Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Establishment Republi-Rats no different than establiment Demo-Dopes

What does a sore looser do? He takes his ball and goes home or upsets the game board. What does a sore loser Republi-Rat do? Starts billing herself as a Libertarian (Mukowski) in order to weedle her way onto the ballot as that party’s candidate, withholds support for the Republican primary winner (Castle), runs as an “independent” after getting beaten in the primary (Christ) or changes party to avoid a serious primary challenge (Spector).

It’s like the Pretty Boy quarterback in a small town who has started every game since 4th grade being beaten out in his senior year by a new kid that comes to town. Instead of picking up another position or helping the team by helping the new guy, Pretty Boy starts calling the completion and telling them what the game plan is for Friday night’s game. Pretty Boy is a self-centered egomaniacal $h!thead who deserves desperately to have his @$$ whipped.

A few, but very few, on the team side with Pretty Boy. They try to sabotage the new comer by missing a block here and there or dropping a perfect pass.

Some, not many, but some in the Republican Party are like Pretty Boy and his followers on the team. I heard Karl Rove trash Christine O’Donnell last night on Fox after her stunning upset over establishment Republi-Rat Mike Castle. Rove whined O’Donnell would have a tough time defeating the Demo-Dope nominee Chris Coon. Rove isn’t out on much of a ledge there since Coon leads O’Donnell by 26 points according to one poll. The usually clear thinking Charles Krauthammer dumped on O’Donnell and two of her key Republican supporters - Palin and DeMint - the night before the election on Fox. What good did that serve? Who benefits?

Christine O’Donnell was the establishment backed Republican candidate for the senate against Joe J-O-B-S is a three letter word Biden in the last cycle. What has happened since? I tell you what. The Republican actually has a chance to win this time. So the establishment wants one of their good ol’ boys in there so that they can continue to pull the levers.

When these things happen, establishment Republi-Rats are proving themselves to be as worthless a lot as Demo-Dopes. It is as if these insiders have taken a lesson from P-BO. They lament the bitter clingers in the center of the country crashing the party and upsetting their here-to-fore sole ownership of the controls of power.

You can almost hear the pol hacks in the back room. Those damn people are showing up and voting their own minds, issues and candidates again. Damn them. Don’t they know that we know what is best for them?

For his part, sore loser Castle has withheld his support for the Republican who beat him like a drum, after Sarah Palin rode in and endorsed O’Donnell. Gee Mikey, why didn’t you just pull an Arlen Spector and switch parties to avoid taking an @$$whippin’ in the primary all together?

Castle is part of the problem. He has been running for office since 1966. He is a career politician, which means he is the problem. That means we’re better off without him.

But for the Republi-Rat machine and establishment pols, it’s not about new blood and new ideas, it’s about maintaining the status quo so that if and when power does shift, the establishment hacks will be pulling the levers of the machine. There is a swell in America today that “establishment pols” don’t seem to get, Demo-Dope or Republi-Rat. We’re in the mess we’re in because of YOU!

So when the people speak and oust one of the idiots who got us into the mess, the establishment is aghast. Why if this continues we’ll lose our power. So they close ranks with the establishment candidate, trash the upset winner and set about trying to sabotage the chances of the new blood in the Nov election.

In the feel good blockbuster of the summer, the new kid throws a long pass on the last play of the game. The receiver, who had been in Pretty Boy’s camp and dropped a couple of easy catches earlier, now realizes it’s the team, it’s the team, it’s the team that counts not one narcissistic loser. He dives, laying flat out and catches the ball just inside the line to win the game. Hopefully Rove and CK will come home soon and get back on the team.

The team in this case is not the Republican Party. Screw them. The team in this case are the principles and values that this country were founded on. Those principles and values have been under vigorous and unrelenting assault since P-BO said, so help me allah…er, uh, God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pres Lincoln went through the established row of non-fighting, top ranked generals to lead the union only to can them because they would not take the fight south. Lincoln caught a lot of grief for it. There was talk of impeachment. These generals were stuck-in-the-mud, always wanting more troops, did not appreciate the new weapons coming on line, and were mentally prepared to fight a Napoleonic type war of 60 years earlier. Lincoln found a hard drinking, poorly dressed Ohioan named US Grant that was always on the attack and did not let up. He put him in charge. The voters’ pendulum has swung hard and Lex is correct. The repub establishment is threatened by the Tea Party and conservative swing going on and they do not know exactly how to deal with it. I don't know if the character-flawed O'Donnell/Grant will win the general election but she is the dog with the most fight in her. The repubs must have got up this morning wondering who the 2012 repub Pres candidate will be. The traditional 80+ year old established white guy they would be picking from the back room or someone the voters demand. The liberal press also does not who to root for now. The earth has tilted 180 deg and is spinning backwards. The voters are going to get their way in Nov and neither the dems nor repubs can stop them. And 2012...the field is wide open now. The Griffin .