Friday, June 23, 2006

Dark days for Democrats

The days are dark for Democrats and Democrat sympathizers. Why? Except for the World Cup, America is strong and leading the world. That, it seems, is the worst possible scenario for Democrats.

In Iraq the terrorists are being rolled up like a cheap throw rug. The newly formed Iraqi government has developed its own plan for dealing with the insurgents and getting US troops out their country. News of over 500 WMD being found across Iraq exposed the lie that the Democrat mantra “Bush lied us into war” has always been. Haditha has turned out not be exactly what corrupt Congressman Jack Murtha claimed it to be – cold blooded murder. Meanwhile, Democrats can only muster 13 votes in the senate for their various cut and run strategies.

While N. Korea is planning to launch an extended range missile for unknown reasons, Democrats and their willing accomplices in the MSM remain oddly silent about their consistent opposition to a Strategic Missile Defense. Democrats lampooned President Reagan for his SDI vision. Kerry blasted President Bush 41’s insistence on continuing the program after the fall of the Soviet Union and 43’s insistence on testing and fielding certain component of a missile defense system in Alaska two years ago. Now N. Korea is warming up a missile that may be able to reach the western US. Iran, with N. Korea’s help, touts the capability to reach Israel and large parts of Europe. You’d think someone somewhere would say, “lucky thing Reagan had his vision and 41 and 43 followed through or we’d be in trouble.”

President Bush was able to come to meeting of the minds with the EU regarding Iran. Worthless UN sanctions may soon follow. Iran’s open and defiant failure to comply with the UN will open the door for lucrative secret illegal business deals for the French, Germans, Russians and Chinese and US military action will be required 16 year’s and 18 UN resolutions later. But for today, Bush and the US get another foreign policy victory.

Domestically, the economy is roaring in spite of high oil cost. Karl Rove has been cleared. Immigration is set to blow up in Liberal’s faces. Lacking any clear plan on how to govern, Democrat’s last best hope was the so called “culture of corruption.” But sadly for the anti-America party, it turns out that Lady Corruption paints politicians of both parties with a pretty even hand.

Conservatives, with pretenders like McCain and Hagle and sucking up every possible TV appearance, are capable of blowing their opportunity. Conservatives need to stick with the House on immigration and stick with the president on taxes and the war. These are the three issues conservatives can win on in Novemeber.

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