Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Jones, Wright and Truman

Van Jones is out. That’s great, but how did he ever get in? I believe the only thing this administration regrets about having Van Jones inside the inner circle is that we the people found out what a lunatic he really is. There is no doubt that the Exalted one would still be front and center at Rev Jerry screw whitey Wright’s church were it not for Wright’s own vanity in having his sermons taped. The same probably goes for Jones. Were they able to hide the trail racist and irresponsible remarks they would have.

Oh and speaking of Rev Jerry whitey sucks Wright, heeeeeeeee’s back. That’s right the right Rev. Wright popped up from his hole long enough to call people who oppose Dear-Dope-a-care­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________ (fill in the blank): a) thoughtful people who happen to disagree with the idea that government should be in charge of healthcare b) Selfish rich people who do not appreciate the benefits of socialism on the way to communism c) RACISTS!!!! If you answered other than c, you haven’t really been listening to “the debate” on Dear-Dope-a-care where every argument and concern about the program is met with the same counter argument – “You don’t like Dear-Dope-a-care? Well then you must be a racist.”

Truman (aka the Dear Dope) takes to the airway again today – just like every other day - to talk to K-7th graders. According to Drudge, he’ll remind the kids to “wash their hand,” “do their best,” “stay in school” and eat all of their arugula. With advice like that to our kids coming directly from the top, it’s hard to deny that we really are becoming a nanny state. Maybe he’ll end his speech with his own stirring rendition of a Spoon full of Sugar helps the medicine go down. He’s also going to tell the kids that he – the Dear Dope – is doing all he can to fix their schools up. Ha. He isn’t and shouldn’t be doing a damn thing.

The Griffin had the right take on this thing in the comments section a few posts under. The kids do not care one hoot about the Dear Dope. They will be flicking boogers on each other, pulling hair or falling asleep three minutes into the speech. For that they will be given a time out and/or a swat. When the teacher - for whom the speech is really intended – has had enough and decides to punish the class with a quiz on the content of the speech, they will all get Fs. Thus a whole new generation of conservatives is made when little Johnnys and Sallys across the fruited plain (or in this case pain) are forced to listen to the Dear Dope and then get a time out, a spanking and an F all as a result of the Dear Dope’s narcissism.

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