Tuesday, October 20, 2009

If confrontation with Iran is inevitable, let's get on with it

If you ask the ordinary guy that is even remotely tuned into current world events if he thought that there would be a serious confrontation between us and Iran, I think the split would be about 80-20 that there will be a confrontation. Only some very tough talk, tough sanctions and a unified Western front backed by serious credible threat of overwhelming military force can prevent this inevitable confrontation from turning military and/or nuclear.

Given his tortured and vacillating indecision on reinforcements for engaged American forces in Afghanistan, the Dear Dope is likely as not to do nothing while he stalls wringing his soft, skinny, lady-like hands to the bone before he squares up and takes the problem head on.

As a result one of two things will happen, 1) the Israelis who maintain a realistic life or death word view and do not suffer with the Dope’s can’t-we-all-just-get-along-itis - will do a half-@ssed job attacking Iranian targets and pushing the need for Arugula Boy to make a decision off for a couple of years or 2) the Iranians will get a bomb, and if the nut jobs who run that country are to be believed, will use it - probably on Israel. Neither of these scenarios are good for anyone in the world.

Depending on timing, you have to lean toward option 1. Because the Dope thinks that like starry eyed college kids, the world’s depots are as enamored with his life story (less elections, a story devoid of any major accomplishment), his magic smile (if one can only avert their eyes from his jug like ears long enough to notice it), and smooth talk (if you are more into style, platitudes and teleprompter perfect delivery than substance). Guess what? Ruthless dictators can spot weakness a mile away and will seize upon it in a moment.

Guess what again? The scumbags of the world see and smell the fear and incompetence of Dooffus Maximus from across the world’s oceans. Iran will be content to talk and stall right up to the night before their first nuclear test. Israel will not.

Here is the plain truth reprted by CNN and spoken by Mitt Romney this weekend while addressing The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee:

The Iranian leadership is the greatest immediate threat to the world since the fall of the Soviet Union, and before that, Nazi Germany,” Romney said in a speech Monday to the pro-Israel group AIPAC at their national summit in San Diego, according to excerpts provided to CNN.

“The Iranian regime is unalloyed evil, run by people who are at once ruthless and fanatical,” Romney said. “Stop thinking that a charm offensive will talk the Iranians out of their pursuit of nuclear weapons. It will not. And agreements, unenforceable and unverifiable, will have no greater impact here than they did in North Korea. Once an outstretched hand is met with a clenched fist, it becomes a symbol of weakness and impotence.”

Romney – who has used a series of high-profile speeches to bolster his foreign policy profile in advance of a possible 2012 presidential bid – called on the United States to enact “comprehensive, withering sanctions” coupled with support for “the forces of freedom within Iran.” He demanded that a “credible” military threat must remain on the table if Iranian leadership insists on threatening Israel with annihilation.

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