Friday, May 18, 2007

Amnesty for 12 million plus their families

Lex and family have a yard sale today, or as I like to call it, a buy it for $50 and sell it for $5 sale. They are already picking through Lex jr’s old t-shirts. So let’s be brief.

It’s amnesty. It’s crap. 600-1,000 pages nobody has read yet they are ready to take vote. This thing needs debate, hearings, vetting among the American people and only then a vote. I have a knee jerk negative reaction to anything Ted Kennedy is for.

How is a government that lets 12 million people in the country illegally in the first place ever going to be able to administer a $5,000 fine, Z-visa, and touch back program? They aren’t pure and simple. Every one agrees that the border needs to be sealed. Start there. Seal the border, then work on this other stuff.

This is boon for the Democrat party not will they get the 12 million, they will get the bloated government bureaucracy that will run the whole thing. No doubt the 12 million illeagas will be hired by the government to administer the program tending illegals.

Jerry Falwell

Don’t know him. He did build a university and popular ministry. But the haters on the left, the same ones who preach tolerance respect for every aberrant behavior imaginable, have rolled in both guns blazing against a dead Jerry Falwell. Odd isn’t it. Love and tolerance for all - except for those who read The Book and actually believe what it says.

Gotta go. Someone's looking at my beer bottle collection.

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