Monday, May 18, 2015

Pope calls Abbas man of peace, Mickey Rooney world's tallest man ever

Pope Francis! What was you thinking?
Pope Francis called Palestinian President, for life apparently, Abbas a “man of peace.”  Uh, no he isn’t.  Abbas was elected president of Palestine ten years ago.  Fine.  Great.  Free and fair elections and all of that.  Except Abbas was elected to a four year term.  He’s cancelled every election since.

Existing in a total $h!thole of Arab imposed poverty, Abbas has somehow managed to become a wealthy man while drawing his “public service” salary.   He probably learned to profit while on a “public servant’s” salary from the army of thieving azzbags who populate Caligula D.C. who have perfected the art of looting the he treasury.  Most of Abbas's dirty money is probably coming from American contributions to Palestinians.  The Caligula D.C. crowd will be outraged, but only because Abbas has done a much better job at stealing more money than they have.

The man of peace is also apparently simpatico with Hamas.  You know Hamas.  They are the ones who have committed to “obliterate” Israel.  Hamas also has a wonderful video that they run on their TV channel, no doubt funded by the US that proclaims killing Jews brings them closer to Allah.  In 2013 Abbas claimed that there was “no difference” between his policies and those of Hamas.  Yes, those would be the words of a man of peace in the Middle East.  Once you kill all the Jews, then kill all of the Christians, then kill all the Shiites, then kill all of the homosexuals there will be peace.  For Abbas, ISIS, Hamas etc, “peace” is just a matter of killing enough people who refuse to think like they do.

The pope has to know all of this.  So why call another Middle East Arab azzbag a “man of peace”?  Well Nobel Committee gave an unaccomplished clueless dope of an Empty Suit a peace prize.  So…  I think it’s like when a parent heaps great praise about little Johnny’s study routine to the neighbors as little Johnny pours gasoline on the cat and flicks lit matches at it.  The parents are just hoping that the little Johnny will hear praise, his parent’s confidence in him, and try to live up to it.  Until dad beats his azz, he won’t.

Nice try Francis.  This tactic will not work with Abbas either.

Under Armour co-ops iconic photo
As a former Marine, I find UA’s ad offensive but not offensive enough to shoot anyone.  I guess if I was a man of peace along the lines of Mahmood Abbas, I’d issue a fatwa on UA and anyone stupid ignorant enough to wear one.  I’d compare anyone wearing this shirt an ignorant azz along the lines of douches who wear Che t-shirts.  They are not bad people for wearing the t-shirt.  They are historically challenged self-centered people who think struggling on the basketball court for an hour is somehow comparable to the life and death struggles Marines faced on a sulfur island for 38 days.
Here’s the deal.  Three of the six flag raisers were killed on Iwo.  So if roundballers what to take up a game where half the participants are killed during the game, fine wear the co-opted t-shirt.  Otherwise, come up with your logo, because clearly you are not worthy in any way to wear the bastardized rendition of Joe Rosenthal’s iconic photo of the Marines on Mt. Suribachi.

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