Monday, July 29, 2019

When they do not have a substantive answer, Dopes shout RACIST over and over again

Just like when PDJT took on “the squat,” Dopes are howling over PDJT telling the absolute truth about halfwit Elijah Cummings’ Congressional District – a rat infested hell hole that has more in common with a third world country than the tony neighborhood where Cummings lives.  
The first reaction from the left to anything PDJT says or tweets is that he’s a racist.  They don’t look into whether or not what he alleges is true of not.  “The squat” claimed PDJT’s tweet about them was racist even though he never mentioned them by name or ever mentioned race in the tweet.  So how is it everyone, including “the squat” themselves, knows exactly who PDJT is talking about – without ever mentioning them by name?  How is that possible? 
If I posted that a "certain reader"" was a low-life, unbathed, moron and then got a note from the Griffin or AfBro to stop talking about them, what is anyone to think? 
So PDJT has shown a very bright light on the sh*thole that is Baltimore.  The Dopes have no answer to PDJT’s factual allegation so they are left to call him a racist.  As is often the case when the Dopes and the MSM think that they finally have PDJT, it turns out PDJT is correct.  There’s a tape of Bernie Sanders making essentially the same claim as PDJT.  Video tape of the conditions in Cummings’ district are cropping up all over the place.  Black residents of the sh*thole are offering testimonials as to the actual conditions in Cummings’ district.  
Instead of admitting the problem and promising to do better, idiot Cummings and his lockstep Dope followers chant racist, racist, racist… over and over again until like the fan running in the corner people become accustomed to the noise, turn up the TV and just ignore it. 
After he was done with BS artist Cummings, PDJT rolled in on Grand Nan from San Fran Pelooser’s district.  You can bet if you’re a congressman that includes a sh*thole in your district you’re laying low.  You think anyone from LA or San Fran is going to speak up?  We’ll see. 

In the 2016 cycle Lex opined that PDJT should go into these Demo-Dope controlled sh*tholes and call out the Dope pols responsible for once great cities spiral into hell.  In the Marine Corps there was a fake term - recon by fire where Marines would fire blindly into dense cover hoping to hit the enemy.  I say fake because it was never an accepted tactic because it wasted ammo and no one could be certain what was behind the cover - a village maybe. PDJT is exploring the campaigning in Dope territory by tweet.

PDJT is once again forcing Demo-Dopes to defend the indefensible.  Well done, Mr. President. 
A JG rant Threefer on Monday
I’m catching up on my JG rants.  So much stupidity.  So little time.  Here you go.  
JG Rant #1: In defense of Gen. Wayne…again
Re: Terry Doran’s letter “Miss Virginia tribute ideal Wayne antidote” of Jul 28, 2019.
The Lieber Code or General Order No. 100, named after its author Franz Lieber and published during the Civil War, states in part, “The more vigorously wars are pursued the better it is for humanity.  Sharp wars are brief.” General Wayne’s sharp encounter with a British supported confederation of Indian tribes at Fallen Timbers brought an abrupt end to the Northwest Indian War and with it an end to much death and suffering.

It’s hard to stomach self-loathing historically illiterate Liberals acting like Stalin when they trash famous flags of the revolution, take a knee during the anthem, pull down statues, paint over historic murals, and attempt to rewrite history all in effort to bring down their own country.

Here are some facts that revisionists like Doran omit from their fairy tale history lessons. 1)  As brutal as it seems by today’s standards, General Wayne conducted his campaign within the principles of war of the day.  2) Those are the same standards that saw the Indian Confederation murder some 200 women and children camp followers after the Confederation brutally wiped out Arthur St. Claire’s army at Ft. Recovery.  3)  After the Treaty of Greenville, many of the Indian Chieftains Wayne defeated came to hold him in very high regard.

It’s nauseating to read whinny spineless Liberals who, under similar circumstances, would wilt like a rare orchid discarded onto the blacktop in the summer sun complain about the man in the arena locked in mortal combat with a savage enemy.       

Like Doran, I’m a big fan of Miss Virginia.  So I ask a simple question, why not celebrate both General Wayne and Miss Virginia.  Why does the Left insist on destroying something in order to lift themselves.

Miss Virginia tribute ideal Wayne antidote
“We invite the Fort Wayne community to resist honoring a day of celebration for an individual who led armed forces to murder and conquer the people of this land.” From a piece by local pastors Misty-Dawn Shelly and Timothy C. Murphy
“Miss Virginia Day is the perfect counterpoint to Anthony Wayne Day.” Chris Doran, author
“It's also amazing how few women we know and honor – even more reason to choose her.” Joe Ohlinger, professor
In 1989, this paper published my first attempt to call attention to the crimes of Anthony Wayne. Since then, I have written numerous letters and columns and produced a community forum on the shameful name of this city. To no avail. Now, there's a day dedicated to him.
So I have three points. 1) You can't sway thinking with facts.2) I am thrilled to see two members of the clergy write such a powerful piece. 3) Try a different approach.
During this time of frustration about the futility of my efforts, I came to know a remarkable woman whose humility and love of others boosted my spirits and gave me hope to keep going. Her name was Virginia Schrantz, but everyone knows her as Miss Virginia. I featured her in my documentary “Voices of Hunger” with Jamie Smead, but she did much more than talk. City Councilman Geoff Paddock says “Miss Virginia ... opened up her doors and her home for food, for clothing, for shelter, to almost anyone who was in need.” Others continue to carry on her legacy at her house at 1312 Hanna St., and a four-block stretch now carries her name.
So here's what I'm thinking regarding Point 3: a Miss Virginia Day, I know there are wonderful nonprofits dedicated to helping others. Let them all come together in a day of service and provide opportunities for all citizens to experience the joy Miss Virginia believed comes from helping others.
Terry Doran
Fort Wayne  
JG rant #2: Illegal aliens are a drain on public service
Re: Thom Bauer’s letter “Writer misunderstands Supreme Court's role” of Jul 22, 2019.
Many illegal aliens work and pay taxes, but the overall burden on public services by illegal aliens far outweigh any tax contributions that they may make.  For instance, 2 billion dollars annually is lost to emergency healthcare for illegal aliens.  A large percentage of that 2 billion dollars goes toward delivering anchor babies to illegal alien families. 

Since Bauer is worried about the loss of federal funding for Indiana schools, consider this:  the public schools are being overrun with illegal alien school children most of whom have limited English proficiency (LEP).  Nation-wide, the number of LEP student jumped from 3.5 million in 1989 to nearly 5 million in 2013.  Given the Democrats’ open borders policies that number is sure to grow exponentially at the next counting.

At last count the Federal government paid about 8% of public education to the states.  After federal government “contributions,” Indiana taxpayers shell out $609,759,457 annually to educate illegal alien children.

Why would Indiana tax payers be comfortable with sending their tax dollars to Caligula, D.C. where blockhead Democrats and Republicans then divvy those tax dollars up and send them back to the states?  Does that make any sense?

The likelihood of 3rd District losing its representative is absurd.  According to the last census, 3rd District had more people than it needed for a representative.  Given current growth patterns that is projected to remain the case for the foreseeable future.

I’m sure Bauer is correct that most illegal aliens work harder than Americans.  I’m certain the only reason the decrepit places these people come from are in such bad shape is because everyone there is just plain working too hard.  

Whatever else the Democrats say about counting illegal aliens, they don’t want you to know what the actual number is so as to eventually use them to cancel your vote. 

Writer misunderstands Supreme Court's role
Let's fact check James Schmelzer's letter (“Census ruling leaves reader 'sadly ashamed,' ” July 11).
Schmelzer says he has traveled to many foreign countries and never filled out a census form in those countries. There is a huge difference between visiting a country and living in a country. That is like comparing a watermelon to a lime. Both are fruit and both are green, nothing more.
Schmelzer obviously didn't read the article on how a citizenship question could seriously affect Fort Wayne Community Schools by undercounting and thus creating a $1,000 loss in federal funds per student per year. Which would mean a $10,000 loss per student until the next census. This, of course, would have to be made up by the city and state, meaning higher city and state taxes on homeowners, sales and various other means to make up the difference. Schmelzer doesn't tell us how he would overcome these issues.
Schmelzer also doesn't understand that the 3rd District might come into play with an undercount stripping the area of our representative. This would mean grouping districts together and possibly losing our voice. Not to say we would also lose clout in the Electoral College.
Another point is that immigrants (or whatever you prefer to call them) work in most cases – paying taxes which do flow back into the economy through purchases – usually much harder than most Americans. When they do gain citizenship, that work ethic stays with them. All you have to do is live in a large, diverse community, as I have in New York City.
It is sad that someone would be ashamed of the Supreme Court, obviously not understanding they are in place to litigate laws. Let me tell you what I am ashamed of: individuals who constantly peddle “fake” news and “alternative” facts. These are the true enemies of the people.
Thom Bauer
Fort Wayne 
JG rant #3: Don’t bore me with your moralizing, hypocrite
Re: Cindy Pond’s letter “Unchristian silence” of Jul 27, 2019
When Lefty Libs raise “Christianity” as a club to beat conservatives over the head they prove that they are lying hypocrites.  I’ll believe the Lefty libs’ bovine excrement on Christianity when the Libs stop advocating for the murder of babies born alive after a failed abortion; stop advocating for violence against conservatives by their thug army of masked fascist – AntiFa; stop vilifying every law enforcement officer from CBP to ICE to local police officers; stop cheering when Democrat candidates refer to half of America as “bitter clingers” or “deplorables”; most of all I’ll believe their insane double speak when they are capable of loving their neighbor wearing a MAGA hat rather than keying his truck.  Let that sink in.

Here’s the sentence in the tweet that got the perpetual PDJT haters’ shorts in a wad: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it’s done.”  Notice PDJT DID NOT demand or even ask anyone to leave the good ol’ USA.  Rather PDJT poses a good question.   If the USA hating, Israel hating, white people hating “squad” do not like it here, why don’t they leave?  The simple answer is that PDJT has made America so great again that even the people who hate her refuse to leave.  Let that sink in.

PDJT never once mentioned race or any names in his tweet on this subject.  Yet everyone knows who he was tweeting about.  How is that possible?  Let that sink in.

Let this sink in. You are a hypocrite of the highest order.  Remove the log from your own eye before pointing out the splinter in someone else’s eye.     

Unchristian silence
Northern Indiana is represented by a congressman and two senators who refuse to condemn their president for incendiary comments that have had the effect of endangering the well-being of four members of the House. All three of them ran on their “Christian” values.
Let that sink in.
Cindy Pond
Fort Wayne 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

No doubt it is time to rename many American cities. Geo Washington ordered Gen Wayne into battle for the Ohio territory. Wash DC needs renamed. Fort Wayne? Per Terry Doran Gen Wayne was a criminal. Of course Columbus Ohio needs renamed now. Baltimore was established by Lord Baltimore, George Calvert, as a refuge for Catholics. Well now ...the left needs to get with Rep Cummings and fix this immediately. It would appear many cities need changed as people become "woke". In a side note the Irish name of Doran shows up early in colonial times. Some research would probably yield the name of Doran in the Indian Wars. Forget renaming Fort Wayne to Doranville or Doranburg. And the name of for the state of Indiana stand! Indians! I propose the state be renamed to The State of Chief Wahoo! Go Tribe!