Friday, November 05, 2004


Senator Francois Kerry is probably headed off for a three week vacation, or as they call it in the Senate a fact-finding tour, to some obscure stylish location, maybe one of his wife’s five multi-million dollar mansions that he’d forgotten about. He’ll probably try to figure out where it all went wrong for him. He’ll blame the staffers. He’ll blame the girl he named as his running mate. He’ll blame the press, the American people, the state of Ohio, and his limo driver. The last thing that will ever cross Francois’ mind is that he is totally to blame for his drubbing. Francois had thirty years to win this election but he was too vain and arrogant to understand.

Francois had thirty years to make peace with his Vietnam band of brothers. His arrogance wouldn’t allow him to entertain the thought that his post-war activities hurt the men who served honorably in an unpopular conflict. After all he’s Francois Kerry American war hero who married a multi-millionaires and then a multi-billionaires. Why should he have to apologize for the lies that advanced his career? Don’t these pesky little people understand? Francois shouldn’t be judged by his actions but rather by his intentions. As always Francois put himself before everything else. He hitched his wagon early to the rising star of antiwar activities when it was most popular. Francois told the lies so many times with such conviction that he no doubt began to believe what he saying.

Remember, we know Francois always thought of himself as the second coming of John Kennedy. He never once looked into the mirror without seeing “President Kerry”. Why didn’t he see that somewhere during Reagan’s first term that it had became cool to be patriotic again? Francois should have seized the moment and repented for his antiwar activities and apologized to Vietnam vets. Had he done so the whole SWIFTVET debacle would have been avoided or mitigated to a great extent. But, Francois is NEVER wrong and Francois never apologizes. In fact he will destroy anyone who attempts to tell the truth, if it doesn’t square with his own high opinion of himself.

Had Francois displayed a bit of humility somewhere along the way over the last thirty years and simply apologized for his anti-American activities and for saying things he had to know were untrue, he might have avoided the fury of the SWIFTVET. But he didn’t. For that perhaps we can thank Mrs. Kerry for reminding her son that he lacked integrity three times on her death bed. One can only imagine what might have happened had she reminded him that he was a pompous arrogant a$$ by whispering to him “Humility, Humility, Humility”.

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