Monday, June 30, 2008

Delahunt smug weasel

A MA Dem named Billy Delahunt was act acting smug on the hill the other day. No news there. Smugness and Dems is like Dems and higher taxes, Dems and socialized medicine, Dems and gun grabbing legislation, Dems and surrendering American interests in the Middle East, Dems and…well you get the point smugness and Dems go hand in hand.

Billy the dope Delahut took his smugness a step further when he suggested that it was a good thing that al Qaeda finally got a good look at Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff David Addington. Look at the video here and see if you don’t agree.

So Lex fired the following off to Billy the dope @:

Mr. Delahunt:

“Right, well, I’m sure they are watching, and I’m glad the American people finally have the chance to see you, Mr. Delahunt.” We know a smarmy, craven little weasel when we see one.

How about growing a set of onions and offering one of those non-apology apologies you slimy pols are famous for:

I’m sorry if my self righteous stupidity offended anyone. I was just trying to get my mug on the six o’clock news. Throwing another American under the bus seemed OK at the time. If you were offended – too bad for you, you really shouldn’t be – but OK, if it gets me on the six o’clock news again, I’m sorry.

Or you could try acting like a man and offering a sincere apology which would go something like this:

What I said to Mr. Addington the other day was wrong. Though we disagree on many issues, Mr. Addington is a faithful public servant and deserved better treatment than my petty and pointless taunting. I apologize to Mr. Addington, his family, my constituents and the American people who deserve so much better from an elected official. I beg your pardon. I will do better in the future.

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