Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mitt agrees with Lex & asking questions

Forget the bailout

If you didn’t believe yesterday’s post about a bailout for the big three automakers being a bad idea – and seriously why would you – read this piece by Mitt Romney. If you don’t have time, let me recap:

Bailing out the big three, without fundamental change, will only lead to their slow and certain demise.

Romney makes the same points as below only a lot better, more artfully, provides more facts to back up his arguments, provides commonsense solutions, has the benefit of growing up in household headed by an auto executive and doesn’t rely on name calling - but other than that, the two pieces are essentially identical.

Worse than we thought

But the bailout is not what has me jazzed this morning. If you want to get that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you had when Ohio was called for P-E Obama on 4 Nov watch this.

At first I thought, YGBSM! Can there truly be people this damn dumb? Then I realized that not only are there people that damn dumb, but that they comprise a majority of the voting population. That’s when I jumped on the Internet and began looking for 300 more rolls of concertina wire to throw on top of the 12 foot electrified chain link fence around my compound.

If you don’t believe the video, try your own experiment. Sidle up to an Obama supporter and play along, “Yeah, I voted for Obama but it was tough. While I was in the voting booth, aside from running for president and writing two books about himself, I had a hard time coming up with any substantial accomplishments. What did you come up with?” Then listen for the sound of chirping crickets in between the ummms and uhs.

Do it quickly. About six months into his presidency, the number of people willing to admit they voted for him will begin to shrink. By mid-term of Jimmy Carter’s presidency, you’d have thought that Gerald Ford must have won in landslide because you could not find anyone willing to admit that they voted for Carter.

Now the Obama hope-n-change machine is trying to Joe the plumber the guy asking the questions. Joe the plumber asked a legitimate question that Obama answered honestly and what happens to Joe? He gets slimed in the media investigated by state officials and otherwise run through the mud. The same thing is happening to John Zoby now for the unforgivable crime of asking the questions.

Are we establishing a pattern here? It’s not the people answering the questions or even the answers themselves being scrutinized, it’s the people asking the questions. How scary is that?

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