Friday, July 11, 2014

Left Libs war on women

Because some of us are of the opinion that if a woman wants to use birth control or have an abortion she ought to have to cough up the cash for those activities, the Dopes have labeled us as having a war on women.  It’s as if the ONLY issues women care about are who is going to cough up the 9 bucks a month for their birth control and who will allow them unfettered access to the Kermit Gosnells of the world for free and unlimited abortions.

Dopes, particularly those individual, free and radical thinkers on the American campus who for all their professed individualism, freedom and radical thought always seem to march in a lockstep unison not seen since the Nazis paraded into Berlin, buy the “war on women” meme hook, line and sinker.  Leaving aside Billy boy Billbo Clinton who waged a literal one man scorched earth war on women enabled by his witch of wife, it’s the dopes waging a war on any truly free thinking woman.

Take Holly Fisher’s case.  I’d never heard of Holly Fisher.  That is until after the Hobby Lobby case.  This private American citizen, a mother of 3 and Army spouse posted this picture of herself on her Twitter account.
After that picture was posted, someone tweeted, “the only things missing were a flag, a gun and the Bible.”  So in honor of the 4th of July, Fisher posted this picture to her account.
Left libs showed their true colors.  All hell broke loose.  The left descended on this woman.  They have become so rabid, there is now a “kill Holly Fisher” page on Facebook.  One nut posted this picture comparing Fisher to an Islamo-Terror-Fascist homicide bomber.
This is just a woman who a week ago, outside her own circle, nobody knew existed.  Now she’s public enemy #1 for left libs.  For what?  A couple of pictures?  Nice.  Tolerant. Very affirming to women.  Truly left libs at their best.  Don’t you think?

For her part, Fisher seems to be handling fame well.  During an interview on Fox and friends she explained that the picture in front of the flag was to honor American and the 1st and 2nd Amendment freedoms.  Who could be against that?  Left lib loons, that’s who.

Then there’s the case of Kendall Jones.  Jones is a big game hunter and travels to Africa to hunt.  I have read that most of her hunts involve tranquilizers.  She once “shot” (tranquilized) an injured rino so the animal's injured leg could be tended to.  That makes no difference to left Lib loons who have descended upon her with all manner of hate.

One Dope politician is channeling Larry Flint by offering a 100K for nude photos of Jones.  Billbo Clinton has demanded to see any such photos, uh for verification purposes only of course.

Keep in mind that these women are not judges, politicians or even the usual B list tv and movie people trying to get one last bit of attention for themselves.  Until the photos of them surfaced and became the shiny objects that distracted left Libs from their usual targets of hate/tolerance, they were just a couple of young women going about their own lives not bothering anyone. Now they are targets of death threats from the tolerant left Libs.

During her interview, Fisher hit the nail on the head.  She thought the uproar was just a way to get conservatives to shut up.  She won’t.  But some, not wanting the attention, will keep quiet.

Oh, given their familiarity with weapons, threatening either of these two could put a hole, literally, in your health.  But, by and large, left libs are a cowardly lot.  So, I doubt that anyone gets hurt.  If someone does, my money is on one fewer left Lib.  Good riddance.

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