Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Senate to take up fence issue

The senate is ready to take up the border fence issue. They are ready that is unless John, how can I get everybody’s attention, McCain decides one incredibly stupid and dangerous grandstanding ploy is not enough for one month. Barring any more idiocy from McCain and McCain wannabes like Lindsey Graham, the bill calling for 700 mile of fence along our southern border ought to get an up or down vote.

Given that upward of 70% of Americans think the fence is a good idea, and the fact that we are now within 50 days of an election, the bill ought to pass. But it’s a win-win, because if the bill fails it will at least smoke out Democrats and clueless Republicans before the November election.

The fence is the first step in what Democrats call “comprehensive immigration reform.” That is simply a euphemism for cramming so much into one bill that no one will vote for it. It seems pretty easy to me. Do the easy things for which there is the most support first. Then, issue by issue, tackle the tougher things. So it might look this:

- First build a fence.
- Next, develop a tamper proof ID for immigrants entering the country legally.
- Next, fine employers $10,000 a head if caught employing illegal aliens.
- Next, remove all government assistance, except life saving measures, to illegal aliens. No welfare. No driver’s license. No tuition assistance. No food stamps. Etc.
- Finally, amend US law, code or the constitution if necessary to eliminate the notion that any illegal baby who happens to be born here, probably at tax payer expense, is an automatic citizen.

If we took these steps, we’d not have to worry about deporting 12 million illegals. They’d leave on their own, because there’d be no benefit in staying.

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