Wednesday, July 11, 2007

One more round of charades before summer vacation

Here we go again. Congress must be back in session because all we are hearing about is how Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are going to end the war by Apr – that’s April next year I presume. Seems like a tall order for a bunch of bureaucrats whose only accomplishment to date is raising the minimum wage to cover the price of McDonalds Happy Meal – and even that is phased in over two years, was off-set with employer tax benefits and even then had to be attached to the more or less clean Iraq war funding bill that the president demanded.

MSM boobs cannot do a story on something as simple as the age old “it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalks of Phoenix today” without mentioning Bush’s anemic approval ratings – ratings, by the way, that have crept up bit since the Libby half-pardon. But seldom is heard a word - discouraging or otherwise - about the Nance and Harry's 14% approval rating. Congress would die to be as popular among fellow Americans as the president.

Watching these two hapless half wits – who together I guess would make a full wit – is humorous. The left hates ‘em because they can’t pull out Iraq fast enough and the right never did trust them. So in an effort to appease the looniest of the left wing, Nance and Harry double up on the swaying back of poor ‘ol Rocinante and tilt at the “end the war now” windmill. This makes an uncountable number of bills, resolutions, Pictionary art, charades and Etch-a-sketch drawings produced by Nance and Harry designed to fool the lunatic left into believing that they are doing something productive to end the war. Each in turn goes exactly nowhere.

These latest efforts, however, stink much worse than most. With a summer vacation that any working stiff would die for fast approaching, Nance and Harry have to get this latest round of charades in before jetting off to coddle another of the world’s despicable terrorist dictators or close on another crooked land deal. Even as our troops struggle facing the enemy in 120 degree heat in time honored American tradition to win the nation’s wars, Nance and Harry play charades and undermine that mission.

General David Petraeus, after the announcement of the surge strategy, was confirmed by the Democrat controlled senate unanimously – for those public school grads out there that means nobody voted against confirming the general based on his record, reputation or the proposed strategy for Iraq. Ohio’s biggest cry baby, Republirat George Voinovich, didn’t even whimper. Now, just over a month into the new strategy, Harry is calling the general incompetent. Democrats are declaring the new strategy a failure. And a new round of screw the troops and embolden the enemy resolutions are being rushed to the floors of both houses to satisfy the leftiest of the left wing base before summer vacation. Each in turn will go exactly nowhere.

You would think that these left wing toads would give the guy they voted to confirm – and thereby the guy’s strategy – at least the chance of success before undermining his authority among his staff and men by calling that strategy a failure and the guy incompetent. You’d be wrong. Nance and Harry cannot allow the strategy or the guy to succeed. They are too heavily invested in America’s defeat. And that is the reason 86% of their fellow Americas wouldn’t trust them to walk the dog our even water the plants.

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