Monday, November 08, 2004


If there is a red herring in the post 2004 election analysis it’s when Libs and the media try to tell us that moral values equals gay marriage. The fact that they still don’t get is good news for conservatives. This silly notion espoused over and over by the know-it-alls goes something like, “George Bush won the election because Evangelical homophobic fascist gun toting pickup driving catfish eating rednecks turned out in droves to oppose gay marriage.”

While I’m sure a good number Americans resented four dopes in robes on the Massachusetts Supreme Court and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome’s attempt to rewrite 5,000 years of civil law, the problem for Libs goes much deeper. Besides if that caricature of Bush voters is true there is likely an opposite caricature of Kerry supporters that must also be true and goes something like, “Those Godless homo-loving communist Gucci wearing Volvo driving tofu eating elites turned out in droves to support gay marriage.” So let’s just say the caricature votes cancelled each other out.

Where does that leave us? Well, I think the values issue is much simpler and deeper than gay marriage. For the fourth presidential election cycle in a row Democrats have run a truth challenged candidate. There is no need to rehash Bill Clinton’s remarkable talent at lying straight faced. Everyone knows about Al Gore’s whoppers from 2000. Democrats, it seems, learned nothing from 2000 and ran a candidate that lied:

About being in Cambodia
About US servicemen’s honorable service in Vietnam
About conspiring with the enemy in Paris
About attending VVAW meeting when assassination of US Senators was discussed
About releasing ALL of his military records
About having the support of world leaders (Turns out he did have Arafat, Osama, and Kim Jung Il in his corner)
About meeting with the UN Security Council before the Iraq war
About not falling down on the ski slopes (The SOB Secret Service man “cut me off”)
About owning a fleet of SUVs
About dribbling a pitch from the base of the mound at Fenway (Blamed it on the catcher)
About spray painting himself orange before the first debate
About being a hunter
About being Catholic

OK, the last two are kind of subjective. “Integrity, integrity, integrity.” Kerry’s mom had to remind him on her death bed. Lying is a much easier concept for the average voter to get his hands around than gay marriage. If the Libs and media want to lay the blame for this election debacle on values i.e. the gays, that’s fine. But maybe they should start with the candidate. If the guy can’t get through one news cycle without fibbing maybe they should just find someone else. But why look at yourself when you can blame it on the gays and in the process call Republicans homophobic bigots?

Then there is this last bit on the values question and gays. Which candidate was it who got into trouble for his answer on the gay marriage issue? Oh, that’s right it was Francois. His idiotic injection of the Vice President’s daughter into the debate caused Lynn Cheney to refer to him as “not a good man”. Bad moral judgment on that issue may have caused more than a few of the Volvo drivers to come over to the Bush side.

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