Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fiscal apartheid

The Griffin has noted that fiscal responsibility is “the new civil rights movement.” The train of thought goes like this:

The whites/feds are trampling on our civil/individual freedoms.

The white masters/crooked pols have rigged the system.

Civil rights/economic freedom is a national security issue.

I pondered this.

When the greatest political thinkers in history gathered to petition the king of England for their freedom, they listed only three inalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Today everything, it seems, is a right. Healthcare is no longer a responsibility, it is a right. When Lex was but a lad, he cracked his head open on a bed post. He was taken to the doctor, and his head was stiched shut. Lex clearly remembers mom writing a check to the Dr. on the spot. After all, it was a parent’s RESPONSIBILITY to provide for the health and well being of their children. Not any more. Healthcare is a right and the government, ie your neighbors, must pay.

Internet is no more a luxury item. It is a right. And to use the Internet one must have a computer, so that too is a right. Now schools, ie you and me, provide the computers and AlGore, ie the taxpayer, provides universal Internet access. Never mind that the recipients have three plasma TVs, the whole list of premium channels to go with it, that too is a right; and a cell phone with every imaginable app and feature, that’s a right as well. It seems that all of the new “rights” have nothing to do with human freedom and dignity but rather with what liberals can get the rest of us to pay for under the guise of being a “right.”

Affordable housing rights led to Fanny and Freddie and a near collapse of the American economy. Welfare rights and child custody rights have led to the destruction of the black family. The rights of criminals have led to a revolving door policy of incarceration, an open border and victims of crime being charged as criminals when they defend themselves from the actual perps.

So I wasn’t ready to jump onto the “fiscal responsibility” as new civil right train. I see it more as a battle against fiscal apartheid. Fiscal apartheid is legal malfeasance practiced routinely by the privileged few against the will of an overwhelming majority.

If you put public funding for abortion to a vote of the people, it would be defeated 70-30. Yet our federal government funds abortion under the thinly veiled notion of providing “reproductive healthcare to poor women.” That’s fiscal apartheid.

The same goes for the funding of NPR, NEA, NEH, the UN Commission on Human Rights, the Teddy Kennedy museum etc. etc. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not want to contribute one dime of their hard earned Yankee dollars to fund such leftist BS activities. Only the fiscal apartheid practiced in congress allows such expenditures to continue.

Healthcare is greatest example of fiscal apartheid in the history of the country. Demo-Dope majorities of the 535 pampered Washington weasels forced this liberty killing line of crap that no one to this day has read and completely understands onto an American public who have opposed it from the start. An infinitesimally small minority of US citizens have legally forced a fiscal albatross around the neck of every American and their posterity, and their posterity, and their posterity. All of this was done by well-meaning leftists who confuse rights with responsibilities.

So I would characterize our struggle as one against fiscal apartheid rather than a new civil rights. But in the end, it’s all semantics. It’s people railing against the fiscal injustices forced upon them by another group of less enlightened people.

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