Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The "Arab Street"

The Arab Street finally shows up Posted by Hello

Do you recall the pre-war doom and gloom that the “Arab-street” would rise up in hate against everything western? The usual class of chattering know-nothings, after predicting quagmires in Afghanistan and Iraq, would then somberly intone that something called the “Arab street” would rise up against us. These well known know it alls, who retain that title even when they have been proven wrong on just about everything, pontificate about the Arab mind-set as if all Arabs think alike. You know like all, blacks, Jews, Catholics and Latinos can be counted on to move in lock-step on any given issue.

Well, wait that would be a racist and bigoted observation – even if were/is true. In today’s PC world, you just can’t say that about a group of people. For some reason the PC rules do not apply when the point of the story is to project doom and gloom on America and this president.

How many times have you heard that the Europeans hate Americans and President Bush? Well after 19 months traveling around the “continent”, aside from one “Amiri go home” sign on a bus stop and some interesting graffiti (Kinda cool skulls in the distinctive American combat helmets atop of huge muscular bodies armed to teeth crushing everything in their path. I thought, yeah! That’s exactly what we want the enemy to think!) around Paris, I’ve seen nothing and more importantly experienced NOTHING but polite smiles and helpful Europeans even - gasp! - in France!!

Still the media concentrate on the European far-left media and the protester whackos that seem to turn up anywhere that more than three people who have showered, shaved and put on a coat and tie have gathered to talk business. What the world-wide elite media will be forced to admit is that freedom is on the march in the Middle East. But the MSM will give Bush the Reagan treatment, “These events were inevitable as the sunrise. This dope had nothing to do with freedom taking hold.”

So it turns out that the MSM is again wrong. There is no anti-Western “Arab street” but there is a pro freedom and by extension pro Bush, “Arab street”. Let’s give them all a raise and more air-time to pontificate about things which they know nothing about except, if Bush is for it; we’re against it.

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