Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Lawyers, Courts and Borders

Lawyer full employment act or the endless litigation of Robertscare
At some point in the run up to Robertscare, Lex warned that because the law was so poorly written - 2,600 pages of crap with several times that in indecipherable HHS BS regulations layered on top of that - that the law would trigger an avalanche of law suits.  This thing will be litigated – hopefully – to death.  The first few rocks of the impending avalanche have tumbled.  Hobby Lobby is the most recent.  With that decision hand, others are now following.  Read about it here.

Rule of 5 outrages the perpetually outraged
One of the hysterical left Lib’s favorite memes these days is that 5 men settled a case about “women’s health.”  Men, you see, are incapable of deciding a case on a women's issue.  Taking that argument to its absurd end, would the hysterical mob argue that only 5 black justices could repeal slavery?  Besides, I hear no call by the mob to re-litigate Roe v Wade which arguably was a much more critical case for “women’s health” (as "health" is described by the mob) and was decided by 7 men.

Does that mean that the hysterical mob doesn’t really care if men make the decisions on women's issues as long the decisions are in line with their way of thinking?  Why yes.  I believe that’s exactly what it means. 

The “I am woman hear me roar” crowd get their patties in a wad when a man holds the door for them or offers to buy them a drink, “Shut up you sexist pig,” they explain.  “I can do whatever a man can do, only better.”  For some reason, that self-sufficient F-U attitude of the NOW gals melts away when their Uncle Sam offers to compel others to pay for their abortion or cough up the lousy $9 a month for their contraceptives.  You've come a long way...back...baby.

Channeling Lex
When the King SFB inspired chaos on the border began, Lex opined that whatever the cost of that chaos, it should be recouped from the USAID targeted for the countries responsible for creating the chaos.  That sentiment is now catching on.  Billbo O’Baxter (aka O’Really) and John McCain have recently come on board with that sentiment.  I think I heard Lindsey Gramnesty call for suspending NAFTA until Mexico secures their side of the border. 

I think the congress ought to do what they can actually do.  Change the law and allow for the immediate deportation of unaccompanied illegal alien children from all countries.  Kick them back into Mexico and let the corruptocrats in that BS country try to deal them.

Ahhh, waiting for congress to do their job is sort of like a kid sitting up all night waiting for Santa Claus.  Year after year, it's an exercise filled with eager anticipation of getting a glimpse of the jolly ol' fat man only to be hauled up to bed by dad and waking up in the morning with an "Aww, shoot!  I missed him again."  Only later in life do you find out that you NEVER had a chance to see him.
We should know by now that we'll NEVER see congress do its job because as currently structured - life-time corruptocrat appointees to the Caligula D.C. ruling class nearly as bad as Mexico - it is totally incapable of doing the job.

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