Monday, May 24, 2010

Craven leadership on both sides of the border

Mexican President Felipe Calderon is a walking, talking sack of crap. The chief corruptocrat from the corruption riddled Mexican government arrived in Washington D.C. and wasted no time taking his host to task about an internal policy that was none of business.

Anyone who stands, applauds, echoes or condones his hypocritical banalities is not one iota better than he is. So that would include P-BO, his illiterate bunch in the Departments of State, Homeland Security and Justice who have criticized a 16 page law they haven’t taken the hour or so it would take to read and understand. Michelle Malkin put it best when she noted that this bunch won’t read legislation they agree with, why would they bother reading something don’t agree with?

Hypocrisies are not limited to clueless Mexican dopes running their country so far into the ground that all the descent working people seek employment across their the border. P-BO warns us that the new AZ law leaves the “potential” for abuse. This glittering jewel of colossal ignorance comes from a “constitutional lawyer.” Hey, bright guy, exactly what law doesn’t leave the “potential” for abuse? Name one.

I just had some excrement for brains census worker – a private citizen - threaten me– another private citizen - with the law. Because I wouldn’t answer his inappropriate questions, he whips out a sheet of paper threatening me with fines and jail. That’s abuse!

All of these people can shove it as far as I’m concerned. Some little wimp Mexican corruptocrat shows up here criticizing one of our states for interfering with a Mexican plan to ship as much unskilled labor across the border as possible and the little piss ant running the Mexican corruption machine gets a standing O from our own corruptcrats.

On the one hand Calderon tells us that people that coming across the border are hard working people that make our live better. Then the little know nothing tells us about all the gun running from the US into Mexico that’s taking place. Well which is it numbskull? Hard working laborers working for a better life, or scum bag drug runner looking for weapons? You cannot have it both way. Apparently there are some of both. We have a right to know which are which. That process is called LEGAL immigration.

Then to add stupidity to idiocy, a top Department of Homeland Security official reportedly said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities. Some arrogant dope named John Morton – who probably hasn’t read the AZ bill either said, "I don't think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution," to our illegal immigration problem. This dope in a sea of dopes that populates the current administration says that the AZ law is “not good government.” So passing federal laws and ignoring them is?

According to Morton, not only will the feds not enforce their own laws, they won’t lift a finger to help any state that does. Oh if only they were so compassionate if I decided not to pay my federal taxes or fill out a crummy census form.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good analysis, Lex. Here's the text of a letter I sent my non-representing representative.

AF Bro
Dear Congressman Heller:
I called your Reno office yesterday to voice my disgust with the disparaging remarks made by El Presidente Calderon and, more so, by the standing ovation our elected representatives and government functionaries gave him after he impugned not only Arizona, but our country’s sovereign right (and duty) to enforce our immigration laws. It seems that each day brings us a new outrage from inside the Beltway, and I am absolutely livid.
Tom McClintock had the courage to set the record straight. (
What have you and the GOP done to rebuke Calderon and his congressional fan club? To date I see no response, zilch, nada.
November is coming, and we the people will not let you or the 111th congress get away with the atrocious, arrogant and unconstitutional behavior we’ve had to endure.