Monday, May 07, 2012

Is Julia the poster girl for NOW?

The incomparable Peoples Cube: Rosie Vs. Julia and Sandra
Julia, the P-BO’s fake girlfriend, no wait, that’s some other chic. Julia is the faceless, although obviously white or white Hispanic, avatar the Demo-Dopes have come up with to portray the modern woman. NOW should be madder than a female executive who has bumped her head against the glass ceiling so many times the NFL wants to use her brain for its concussion studies. But they aren’t.

NOW was the bunch that used to say, anything a man can do, a woman can do better, except for math and science, balancing the checkbook, drive and most sporting events. So NOW took action and forced schools to equalize sports funding under something called Title IX. The result is a plethora of women’s sporting activities that nobody will watch for free funded by male sporting activities that people will pay big bucks to see. Sort of like Ward Cleaver bringing home the big bucks so that June Cleaver can do her house work in those fashionable dresses.

Title IX seems so very retro in that regard. The guy is continuing to pick up the check for the gal. The one thing that has changed, the gal doesn’t even say thanks anymore.

So the Dopes come with Julia who apparently can not do one damned thing without the government clearing the way for her, giving her a hand out or picking up the tab. Is that the composite woman NOW hoped to have created with their decades old assault for “equality”? Julia appears to be hapless weakling who could not get out of bed had the government not supplied her with an alarm clock. You’ve come a long baby.

Julia demonstrates the utter failure of the women’s movement. Lib Julias have hooked their wagon to the male sugar daddy presidential candidate who will give them the most free stuff.  Way to go Sandra.  You're doing a heck of a job.

And while we’re talking the failure of movements, how about integration? How’s that working out? We have all black colleges, the black Miss USA, all black frats on campus, the black student union, the black caucus in congress, black entertainment networks etc. etc. Is there an all white any of that? And if there were, would it be racists?

I saw this on the tv news. Some poor sap valet parking guy at an area restaurant got into trouble for identifying the car with the driver and the party by writing on the parking ticket “black girls.” Well the guy is so obviously a racists. And the black girls were all offended by the description. What, African American girls?

But the most hilarious thing, was the very next story on the news was about the Black Girls Run in Washington, D.C. You cannot make this stuff up. It seems, black girls who run are a lot less sensitive to the term “black girls” than black girls who eat out, and whitey needs to know this.

None of this, of course, strikes a Lib as odd. A woman’s movement that is established to demonstrate women’s strength and promote equality is quite happy when a Lib man portrays them tiny know nothings who require a man’s help in getting through life. But they scorn traditional marriage. Weird huh?

And integration is only a problem at the local Country Club. Private black girls’ clubs are just fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julia has come a very long way in the wrong direction from JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you..." speech.

AF Bro