Tuesday, May 29, 2007


The Daily Punctilio - aka the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette – published this gem supporting the obscene request by the school board for $500 million to fix up Ft. Wayne Public schools. Lex fired off this response which will never see the light of day in the DP.

Of all of the colossally stupid things that I’ve read on your editorial page since moving here in August last year, one of the comments in the Thursday editorial - Attack on Schools - has to take the cake…so far. I’m certain something dumber will surface when your inevitable support for open borders and amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens is published.

According to the JG, it’s not fair “to raise absurd comparisons with private schools that have next to nothing in common with a 32,000 student urban district.” How can the six people that make up the editorial board of the JG be so dim? Next to nothing in common? For crying out loud, WE’re TALKING ABOUT SCHOOLS. They should have way more in common than not. That’s the problem. In one case the schools act like schools. In the other case the schools act like some insane social experiment/day care center.

Other questions your editorial raise:

How is it that the Covington Road School is able to undergo a $15 million renovation without taxpayers footing the bill?

Have you told Superintendent Wendy Robinson that it’s OK to object to her hare-brained $500 million gold plated price tag? She alludes that anyone who does so is somehow a racist, an allegation which is and of itself racist.

Given that your editorial seems to concede the point that smaller private suburban schools are better and better managed than the large urban schools, when can we expect the JG’s editorial supporting a 60% voucher for the per pupil cost of educating a student in the FWCS? That would leave the FWCS 40% for doing absolutely nothing, which is precisely what many parents contend they are doing now.

When 1,000s upon 1,000s of responsible parents take advantage of the voucher to get their children out of pubic school hell, the FWCS could use the windfall to close failing schools, fire incompetent teachers and repair the remaining schools. As the FWCS improve, the students will return.

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