What passes for leadership among Demo-Dopes? Given the pace of this not so lame duck congress, putting things off until the last minute and then blaming others is what Scrawny Harry this war is lost Reid and other Dopes would call leadership.
Dopes got their shorts in a wad when the tax compromise was reached. Many of the same Dopes with their shorts bunched in a wad between their butt cheeks, leaving precious little room for where their heads normally are, voted to place a 10 year sunset on the tax rates when they were first made law. Dopes are like a little kid who volunteers to cut the grass on Saturday, if he can use the car on Monday. When Saturday finally rolls around, the kid is wondering why his parents are so mean as to make him cut grass on such a beautiful day. “I gotta meet my friends at noon,” jr. complains. “Well, you’d better get busy then,” dad advises. Dopes have had two years to work on the tax rates. They did nothing. They did nothing because they were afraid that they’d take an even bigger @$$ whippin’ in November had they raised taxes.
Now the Scrawny weasel and his dope buds are up in arms that the Reps “are giving tax cuts to the rich.” Idiot. The mean old bastard had a 60 seat majority. Reps couldn’t do squat to stop anything the Dopes wanted to get done. But elections were coming and Pimp Reid thought it better to let that whole thing blow over before administering the coup de gras to liberty in America.
Well we all know what happened in November. So oily Harry comes back and just starts to try to ram all sorts of crap through the Senate. Four or five Republi-Rats were happy to act as his useful idiots. So we get an Omnibus pork laden spending bill, DADT, DREAM and START all laid out in addition to the tax deal. Harry lacks courage on a good day. He knew had any of this crap seen the light of day before the election, the 63 house seats the Dopes lost would have been closer to 100 and the 6 senate seats might have been 8-9. So now, in the last dying gasps of congress that doen’t reflect the will or the mood of the American people, the Demo-Dopes are going wild. The only thing stopping them is 20+ dopes up for re-election in 2012.
I’d strongly support a law that ended the congressional session the day after an election is held. Why are we letting these scumbags continue to ruin the country? They are no more representative of the country right now than your local Elks Club steering committee.
DADT would never have passed muster in the 112th congress, but it got done this Saturday for purely political reasons. Make no mistake, repeal of DADT had NOTHING to do with military preparedness. It had everything to with a bunch of know nothing weasels imposing their social agenda on the military.
I’m certain that the military leadership will set up sensible rules and regulations to govern the service of gays and lesbians. I’m just as certain that those rules will be challenged in every manner every step of the way. Until Bruce and Larry are living in base housing drawing ComRats as man and…what? Man I guess. Congress has just introduced another protected class into the mix of already too many protected classes. There will be all sorts of challenges as to why Bruce was denied command. Was it because his partner was running a gay dating service out of the spare room of their base housing or was it because Bruce used undue influence on his driver to find him date in the company for the gay pride parade. It'll be like Major Hassan times 10 on steroids. Political correctness in the Army allow a subversive to kill 13 people on a secure military base. Before the bodies were cool the Army Chief of Staff is hoping it doesn't lead create a Muslim backlash. WTF? What makes you think political correctness will allow the Army reprimand a gay soldier? I bet before it's over, PFC Manning claims that the only reason the Army is prosecuting him is because he's gay.
The really sad part is that it was totally unnecessary. But hey America, you asked for it. You got it. How’s all that hope and change working out for you now?
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