Friday, November 18, 2005

Who’s gouging?
Oil companies make about $.10 a gallon profit. The government, Fed, state and local makes about $.45 a gallon. So who is doing the gouging?

Oil companies gouge and are vilified. Wal-Mart doesn’t gouge but is none the less vilified for running gouging mom and pop stores out of business. Make any sense?

Suppose the person you hold most dear, for John McCain that person would be John McCain for PETA and environmental wackos it would be an endangered salamander, has been taken and held hostage. Police have captured one of the gang. They try plying information out him using the “ice cream social” method where everyone stands around licking a soft cone with sprinkles. In between bites of his chocolate cone dipped in chocolate, a cop casually asks, “So, do you know anything about this kidnapping?” The perp responds, “Screw you copper! That person will be dead by the time I go to sleep tomorrow.” Now, how many of you would condone shoving the perp’s face into a bowl of ice cream until he nearly suffocates to get the information on your loved one/thing?

So, we’ve established that every one of us are for torture. So, why all of the Amens for John McCain’s torture bill? We all pretty much agree that torture might be useful at some point to save a single life. What if terrorist have a dirty bomb in one American city, which one we don’t know? Wouldn’t it be useful to be able to twist some arms to find out? The next time something goes wrong, preening senators can be expected to step up to the microphone and condemn the intelligence community for not knowing what’s going on.

Where’s the media story
During the start of war we heard about America’s great technological advantage. Some even complained that Iraq was an unjust war because of our comparative military might. Now we’ve been engaging in a house to house battle with die hard terrorists for two years. It’s pretty much mano y mano. So where are the media stories about the incredible bravery, skill and daring of our boys? The same place as every bit of good news from Iraq, blotting up a coffee spill on the editor’s desk that’s where.

UN Internet
Kofi Annan tried to get his greedy little third world fingers on OUR Internet. He failed. But third world dictators won’t stop trying. They fear a free flow of information as an end to their power. They want to tax our Internet out of existence and spend the money on buying off the French, Germans and Russians. The Internet is ours. Al Gore invented it and by God we’re going to keep it. This won’t go away – remember the Panama Canal. We’re one Jimmy Carter away from turning the whole thing over to an idiot like Annan.

Return Saddam to power
DemoRATS have their shorts in a knot about Bush lying to get us into war. Bush ought to give a speech from the oval office, “OK DemoRATS, you win. I need 10 billion to reverse the progress we’ve made in Iraq, turn Saddam loose and restore him to his rightful place as the president of Iraq. We’ll be passing an “I’m so sorry card” through the senate tomorrow. If you voted for the war please sign it and leave a nice note for Saddam.” DemoRATS have no other plan for Iraq than to lie, “Bush lied to get us into war.”

Treasonous Jay Rockhead (RAT-WV)
From last week's Fox News Sunday:

WALLACE: Now, the President never said that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat. As you saw, you did say that. If anyone hyped the intelligence, isn't it Jay Rockefeller?

SEN. ROCKEFELLER: No. The — I mean, this question is asked a thousand times and I'll be happy to answer it a thousand times. I took a trip by myself in January of 2002 to Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria, and I told each of the heads of state that it was my view that George Bush had already made up his mind to go to war against Iraq — that that was a predetermined set course which had taken shape shortly after 9/11.

Sharing strategic war plans with Bashar Assad? You in a heap of trouble boy. Now Senator Rockhead is back peddling faster than a rookie corner covering Randy Moss man to man on third and long. The senator’s new story, “Well, no the trip wasn’t by myself at all. I was lying a bit there. State and CIA were with me every step of the way. Why, no I didn’t tell my good friend and friend of DemoRATS everywhere Bashar about our intentions with regard to Iraq. That was just a little fib. We politicians do that all of the time. And that bit about “imminent”, a word the administration never used, why I was just trying show that DemoRATS were just as tough as George Bush. That’s all. But now, we’re all anti-war cause there’s an election coming up you know. We have a moonbat base and we need to get way left before we come way right in Nov 08.”

Rockefeller is an idiot who needs to be jailed in G’itmo for a weekend.


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