Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday slap shots

Party of roaches
We already knew that Harry the roach Reid is a despicable senile thieving old bastard with worthless no-talent kids.  We didn’t know that there were 50+ Dopes just like him in the senate.  There’s enough hypocrisy on both sides of this issue to go around, but it’s the Dopes who pushed the button on the nuclear option.

Prediction:  If/when Republi-Rats take the senate back, they will not have the guts to use the measure passed by the Dopes to reverse the damage the Dopes are going to wreck in the next year or so.

War on women
MesSNBC limey dope Martin Bashir defecated in Mrs. Clinton’s mouth last night.  She’d already been dumped on so many times by Billbo, we’re not sure she noticed, or maybe she has just come to enjoy it.  Way to go Marty.  You’re doing a heck of a job.

Who is over paid
Some double douche bag over at - Matt Yglesias - penned this line of BS to cover King Triple D-bag’s skinny know-nothing azz:

Medical doctors are highly paid professionals. They earn more money—a lot more money—than your average American. What’s more, American doctors get paid more than doctors in any other country. Given how much of health care is financed either directly (Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, public-sector workers) or indirectly (tax subsidy for employer-provided insurance) by the federal government, it’s natural to make restraining doctors’ income part of any program for making health care more affordable. So when you read stories about doctors whining that Affordable Care Act exchange plans don’t pay them enough, please throw up a little in your mouth and proceed to ignore the doctors’ complaints. The only practical reason to worry about low compensation for doctors in the ACA exchanges is it may cause them to boycott exchange patients. If that happens, the solution is to reduce doctors’ payment rates elsewhere in the system.

My first take is OK fine.  Don’t finance any doctor for any research, education or medical service with any public money.  Problem solved.  Can you imagine Yglesias’ outrage were someone to propose that solution to his straw man argument?  This is the new line of attack for King Dim-wit and his merry band of airheads.  Blame the Republicans – who had not one thing to do with Robertscare save trying to stop it and warning of what is now happening, insurance companies –who with dollar signs in their eyes supported the scheme, the media – who turned a blind eye to colossal mangled mashed up mess that is the ACA  and doctors – who only go to school for up 12-16 years to learn their life-saving trade.  These are now the fall guys for the Dope overreach that is Robertscare.

The holiday season is upon us.   Let’s play a party game.  Which of the following do you believe should receive the most compensation for their occupations?
8th grade math teacher
Fireman, sorry firefighter
Real estate agent
The guy flying your airplane
Football star
The guy performing your lifesaving heart surgery

With the exception of the senator, I’m sure there are many good reasons why all of these people should be making good money.  I place them in the following order:

1.  Surgeon because he is correcting the most immediate threat to my life
2.  Pilot because if screws up a lot people, including me, get hurt, but he supposedly has a co-pilot to avoid disasters sort of like King Nit wit has phony bologna Biden – that is a terrible comparison.  One is worse than other depending on where you start.
3.  Math teacher has the ability to influence lives at an early age but only works 9 months a year
4.  Firefighter, anyone who rushes into burning buildings deserves to be compensated for that.  But let’s face they’ll never get to your house in time to save it.  They are primarily concerned with saving the neighbor’s house.  Maybe they need to have a bonus system where they are kept on a moderate salery unlit they prove that they will indeed rush into a burning building.
5.  Cop, sort of same as the firefighter.  They show up after the fact and take a report in 99% of the crimes.
6.  Football stars command the big bucks because of the money they generate by putting butts in a stadium seat or TV tune in factor, but I wouldn’t reach into my wallet to pay them very much, particularly given the culture of the sport.
7.  Real estate agent is worth his weight in gold if he’s honest, knowledgeable, courteous and interested in the customers needs.  So let’s face it, it’s easier to find Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yetti than that real estate agent.
ASIDE:  I happen to know for a fact that there is no such thing as a Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yetti.  But Lex, how can you be sure?  Simple, no redneck has one stuffed in the entry way to his double wide trailer.  If there were such things Phil and Si would have shot one by now.

That leaves us senators.  No matter how many occupations you put on the list from trash picker to child porn photographer, senator is always going to come in dead last and it won’t even be close.  I think it’s the arrogance of that group that just really Pees me off.  I can understand the incompetence, stupidity, ignorance, theft, etc. but being an arrogant azz while engaged in the process is just too much.

Trick question:  Notice the pilot and surgeon are “your[s].”  I wonder how many would admit skewing their list when it’s their own azz on line?  Bill’s heart surgeon is ranked 5th, MY heart surgeon is ranked #1.

Knock knock
If this isn’t sure sign of the utter decay of American society under King Pantload, what is?  Gangs of Eric the wad Holder’s “people” that look a lot King Douche’s punk son – if he had one- target white people and without warning smash them in the face.

The good news is that one King POS’s sons were shot…twice for his trouble.   What, only twice?  Did the gun jam?  Get a revolver.

King meets with lib yakers
King Dope met with MesSNBC yakers and Fox tool and Kool-Aid drinker Juan Williams to discuss how to lay the blame for Roberstcare off on someone else.  The meeting included Lying Larry Lawrence the liar O’Donnell, Eddy Schultz and the afore mentioned Williams.  Pics showed Rev? Al NotsoSharpton leaving the White House, but he didn’t attend the meeting.  He was only there to defecate in Queen Moochelle’s mouth.

OK all of that is a bit over the top, but it serves the purpose of demonstrating how vile it is and how a conservative would be looking for a job had they uttered such an obscenity.  But for MesSNBC it’s ops normal and a big yawn from the lapdog media, the Dopes and the “women’s lib” crowd.

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