Monday, June 28, 2010

A strategy of withdrawal

What was the Bush strategy in Iraq during the surge? Provide enough security to the Iraqi government and people to allow the newly planted democracy to root and allow adequate training for the Iraqi forces to our place.

What is the P-BO strategy in Afghanistan during our on-going surge there? Hear the crickets chirp? Does anyone even know?

Well yes I do. The strategy in Afghanistan during our on-going surge there is to prevent the total collapse of the Afghan government before P-BO can make his orderly troop withdrawal while declaring victory. We cannot have a total collapse of the Afghan government on P-BO’s watch. That would be a clear signal that he is incompetent. Better to do the S. Vietnam trick. Withdraw, then when the government is overrun claim that, “we did everything we could.” Well we didn’t do everything we could have in Vietnam and by all accounts, we aren’t in Afghanistan either.

Now, flashback to the campaign. What was the B-HO campaign strategy on the two wars. Oddly, it was that Iraq was a terrible mess that was depriving us of the needed resources to win in Afghanistan. That is not a bad strategy. Afghanistan was, after all, the good war.

But now that democracy has taken root in Iraq, available resources be damned, P-BO wants to pull the plug on Afghanistan in July 2011.

Weird huh? Afghanistan was the good war that needed to won during the campaign. Now it’s just a mess we can afford to walk away from on some timetable pulled out of a hat by the court jester – that would be Joe Biden.

Why the change from the good war, to just another war need to cut-n-run from? Simple, first and most obvious, Demo-Dopes are in charge. To them a half hearted effort that ends with thousands of dead Americans, early withdrawal and mission failure is the exact same as an all out effort that ends with thousands of dead Americans, continued American presence in a far away land and mission success. Second, the Afghan war is more difficult to manage than midnight basketball program. And as such it is way too hard to manage for the community organizer who found his way to the Oval Office.

We have to realize that this guy is in way over his head. Our best hope is to stop everything – including Kagan – until after the November elections.

Flash note:
West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd is dead.  For extreme fun watch the MSM twist itself into knots trying to airbrush this Klansman's true nature and history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The reports that you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief," Clinton said during the nearing. Obama said in hearings, and with Petraeus present, that Petraeus/Bush/MCain/Cheney "surge" plan was idiocy. So Hillary said he was a liar and Obama said he was stupid. Now the MSM claims Obama's selection after removing McChrystal is brillant and has taken Hillary's comments of their website (last week and after 3 years). In Obama-Chicago fashion and with Sec of State-Hillary claiming diplomatic success, the good general will be thrown under the bus and Obama/Hillary will wordsmith the results to fit the political winds. The true patriot is Petraeus. He knows that this crew cannot be trusted. Still he said yes because of his sense of duty. By the way...Big Ears and the Shrill One both promised to bring Bin Laden to justice. The scripts are written. If our troops get Bin Laden, Obama claims meeting his promise. We don't get Bin Laden, it is the incompetence of the general.