Friday, March 16, 2012

First, get their guns

As seems to be the case more and more these days, there are way too many BS things happening at once than is possible to cover.

First, here’s something near and dear to my heart. A Marine Gen, Maj. Gen. Mark Gurganus, ordered his Marines to disarm themselves in a combat zone to listen to Def Sec Leon Panetta. I cannot see great warriors of the past agreeing to be disarmed in a combat zone while some second rate politician from their OWN COUNTRY gabs on about such and such.

Gen Gurganus claimed that he wanted his Marine to look the same as their Afghan counterparts who are not allowed to be armed at such events. Well guess what Gen? They are not the same. If they were, the shooting spree by the Staff Sergeant would be hailed as a great accomplishment and would be a common occurrence.

The absolute proof positive that they are not the same is the fact that the Gen didn’t decide to give his “Afghan partners” their weapons. He DOES NOT TRUST THEM. So instead he sunk to the lowest common denominator, let’s give all the boys trophies option. He took his own troops’ weapons and proved to them that he doesn’t trust them either.

Mission accomplished in true Lib fashion. Instead of making people more equal by lifting them up, make them more equal by bringing excellence down. Beautiful. No doubt Marine Commandant, Gen Amos, was against this until the political wind blew in the face of his ambitions.

Then there’s this.

42% of college graduates say they plan to move back home after graduation. If ever there was a solid argument against a college education, that’s it. Overall about 13% of adult children up to the age of 42 move back home. That’s the Obama economy and frankly there’s nothing wrong with it - moving back home that is.

While most parents want their children to grow and move out, they are willing to lend a helping hand during troubled times. After all, it was not that long ago that there would be three generations under a single roof. We’ve since outsourced the care of our aging parents the old folks homes.

But I think we’d agree the goal is to get adult children out on their own. Part of that is teaching the children to work. Now the government is getting involved. As with everything the government does, they are 180 degrees out of phase with the goal of teaching children to be self reliant.

In the mindless bureaucratic mills of the federal government’s Deps of Trans and Labor, they are working overtime to regulate family farms out of business. Last year Dep of Transportation numbskulls were trying to regulate farmers out of business by demanding that anyone who operates farm machinery undergo the same rigorous testing and certification as over the highway tractor trailer operators. BS. It should be the other way around. The goal was to get farm kids off the family tractor.

This year the Dep of labor is making a run at the family farm. In spite of advances in farm safety, the new rules proposed by the busy bodies in the Labor Dep would limit the amount and type of work mom and dad can ask jr. to do on the farm. After all, who knows better what jr. is capable of, mom and dad or Sec of labor Hida(bag) Solis? Why the bureaucrat of course.

It’s insane. What the government wants is to destroy the work ethic of farm families. The government wants us living in the government’s basement so speak. They want us dependant on then fearful of losing a government benefit.

As always, it’s the conservatives asking to just be left the hell alone. It’s the liberals saying hell no.

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