests, has already expressed his fear of offending, choosing to place the onus of any decision on them – much as an irresponsible White House has done to individual states. And these essential businesses appear just as reluctant, leaving the choice up to customers they must feel are too easily turned off. Interesting that Menards, which requires everyone to wear a mask in its store, seems to be suffering no lack of customers.
Or could the governor also be acting out of the fear of alienating the base he shares as a member of the Republican Party of Trump – those science deniers and lockdown defiers? This we know Indiana has no shortage of. Could his reluctance stem from the nightmare of a gun-toting mob occupying the Statehouse?
We would hate to think Gov. Holcomb's risk-benefit analysis includes playing politics with human lives. Requiring masks is surely worth it if it helps us feel less nervous about going back to work or shopping for groceries and, what is more, if it increases even slightly the chances of our survival.
Jack Hill
Fort Wayne

Thursday, May 28, 2020 5:00 am
Journal Entry
Woodburn ceremony prompts wish for safer practices
SHERRY SLATER | The Journal Gazette
The Journal Gazette has adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic, as have many other local workplaces. Reporters and editors have been asked to work from home since mid-March to minimize our exposure to the potentially deadly virus. We remain scattered across the city, working on laptop computers from our couches, dens and dining room tables.
My co-workers have used various technology to cover news conferences by the governor, mayor, county commissioners, and state and county health officials. They have kept our readers updated on the growing number of Hoosiers and Allen County residents who have died from COVID-19 or tested positive for the coronavirus.
I've kept up with those sobering facts, part of my responsibility as a journalist and a citizen. I've also kept up with the best advice medical experts have to offer for reducing the spread.
Last Saturday was one of only three times I've been asked to leave home to cover an event since the statewide shutdown began. What used to be a routine part of my work duties has become strange and even, I have to admit, a little scary. But I arrived in downtown Woodburn with a face mask, some sanitizing hand wipes and a positive attitude.
What I found there disturbed me deeply.
About 100 people were gathered in the Woodburn Clock Tower Plaza for a dedication ceremony. Not one of them was wearing a face mask. Needless to say, they weren't standing 6 feet apart, either.
The gathering was to dedicate a “wishing stone,” where Woodburn residents could “make a wish or take a wish.” Inspired by a book read by a fifth-grade class, the idea was to encourage people to wish for peace or good health or some other intangible.
If I had made a wish that day, I would have wished that Woodburn's mayor and city council members would step up and be the leaders their constituents deserve. My second wish would have been that the other adults in the crowd would heed the advice of medical experts. Woodburn's children – and vulnerable adults – are depending on them.
Sherry Slater is the business reporter for The Journal Gazette.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

If you are allowed to,lie endlessly, it's easy to make your case

The shameless JG editorial staff let the cat out of the bag when, in the “About the author” part of April’s Golden Pen Award they revealed that Bea Jonas’ won because her letter “was the month’s most effective.”  It’s easy to write an effective letter if you are not bothered by facts.  It’s easy when the JG editorial allows a writer to quote people wildly out of context.

Jonas leaves out of her quotes from Herbert Hoover, Margaret Thatcher, Ayn Rand and Adam Smith is that all were warning the people of relying too heavily on government entities.  Hoover’s definition of “rugged individualism” was that to be truly free, Americans required freedom from an overbearing onerous government – perhaps a government that would order citizens into unconstitutional house arrest for months on end.

When Margaret Thatcher said there was no such thing as society, she immediately followed that notion with this, “There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate.”  Why would Jonas and the editors leave that part out??

Adam Smith’s truism that self-interest isn’t selfish but rather human nature is seen all round every day.  Airliners reinforce this notion on nearly every flight when they announce, in case of sudden cabin decompression when oxygen masks drop, passengers should put their own mask on first before helping small children.  Is that selfish?  No.  It’s obvious that the helpless are of little use during an emergency.  Smith himself made a distinction between self-interest and selfishness.  He knew that too much of the latter would lead a nation to ruin.

It’s easy to write an “effective” letter when a writer has no regard for context or truth and editors don't even pretend to be interested in the truth anymore.

Sunday, May 24, 2020 1:00 am
Golden Pen: April
Interconnectedness evident in times of crisis
As we grapple with the challenge of COVID-19, many long-held principles are being called into question.
Herbert Hoover's rugged individualism, for instance, which imagined an individual totally self-reliant and independent from all outside forces. What about Margaret Thatcher, who believed there was no such thing as society, only individual men, women and families, all looking out for themselves? Then there's Ayn Rand, who wrote that each man is an end to himself, with his own happiness as his highest moral purpose. Finally, there's Adam Smith, who believed that self-interest wasn't selfish at all, but simply human nature.
It's in times of crisis (war, disease, natural disaster) that the hollowness of such beliefs is finally revealed. The answer to the challenge we currently face isn't every man for himself, but we're all in this together. As the poet John Donne wrote, almost 400 years ago: “No man is an island, entire of itself, every man ... is a part of the main ... any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. ...”
Or, in the more recent words of Jerry Seinfeld: “We're trying to have a civilization here!”

Friday, May 22, 2020

Democrats are total azzbags

The Democrats and their lackey army of MSM butt sniffers were in high dudgeon yesterday because PDJT was not wearing a mask during his tour of the Ford plant. We are told that wearing a mask is to protect other people from catching the Chinese Virus from the mask wearer.  That being the case and knowing PDJT is tested for the virus daily and he’s also taking daily doses of hydroxychloroquine, which said to have prophylactic benefits, is there a safer person to be around who is not wearing a mask?

While the Dopes and MSM azzbags lampoon PDJT for not wearing a mask, they give NY Governor “Killer” Cuomo a complete pass for killing off thousands of New Yorkers due to his asinine order moving Wuhan Virus positive cases into senior living facilities. 

While Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser hits PDJT on his weight, Peloser, the MSM and Dopes give the fat tub of lard IL Governor Two Ton Pritzker a pass on his weight.  More importantly they ignore the blob for violating his own extra constitutional house arrest order by moving his privileged family to FL where Republican Governor DeSantis has opened his state. What can that mean?  Fat-so is comfortable enough sending his family to enjoy the privileges of an open state, but won’t allow citizens from his own state to earn a living.

Dopes are so mad at PDJT for not wearing a mask, Willy Brown’s part time whore and full time pot head Kammi Harris is introducing a bill in the senate banning the terms “Chinese Virus” and “Wuhan Virus” as racist.  This is the same Dope party that let raging anti-Semites in their own party off the hook for their blatantly anti-Semitic remarks.

What does all this prove? It proves Dopes are not serious people about anything other than destroying America.  Every time a citizen of one of these lockdown states makes a move toward liberty, there’s the overbearing, onerous, freedom sucking government stepping in to crush them under the weight of state law enforcement.

Sooner or later the people are going to figure out that there’s a whole lot more of us than them.  When that happens the revolt will begin.         

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Chinese Virus spikes may be Lefty Lib effort to sabotage reopening

I ran across this article this morning.  A couple of things struck me.  1)  Would the Lefty Libs purposely infect themselves in order to cause a spike in Chinese Virus cases – thereby forcing a re-closure? Yes I’m sure they would.  I know this because a key Dope constituency – incarcerated criminals – was caught on video ignoring “approved social distancing and mask” rules while they share a glass of water from a single cup.

2) Does the article prove that social distancing and wearing a mask are futile efforts against the Wuhan Virus?  Hell yes it does.  Here’s how I know.  The church claims that they followed all of the suggested rules for reopening and still the Chinese Virus struck.

“’Seating was marked to only permit sitting within the six foot guidelines, all doors were open to allow access without the touching of doors, and attendees were asked to enter in a social distancing manner and were dismissed in a formal manner as well to ensure that the social distancing measures were adhered by all,’ the church told the outlet.

If that’s the cases, it confirms that the rules established by “the experts” are pretty much useless.  If the “the experts” rules are out to lunch and have little to no effect on the spread of the Wuhan Virus, it’s game over.  We might as well get on with things and let the ChiCom Virus run its course.

Somewhere in a post below, Lex asks - what will have changed after 40 days of house arrest?  The virus is still going to be out there.  As such it will run its course over time irrespective of what the puny humans and their corrupt tyrannical leaders do.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

As always, what's foul for a conservative, is fair play underhanded Demo-Dopes

In his May 17 letter “Conspiracy taking place in plain sight” George S. Wilson reports the White House burying CDC reports and e-mails for reopening communities is a “cover up.”  Covering up what: the CDC’s gross incompetence during the Wuhan Virus pandemic? 

It’s nice to see Wilson is on the ball calling out cover ups by the government.  Now do Lois Learner.  She hid or had destroyed all of the documentation of her lawless and corrupt management of the IRS.  Learner weaponized the IRS to harass conservative non-profits.  Then, when the documentation was found backed up on different servers, Learner’s replacement, John Koskinen, managed to have the backup files disappear. Was Wilson worried about any of that?  Nope. 

Then there’s the mother of all destruction of government documents when rape enabler Hillary Clinton destroyed over 33,000 subpoenaed e-mails as well as the servers and cell phones that contained the incriminating information.  Does Wilson have a problem with that?  Nope.

Right now the FBI is claiming the original, 3 times doctored, FBI 302 on Michael Flynn’s interview has disappeared. Does Wilson care about that?  Nope.

May 17, 2020
Conspiracy taking place 'in plain sight'
In the May 9 Journal Gazette is an article detailing how the White House has buried reports and emails by the CDC that outlined measures for safely reopening communities. This fits the pattern of lies, misinformation, deliberate disregard of the facts and the coverup they have pursued since first learning of the impending coronavirus pandemic.
So for all you conspiracy theorists looking for something to hang your hat on, forget about “Plandemic.” Here's your conspiracy, hiding in plain sight right before your eyes – Trump!
George S. Wilson
Fort Wayne

Monday, May 18, 2020

Demo-Dopes too stupid and/or lazy to buy a pen

Saturday was a typical day for the JG’s editorials.  Proving the point that there are never enough things to be paranoid about, in his May 16th letter “Signing our lives away?  Let’s hope not”, fear monger and pandemic panic pusher - Tim Harmon - uses a whopping 811 words to warn us that we all may die if we use the same ”communal pen.”

How about exercising a bit of personal responsibility.  I can solve Harmon’s problem in four words – buy your own pen.   Here’s a three word solution – wash your hands.

As far as “signing your life away” with the “communal pen,” consider that if you are healthy and under the age of 65, you probably have a better chance being struck by lightning while being mauled by a polar bear than catching the Chinese Virus from a pen and then dying from it.  Paranoid pandemic panic pusher Harmon doesn’t bother to let readers in on that little tidbit of information.

I used to think that liberals throwing their minority constituents under the bus for being too stupid and/or lazy to get an ID for voting was just a cover for another of their voter fraud programs.  Now it appears that they have a whole other group of people too stupid and/or lazy to buy a ball point pen or wash their hands after using a communal pen people. I guess we may have to accept that the Democrat Party is largely made up of stupid, lazy  constituents

Carrying your own pen or using your own hand sanitizer is just too great a burden and doesn’t take into account the following:  1)  Those solutions are racist, because poor people of color cannot afford ball point pens and hand sanitizer.  2)  Using ball point pens and hand sanitizer are “white privilege” because of all the “pen and hand sanitizer” deserts out there. 3)  Only the rich can afford a personal pen and hand sanitizer.

Saturday, May 16, 2020 1:00 am
Journal entry
Signing our lives away? Let's hope not
TIM HARMON | The Journal Gazette
It is time to talk about The Communal Pen.
We've come a long way in learning how to minimize exposure to coronaviruses. Just three months ago, people were shaking hands and pushing elevator buttons without a second thought.
Because I write a lot about health issues, I had a few days' head start on concepts such as social distancing, and during the first days of the shutdown, I dreaded my interactions with people who hadn't quite caught onto the simple techniques that minimize spreading the virus to others.
Of course, some people are blissfully going through life as they used to, seemingly unaware they are in the midst of a pandemic. Many others, though, have adjusted to the concept that we owe it to ourselves and those around us to do everything we reasonably can to avoid spreading infection.
I am pleasantly surprised to see how seriously workers in grocery stores, package delivery, pharmacies and, especially, routine health care, have taken that responsibility.
They are wearing masks and making every effort to minimize contact. Evidence suggests their efforts have saved lives. They've also contributed to making customers and patients feel safer.
But one thing hasn't seemed to change. The Communal Pen – the customary, weather-beaten ballpoint some businesses and organizations still offer customers for all manner of transactions.
It seems to me the very definition of counterintuitive. Too often, cautious gloved and masked workers go through elaborate rituals to spare contact with you – but before they can give you your food, or your medicine, or even, sometimes, your medical test, they direct you to ... The Communal Pen and ask you to sign something.
This can happen whether you've prepaid or not. It can happen whether you've taken advantage of drive-up or cautiously ventured into the store. One of my favorite carryout spots started requiring a signature with The Communal Pen on prepaid orders a couple weeks ago, even though it had rarely done so before. Why? I asked. “To show that you really got your food,” a worker explained. Really? If it came down to a court case or whatever, wouldn't they have a video of my car going through the drive-up? And why wasn't this a problem before a deadly pandemic came along?
It happened, too, this week at a highly respected local medical facility I was visiting for a routine test.
Masked worker meets me at the door, six feet away. Checks me in. Good. My name is on the list, and she confirms what the test is for and which doctor ordered it. Good and good.
Just one more thing, she says. You have to sign the check-in list at the desk. Though I have already checked in and although there are only two other patients in the waiting room.
And there, beside the check-in sheet, is The Communal Pen. Perhaps, I think, they have sanitized it. The check-in woman is busy with another patient – no way to ask her.
And besides, I have a wrinkled face with white beard hair sticking out from under my mask. I am not just in the high-risk group – I am in the high-risk-for-coming-across-as-a-crotchety-old-man group.
Then I notice there is the customary jar full of identical Communal Pens sitting beside it. I reach in and try to choose a clean one. Maybe I lucked out.
During an interview on other health matters this week, I mentioned my new obsession to Allen County Health Commissioner Dr. Deborah McMahan. She said she hadn't been offered any unsanitary pens during the pandemic. But she agreed places that neglect pen sanitation are taking a risk.
“They should wipe those things down all the time – not just during COVID, but all the time,” she said. “I can't imagine how much disease is spread with those pens, when you sign your name on the charge-card thing and then rub your eyes.”
Let me be clear. This is nothing against all these workers who are trying so hard to keep their customers, patients and colleagues safe.
No, behind each of these Communal Pens is a manager, maybe sitting safely in a home office somewhere, neglecting to make a simple change in a long-held policy.
It seems to me those managers need to waive needless signature requirements. For signatures that still must be required – the law, for instance, mandates a signature to receive some kinds of medicine – those managers could give workers training in how to carry that out safely by properly sanitizing pens, using disposable covers, or whatever other solutions might be available.
And they could direct employees to clearly state what precautions have been taken when they ask customers to use those pens.
It's not a big thing, compared to all the things those companies and organizations are doing right in this troubling time. But just for the next few months, why not humor a crotchety old man?
Tim Harmon is an editorial writer for The Journal Gazette.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Today's JG rant: If at first you don't succeed at destroying America try, try again

As the alert JG editorial staff loads up this page with letters challenging the wisdom of reopening of America, remember this - the purpose of the nearly nation-wide stay at home order (AKA House arrest) was to flatten the curve of the number of Americans contracting the Chinese Virus at the same time.  The fear was that too many people would be infected simultaneously causing medical facilities to become flooded and causing shortages of beds, equipment and medical personnel. 

The goal has never been, “flatten the curve until a vaccine is developed,” or “flatten the curve until therapeutic treatments are developed,” or “flatten the curve until the infection and death rates hit zero.”    

Now that we have flattened the curve of infections of a virus we now know 99.9% of Americans will survive, the azzbags who have been wrong about everything regarding the disease, are now telling us the quarantine of healthy must continue for as long as three extra months.

It’s time to revert to common sense and follow the science.  We know the Chinese Virus is most deadly to people over 65 with an underlying illness.  Also at greater risk are diabetics and the obese.  Common sense, science and history would tell us that asking the most at risk to self-quarantine is a far easier, more efficient and cost effective solution than trying to quarantine 100% of the population.

As certain local governments creep closer and closer to tyrannical socialism/communism, citizens are beginning to push back.  The government’s response to anyone who might dare resist their seriously stupid edicts is, as always, label them racists. 

If the tyrants ever insist that law enforcement arrest and charge citizens who dare tell their brain-dead overlords to go hell it will not be long until violence breaks out. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The case against Dr. Fraud

Never in the history of mankind have so many surrendered so much to so few based on so little.   Dr. Fraud (AKA Dr. Fauci) got PDJT to close America based on the data from a now debunked British study that predicted 2.2 million deaths in America from the Chinese Virus. Dr. Fraud has been all over the place on the Wuhan Virus from the beginning.  Here’s the Dr. Fraud timeline of conflicting advice from a Breitbart article.
Jan 21: was “not a major threat to the people of the United States.”

February 26, 2020: Fauci said, “Travel restrictions become almost irrelevant because you can’t keep out the entire world.”

“When you have a pandemic that involves multiple countries, travel restrictions become almost irrelevant because you can’t keep out the entire world,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC News.

February 29, 2020: Fauci claimed there was no need for Americans to “change anything what you’re doing on a day-by-day basis” during an interview with the Today Show.
“Right now, at this moment, there is no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day-by-day basis,” Fauci said in response to a question about changing lifestyle habits. “Right now the risk is still low, but this could change.”

March 9, 2020: Well after concerns of the spread of the novel coronavirus had aroused, Fauci suggested that it was okay to take a trip on a cruise if you were a “healthy young person.”
“If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship,” Fauci told reporters at a White House briefing.
“But the fact is that if you have … an individual who has an underlying condition, particularly an elderly person who has an underlying condition, I would recommend strongly that they do not go on a cruise ship,” Fauci added.
March 9, 2020: Fauci said the decision to hold a campaign rally the next day would be a “good judgment” if it were held at a venue where there was no “community spread.”
“Not sure what we’re going to be able to say at the time where you have a campaign rally,” Fauci said in response to a question regarding political campaign rallies. “If you’re talking about a campaign rally tomorrow, in a place where there is no community spread, I think the judgment to have it might be a good judgment.”
“If you want to talk about large gatherings in a place where you have community spread, I think that’s a judgment call,” Fauci added. “And if someone decides they want to cancel it, I wouldn’t publicly criticize them.”
March 12, 2020: In contrast to his February 26 remarks, Fauci said that he believed certain travel restrictions have “absolutely” helped with the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus.
“I think it absolutely has,” Fauci said. “I believe if we did not do that with China early on …”
Fauci also called the travel restriction involving Europe a “prudent choice.”
April 11, 2020: Fauci claimed during an interview with Fox News’s Jesse Watters that it was “in January” when he believed that this was a problem Americans needed to worry about, which contrasts several of his previous remarks made that month and the months following, including his remarks on the Today Show in February.

Then Dr. Fraud decided that no one should ever shake hands again:  Dr. Fauci, “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you. Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease, it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country.”

Now try to square this circle.  Dr. Fraud bans handshakes but appears to endorse homosexual internet hook ups when he responded to a question about Tinder sex with this, “’If you’re willing to take a risk — and you know, everybody has their own tolerance for risks — you could figure out if you want to meet somebody,’ said Fauci, who was named a candidate for People magazine’s ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ award*.”  So according to Dr. Fraud, it’s safe and okay to have sex with a possible carrier someone has met online as long as the participants don’t shake hands.  Very weird.

*Note:  If that’s true, the award needs to establish an Electoral College ASAP.

In his testimony yesterday Dr. Fraud claimed that the actual death toll from the Wuhan Virus was probably much higher than reported.  Dr. Birx said the death totals were probably inflated.  Dr. Birx is correct.  As the popular meme of Forest Gump sitting on the bench waiting on the bus points out with this line, "And just like that nobody died of natural causes." 

Dr. Fraud told us for months that we needed to “social distance” and be placed under house arrest in order to “flatten the curve” of Chinese Virus patients. We did that.  The curve flattened.  Hospitals were not swamped with cases.  Now that that BS goal has been reached, Dr. Fraud is moving the goal posts by telling us we have remain under house arrest because someone might get sick and die from the disease if we don’t continue to hide under the bed until a vaccine or effective treatment is developed.

Dr. Fraud and the rest of the globalist BS artists put the fear of God into the entire population with BS models.  They have yet to tells us they and the models were all F—ked up. If Dr. Fraud were in any line of business and been this wrong about so much, he’d have had his azz fired months ago.

The Flynn case
Some azzbag judge – Sullivan – has decided that the Flynn case has not been drug out long enough.  After DOJ decided to drop the case Judge Idiot is now asking for the world weigh in on the case by signaling he’s willing to take amicus briefs before deciding what to do with Flynn’s case. 

Total BS.  PDJT should call out the BS judge and pardon Flynn, Manafort and Papadopoulos today in a Rose Garden ceremony with bands, a brunch and souvenir Champaign glasses. The CNN/MSPMS reaction would be worth the effort.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Today's JG rant: Preening azzbags with zero skin in the game urge keeping the economy shut down

In his May 12 OpEd “State underplays risk of return” fear monger, Fran Quilgey, refers to the Chinese Virus, a disease 99.5% of us will survive, as a “perilous condition” and calls moves to reopen the state “reckless.” 

Quigley informs us that, “Indiana law is clear that unemployed workers are not required to accept offers of employment or reemployment if conditions are not ‘suitable.’ The law says a job is not suitable if it includes unacceptable risk to health and safety. Federal law, too, is clear that workers are not required to appear or remain at a workplace that poses a serious risk to health.”  So if someone can refuse work because of a virus that 99.5% of us will survive, what in the world does not represent a “risk to health and safety”?

Are Quigley and his doom saying ilk eating these days?  How did they get their food?  They didn’t come out from under the bed to engage in the “reckless” behavior of visiting the Kroger, a drive through or take advantage of a curbside food service did they?  My guess is that they did.  So seriously, can the conditions out there really be that “perilous”?

My guess is that Quigley hasn’t missed a payday.  He should donate any salary he has received since the governor unconstitutionally placed us all under house arrest to charity, and he should continue to donate every penny until the “perilous condition” is over by his own idiotic standard.  Only when this virtue signaling showoff and people like him are totally broke with at least two mortgage payments due, should anyone pay the least bit of attention them.

We know what groups truly are at perilous risk to the Wuhan Virus.  Rather than quarantining the healthy, maybe we should consider quarantining people who are sick and the people most at risk of actually succumbing to the disease while the rest of the world gets on with life.

What we do not need is hectoring from preening boobs like Quigley who have zero skin in the game.  Go broke, then tell us we don't need to go back to work.  

tuesday, May 12, 2020 1:00 am
State underplays risks of return
Right to refuse perilous conditions well-established
Fran Quigley
Gov. Eric Holcomb and his senior leadership team recently warned unemployed Hoosiers that they must return to their jobs or risk losing access to unemployment benefits, even if they believe going back to their workplace is unsafe. Those warnings misstate Indiana and federal law and could put thousands of Hoosiers at risk of sickness and even death.
“Claimants who have been placed on a temporary layoff related to COVID-19 must return to work if called back to remain eligible for benefits,” Indiana Department of Workforce Development commissioner Fred Payne said during one of the governor's daily news conferences.
“Getting the economy back on track is of paramount importance,” Holcomb said, adding that the state “can look into” getting involved if workers fear for their safety.
Yet the governor followed that vague promise by emphasizing that Indiana's economic recovery “requires every single Hoosier who has the ability to work to do so.”
As a matter of law, these statements are overbroad and misleading. As a matter of public safety, they are reckless.
These inaccurate warnings by our state's leaders may cause some Hoosier families to lose access to desperately needed benefits. Worse, they could cause Hoosiers to be exposed to unacceptable risks of infection for themselves, their loved ones and the community at large.
Indiana law is clear that unemployed workers are not required to accept offers of employment or reemployment if conditions are not “suitable.” The law says a job is not suitable if it includes unacceptable risk to health and safety. Federal law, too, is clear that workers are not required to appear or remain at a workplace that poses a serious risk to health.
Determining whether a work offer is suitable and whether a workplace is dangerous are complicated, fact-sensitive legal judgments. Decades of statutes and court decisions dictate that these judgments be made on a case-by-case basis, not in news conference pronouncements by politicians.
What about a Hoosier with a high risk of deadly COVID-19 complications, or their neighbor whose job is at a plant with close-quarters working conditions? Neither the governor nor his team are qualified to pronounce that these people will lose their unemployment benefits if they do not believe it is safe yet to return to the workplace.
From a public health perspective, these warnings are ill-advised policy at a time when still-lacking testing and rising infection rates mean that social distancing in Indiana is still a top priority. Keeping as many workers as possible out of dangerous, virus-spreading settings is one of the most important justifications for our current system of extended unemployment benefits.
Hoosiers who fear that returning to work endangers them or others have rights protected under the law, rights that free legal services agencies can help them enforce. That is the message Holcomb and his team should be delivering, not an ominous warning that could trigger widespread sickness and an extension of the pandemic.
Fran Quigley is director of the Health and Human Rights Clinic at Indiana University McKinney School of Law.