Thursday, October 02, 2008

For the sake of journalistic ethics (gag), Ifill should step aside

The VP debate is tonight. I probably won’t watch. Why should I? I can tune in afterward and have the MSM tell me who won, what I should think about it and what it means. The answers to those questions I already know.

In order:

The MSM will declare Biden the winner.

They will tell me I should think that McCain is an idiot for picking Palin.

And it means it’s over for the entire Republican party.

Besides I have 7 yards of dirt being dumped in my driveway this morning. I may busy or too tired tonight.

Ain’t it funny that nobody knew that this Ifill gal had a pro B-HO book in the works and due to be published on inauguration day? You’d think that that bit of information might have been important enough for Ifill to share with whoever was doing the interviewing for the VP moderator gig. You know something like, “Oh great I got the job! By the way, did I mention that I penned a Lewinski job book on the B-HO family? But I’m sure I can be fair. You know like the OJ Simpson jurors during his murder trial. They swore they could be fair and uphold the law. That turned out well, didn’t it?”

Remember this the next time someone uses the term “journalistic ethics.” I suppose it’s too late to can this dishonest B-HO shill in favor of someone a bit less partisan. But think about that. Why couldn’t you call on someone ten minutes before the debate and say, “Ifill choked on a chicken bone. You’re the moderator.” How hard can it be to ask questions?

Senator Biden do you still think it's "patriotic" to pay more taxes?

Senator Biden do you still think the partition of Iraq is a good idea?

Senator Biden do you still think it’s a good idea to give Iran $250 million unattached American dollars?

Senator Biden do you still think that B-HO is not qualified to be president of the United States?

Senator Biden do you still think the first Iraq war a mistake?

Senator Biden do think your leader in the senate was treasonous bastard when he declared the surge a failure and the war lost even before the surge began?

Senator Biden do think Jack Murtha is an unpatriotic bastard for declaring Marines in Haditha guilty of murder before a trail?

Of course with Slow Joe you’d only need one question for the windbag to go for an hour and a half.

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