Thursday, July 09, 2009

North Korea is the model for Cap and Trade

All you really need to know about the Cap and Tax bill is that even the EPA says will it will do little or nothing to control climate change if enacted unilaterally by the USA. That statement assumes you believe the mumbo jumbo being spread around by grand nit wit AlGore who trades carbon credits to get rich so can jet to and fro urging on his sandal clad, hemp wearing, urine saving, bike riding moron acolytes to harass you for not supporting Cap and Tax.

Meanwhile, the world's real polluters - China and India - have pretty much thumbed their noses at the us for suggesting that they too ought to get on board with Cap and Tax. HA! That'll be the day those countries consider what's good for the USA when setting national policy. Yet our Dear Leader thinks that we need to get on board with this economy killing BS to "lead the world." Hey DL, the world will be happy to sit by and watch you flush the USA down the toilet without ever lifting a finger to stop you.

You know who is well ahead of the world in reducing greenhouse emissions? North Korea. That's right Kim Jung Il is a model new world, new order progressive. North Korea uses so little electricity it cannot be seen by satellite at night. The people of NK are also starving to death by the thousands. That of course is a good thing in the carbon off sets world. Because animals emit so much toxic methane, it's a far, far better thing for Mother Earth to have people to starve to death than deal with livestock ranches and farms. NK is also developing clean and perpetual nuclear power - or so it says. And really who the hell are the big polluters like us to doubt a people who are doing so much to save the planet?

I'm thinking if the USA really wanted to "lead the world" in greenhouse gas reduction we 'd do one of two things, nuke Washington D.C. or follow NK's lead and turn off the lights and starve our people to death. But hey that's exactly where Cap and Tax will take us.

Oh and T. Boone is out of the wind business. Hmm I wonder why. Pickens is smart guy. Maybe he figured out that when the wind stops blowing there will be no electricity. I wonder how meteorologist who can't look out the window and get the local forecast for rain right were ever going to be able to predict accurately how much wind there was going to be from day to day?

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