Wednesday, September 06, 2017

DACA a Dope made disaster

As far as I know, not one thing has changed with The Empty Suit’s BS unconstitutional executive order - DACA .  As far as I know, not one thing will change for the next six months.  So why are Dopes, Rat establishment Republicans (one in the same), the MSM, Hollywood etc. all bent out of shape over this six month notice for Congress to get off their lazy azzes and do something about this issue? 

Given the Republican’s tendency to cave on nearly everything, you’d think the Dopes and their unhinged base would be rejoicing in the streets and praising PDJT’s decision to let the Dopes roll the feckless weasel azzbag ReRs once again.  Instead of just ending the BS, PDJT kicked the ball back into congress’s court where ReRs will be running for the sewers as fast as they can.  When these idiot Lefty Libs praise this president for anything, look for the sun to rise in the west.

The reaction to PDJT’s deferral of action on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals has caused the Lefty Lib’s severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome worsen dramatically.  Well, to be honest everything about the Lefty Libs these days is dramatic.  Were it not for over dramatic reaction on their side, there would be no reaction at all.  They are totally unhinged. 

The worst case or Dope unhinged-ness is Dope Rep Looooeeez Gooooteeeeairez blast at Ret. USMC Gen John Kelly.  Gutierrez is the definition of a POS.  This race baiting coward has the temerity to question Kelly’s military service to this country.  Gutierrez is not fit to sniff Kelly’s dirty socks.  The fact that Kelly lost a son in combat makes no difference to this azzbag.  Recall the reaction to PDJT’s questioning the political motivation of a gold star family at the Dope convention?  Where’s the MSM outrage with Gutierrez’s comments?  In a just world, Kelly would put a bullet through Gutierrez’s empty head at 20 paces at dawn down on the Potomac River with a dueling pistol.    

Prediction:  Lefty Lib unhinged-ness will lead to massive defeats in 2018.

Here’s are the truths about DACA
Before unilaterally granting temporary amnesty to “dreamers” by signing the unconstitutional executive order on DACA, The Empty Suit said at least a dozen times that he could not unilaterally grant amnesty to “dreamers.”  

The “D” in DACA stands for “Deferred.”    The word “deferred” means delayed.  TES said the DACA was not a permanent solution and that congress would need to act to provide his unconstitutional executive order the cover of law.

DACA like Robertscare (were it not for John Roberts’s BS) would eventually collapse under its own unconstitutional weight.  A federal district judge had already frozen implementation of DACA.  The Supreme Court, on a 4-4 vote, upheld the district judge’s freeze.  Ten states are currently suing the federal government over DACA.  With Justice Gorsuch’s addition to the high court, DACA is probably doomed in courts anyway.  So, doing nothing would cause chaos with an immediate end to DACA based on that Supreme Court Decision.  PDJT’s action allows the congress to give DACA – or some form of DACA – the required legislative imprimatur and saves the courts from inflicting sudden chaos on the country when they find TES’s unconstitutional BS unconstitutional BS.

Dopes controlled congress and the White House with super majorities.  The Republicans couldn’t stop one thing the Dopes wanted to do.  If DACA is such a big deal, why didn’t the Dopes pass something when they had the chance?

For the ReRs, if the non-repeal repeal of DACA is so “cruel” (the Dope/MSM/Hollywood approved word for PDJT’s non-action action) why didn’t you send something on DACA to TES when you had the chance?

I come to find out that the “childhood” part of DACA includes “dreamers” up to the age of 31.  YGBSM!  Call me crazy, but a 36 year old ain’t no child.

ReRs are in a tizzy over PDJT’s decision for one reason and one reason only.  They are scared $h!tless to do their job.

Why does Lex support some form of DACA.  Most importantly, I don’t want to be a like Left Lib blaming a child/descendant of a person for the past sins of that person.  Next, does anyone seriously suppose that Republicans are going to round up children a la Elian Gonzales and boot them out?  It’s never going to happen.  Just do something that causes the least harm.  That’s a sad point of view, but it has the bright side of being a realistic one.

The tricky part will be what the proposal looks like and how badly the Republicans will get rolled.  It’s not a question “if” the Republicans get rolled.  There’s no doubt in my mind they will get rolled.  It’s only a question of how badly they get rolled.  The new bill cannot be a broader amnesty.  It cannot allow unlimited chain migration.  Recipients cannot be criminals.  Recipients must have job and English skills.  It has to have an end date whereby illegal alien children will be deported just like every other illegal alien.  In other words the BS has to end.

Hat tip to Cher who is actually will to tak the "dreamers" in.  No doubt that's only because there are no American children in need of her support.   

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