Friday, October 21, 2005

Let the wheels of justice spin. Bring the guilty bastards in.

Well Rove, Libby, Cheney and the intern that takes Barney for his afternoon walks all appear to be on their way to jail. For what, the gurus in the MSM have yet to determine. The MSM media only knows that these villains will be indicted on charges stemming from the non-outing of CIA chick Victoria Flame aka Lying Joe Wilson’s wife. The charges have been muddied by the fact that Flame Plame Wilson was not covered under a statute that is designed to protect the CIA’s covered agents. Essentially, she’d given up the cloak and dagger stuff long enough ago to be considered irrelevant as a covered source. She had become just another government bureaucrat driving in and out of the front gate at Langley for the whole world to see.

So Plame gets this big idea, not quite as big as Donny Deutch’s unwatched idea, I’ll send my lay about formerly drug addicted husband to Niger to drum a case AGAINST the government that employs me. That’ll move me to the top of the list for employee of the month. So Joe packs an overnight bag…with his pills. He puts his other non-essential stuff, like clothes, toiletries, CD player, cookies etc. in another bag and heads off to Niger. Pronounced with a long i and hard g sound by 98% of Americans until Plamegate where we learned it’s actually pronounced with a long e and soft g sound. Thank God the investigation got that much straightened out. Think how stupid one might have sounded at the next tea party mispronouncing Niger, a word that heretofore had never come up in anyone’s conversation.

So Joe sits around Niger tea shops sipping “tea” and talking to some government officials who confirm that Saddam had approached Niger officials about selling Iraq weapons grade uranium. Joe gets back and is debriefed by the CIA. He files no written report. Hmmm that’s odd. In the Marine Corps, we had to file a written report if we left base for an hour to visit the mainside PX. This guy travels to foreign country on Uncle’s nickel to drum up a case against his own government, but he’s not required to file a written report. Could it be that Joe’s report didn’t confirm what Plame wanted confirmed?

So what to do? Well, we’ll just lie a bit. Joe writes a story so filled with lies that only the New York Times would print it after some light editing by Jayson Blair. Dick Cheney sent me – lie. Saddam never tried to buy enriched uranium from Niger – lie. These falsehoods and others were exposed by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and signed by every Democrat and Republican on the committee. For Libs and the MSM such reports are the Bible when they excoriate Bush but are ignored when they point to the lying ways of Lib darlings like Joe Wilson or the utter irrelevance of a Lib hero and Walter Middy clone in the 9-11 debacle, some dip known as Richard Clark.

Now after two plus years the prosecutor is said to be readying indictments. For whom, on what, who knows. No prosecutor is going to spend two years of his life looking for foul play and then say, nope nothing there. If you talk long enough and to enough people inconsistencies maybe even lying is bound to come up. Think of the operator game. Tell something over and over to enough people and the original message is bound to become garbled at some point. Charges will be something so far removed from the original focus of the investigation as to confuse everyone. We can only hope that the crowd that tried to run an undercover operation against their own government is on the indictment list somewhere. But it’s a bizzaro world.

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