Thursday, October 09, 2008

Post-racial my butt

Lemmesee, B-HO is supposed to be the post-racial candidate – the one to bring us all together, right? Well why is racism more rampant now than ever? It’s come down to the point where you cannot say one word about B-HO or hell any Dem without being called a racist. That’s post racial?

And if you think it’s bad now, see what happens if B-HO gets elected. Good bye talk radio, Fox News, Washington Post, Weekly Standard et al. We just can’t have that racist stuff around questioning all of the good works of a B-HO administration.

B-HO is a dope – a high functioning smooth talking moron unfit to run the local diner let alone the country.

To prove I’m not a racist, here’s my unqualified black guy for president. Take 10 and check it out. This guy’s been around a while. He gets the point across and has fun doing it. I’d vote for him.

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