Wednesday, June 06, 2012


For obvious reasons, the unhinged left is in despair this morning. Scott Walker beat the Dope Mayor of Milwaukee Tom Barrett ~53% - 47%, which is about 4% more than Walker beat Barrett the first time around. It might have been 10 points had the wad not been there inspiring voter fraud.

After trashing the state capitol to the tune of millions of dollars to get the recall going and spending millions on the recall itself (all money well spent by the state of WI wouldn’t you say?),what was accomplished?

Union thugs were exposed as union thugs.
Proved the Tea Party is alive and well.
Proved Rev? Jesse Hymietown Jackson and Billy Boy put some ice on that Clinton are worthless surrogates unless you’re trying to shake someone down for cash.
Left wing nut cases like Eddy Schultz even more unhinged than normal.
Proved what a craven “leader” the P-BO really is. Once the polls showed that it wasn’t going well for his dark forces, he never stepped foot in WI and even avoided mentioning it.
Gave rise to a famous Andrew Breitbart moment when he told union thugs disrupting a Tea Party rally for Walker to, “Go to hell. No really, go to hell.”

Other than that, I wouldn’t draw too many conclusions. This is like winning a divisional game that gets you into the playoffs. A loss would have been devastating. But the victory means that you now have to get right back to work for the really big game.

Besides if you think the Demo-Dopes will let this go, you’re nuts. Until there is a system where the loser pays, they will keep on keeping on spending public funds to undermine elected, now twice elected, officials from doing what they were elected to do.

Case in point, defeated Dope Lt. Gov candidate - some creep union bastard named Mahlon Mitchell - said he wasn’t done fighting. After getting a king sized 9 point @$$woopin’ from a girl, Mahlon wants to go another round. Great. How many millions of public dollars is Mahlon willing chuck down another sewer so he doesn’t look like the weak creep loser that he is? Suck it up Mahlon. You got your arse whipped good. Now crawl back under the union rock you came from. Maybe they’ll let you act like a big shot there. If they are smart, they will fire you then kick your worthless @$$ out into the sun where you’ll dry up and die in few hours.

From the YGBSM dept:
The Ag Dept. has ruled that a Forest Service ranger who called the Border Patrol to help with translation of Spanish-speaking woman stopped for some minor infraction violated the woman’s civil rights. I guess the ranger was supposed to call my old high school Spanish teacher, Mrs. Brooks.

One of the many, many, many jackasses that populate the P-BO’s administration, Joe Leonard said calling the Border Patrol for assistance with someone who has run afoul of the law but cannot speak English is “humiliating.” What’s humiliating for a whole lot Americans is having a government so bloated with PC lunatics bereft of even tiniest amount of common sense and more interested in PC BS than doing what their job description calls for that idiots like Mr. Leonard are quite happy to put the entire country at risk rather than find out what people who are breaking the law are up to.

Mr. Leonard needs to have his head pulled from his @$$ long enough to tell him that he’s fired and then it can be put back where it belongs.

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