Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Now that the debate is over, global warming deniers are traitors

In the early days of trying to stifle debate, the Chicken Littles that comprise 99.98% of the global warming crowd simply assured us that “the debate is over.” They reasoned because several hand picked scientist believed that man made the earth’s temperature rise almost 2 degrees over the last century, everyone else should just shut up and agree.

It almost worked. But science is a funny thing. There is always some crack pot out there trying to disprove long accepted theories. And so it was with global warming. Now the crack pots have amassed mountains of evidence indicating that the earth has always warmed and cooled; and the 2 degree rise over the last century could most likely be attributed to natural warming and cooling caused by things like an overly active sun cycle or cloud cover patterns rather than driving the family sedan to work. Oh NO! The debate is not over.

Then the global warmers tried calling anyone who might dare question their harebrained theories “global warming deniers.” You know like Holocaust deniers. That ought to make them think twice about voicing an opinion contrary to our own, thought the global warming crowd. A crowd, by the way, comprised largely and ironically of pampered hypocrites that own a fleet of SUVs to run to the gate of one of their three or four 138,000 square foot mansions to pick up the mail or take them to the airport where they burn tons of fuel traveling cross country in private jets to pick up a cheeseburger.

This ploy didn’t work either. The hypocrisy of the global warming crowd was just too easy to point out. Let me get this straight - you believe this line of crap yet you use 150 times as much energy in a day as I will use in a year – but you think it’s my job to take the city bus to work? I don’t think so. Then there is the Jewish lobby who rightfully get upset when leftie loons compare anyone who might not share their world view with Hitler and the Nazis. It’s difficult to use this line of argument when there are still survivors of the Holocaust around to say, no George Bush isn’t quite as bad Hitler. And while I may agree with you that the Earth has warmed a bit over the last century, the evidence that man caused that warming is not quite as compelling as the number tattooed on my forearm.

Well now Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ups the ante again when he says this about anyone who questions the junk science of global warming, "This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors.” This is interesting. While the left refers to former Clinton National Security Advisor, Sandy Burger, as a disheveled, unorganized screw up to explain away his thievery and destruction of national security documents from the National Achieve and justifies the NYT’s publishing of national security secrets under the public’s “right to know” - they drop a T bomb on anyone brazen enough to point out, “You know, the Earth has gone through several warming and cooling periods in the past. As the matter of fact, one might say that the earth’s temperature is always changing.”

Yet they wonder why we don’t take them seriously.

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