Thursday, June 07, 2007

Let's give it another shot

If the poll below is any indication, we may be having an effect. It’s time for one more push. If you don’t think this worth the time or effort to contact your congress people read this from Power Line:

Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation estimates that the net cost of amnesty over the next four decades will be approximately $2.5 trillion. Keep that in mind when you hear proponents of the legislation citing the misleading CBO figures they contrived to manufacture.

And this:

Sen. John Cornyn's amendment to the Senate immigration bill, which would have prevented felons from obtaining legal status, was defeated today on a 51-46 vote. My understanding is that most observers considered Cornyn's challenge to the compromise to be the most likely to derail it.

Bob Novak writes that there are only around 30 conservative Senators opposing the bill, with Jon Kyl, Johnny Isakson, Trent Lott and Saxby Chambliss, all of whom opposed last year's bill, supporting the current version.

Rasmussen reports that public support for the compromise package is slipping. Currently, only 23% support the bill, with 50% opposed. When given the alternatives of enacting the present bill and doing nothing, 49% prefer to do nothing, compared to 32% who favor passage of McCain-Kennedy.

Give your congress people and the RINOS Kyl, Lott etc. mentioned in the PowerLine story a shout and stop this insanity. Here’s mine:

You have got to be kidding me. Have you people lost your minds? An amendment to prevent FELONS from obtaining legal status has failed? So, let me get this straight, while we’re putting our own border patrol guards in jail, we’re going to legalize illegal alien felons. Have I gotten that right? 80% of Americans want the borders secured. Start immigration reform there. The ONLY good that can come from this bill is the eventual house cleaning that will take place in congress if this AMNESTY bill becomes law.

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