Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Litttle Barry: king of the straw man argument

Something weird is going on. The world is on fire because a clueless waif, aka Little Barry, and his @$$clown administration were warned of forthcoming attacks in the Middle East to coincide with 9-11. The Shrilldabeast took these threats seriously enough to prohibit Marine Guards from loading live ammo into their weapons in Cairo and went to all of the trouble to hire a British “security company” for Libya that would abide by the no ammo rules of engagement set by the world’s smartest woman, the Shrilldabeast herself. The predictable result is a dead American ambassador along with three others and al Qaeda flags flying over embassies all over the world.

OK that’s not really that weird. All of the players in this drama are acting to form. Little Barry is acting like the clueless affirmative action pass through pass through dumb@$$ that he is. And the Islamo-Terror-Fascists are like the hate mongering religion of perpetual rage that they are.

What’s weird is the MSM is more interested in Mitt Romney’s response to the Cairo embassy’s response to the ITF than Little Barry’s lack of one. When someone with a brain wrote Little Barry’s response 16 hours later, it was remarkably in tune with Romney’s. But the story was Romney jumped the gun. Not that Little Barry was slow on the draw and when he finally did he act, he acted just Romney just 16 hour late on the draw.

Then when the scope of the administration’s negligence in preparing for the attacks they’d been warned of began to surface so did the tape of Romney pointing out the obvious. So now as the world burns, the MSM is aflutter with stories about the 47%. Wait, I guess the MSM is also acting true to form as well – water carrying butt boy lackeys for Little Barry.

This morning everyone in the MSM talking about how smart Little Barry was to go on gap toothed unfunnyman Letterman’s show. There, as he is wont to do, Little Barry constructed the perfect straw man to knock down. Little Barry stuttered and ummed and ahhhed his way to this piece of BS about the Romney tape:

“If you want to be president you have to work for everyone.”

Nice little bit of work there Barry. First off, you’re a lying sack of $h!t. In the tape, Romney never said he wouldn’t work for everyone. This is proof positive what clueless moron Little Barry is. Romney was talking about votes he wouldn’t get - the 47% sitting around waiting for Little Barry’s people to turn on the gruel machine. He never said, “You know what? I won’t do one thing for those people.”

Little Barry set up the straw man then knocked it down and the MSM are running with what a compassionate guy Little Barry is. He isn’t. He couldn’t care less about non-union working people in this country. If he cares so much about working for everyone, why do we have Little Barrycare? No one but Demo-Dope pols wanted that piece of crap. Then they didn’t even read the bill but were sure to exempt themselves from it. That isn’t exactly what anyone but Little Barry and his water carriers in the MSM could call working for everyone.

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