Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Building a coaltion with smug, lying, incompetent cluelessness

Coalition building is proving harder for The Empty Suit than finding all of those “shovel ready jobs” that it turns out weren’t so “shovel ready” after all.  Why is The Empty Suit having trouble getting his coalition together?  Is it because he’s a liar?  Maybe.

I think by now world leaders are discovering what about 89% of thinking Americans have discovered - The Empty Suit is a liar.  TES on Jan 27:  When the New Yorker pointed out during an interview on Jan 27 that the flag of Al Qaeda is now flying in Falluja, in Iraq, and among various rebel factions in Syria; Al Qaeda has asserted a presence in parts of Africa, too TES responded:  "The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant."  Then on Sep 7 TES stammered this lie: “Keep — keep — keep in mind I wasn't specifically referring to ISIL.”  Well who was it then that was in Falluja and causing trouble in Syria on Jan 27th?  It’s all a BS lie as transparent a lie as, “If you like your doctor.  You can keep your doctor. Period,” or “There not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS.”

But I think it’s deeper than TES consistently keeping the truth at arm’s length.  More important to these people who TES is asking to go to war with him is that know he’s incompetent.  On Jan 22, 2009 TES ordered Gitmo closed within a year.  Today is Sep 16, 2014.  Gitmo is still open. 

Now you could call the order a lie, but it’s much deeper than that.  TES made a great fan fare of signing theorder.  Then before signing the executive order, TES asks the room how the closing will be accomplished.  That’s a good question to ask before everyone files in for the signing ceremony.  It’s telling that no one in the room has the slightest clue how it will be done. But hey it made for good press.

TES issued a red line to Syria on the use of chemical weapons.  When Syria used them the first time, TES said we weren’t sure they were chemical weapons or that Assad was the one who used them.  When it happened again, TES said what red line?  When questioned further about it he said he didn’t draw the red line the world did.  BS. 

These are examples of a far deeper problem than simple lying.  He’s totally incompetent.  He does not know what he’s doing.  Worse he has surrounded himself idiots who are as clueless as he is.  Chief among the idiots around TES is Slow Joe Biden.  Then there are the ditz sisters Tweedle dee (Jen Psaski) and Tweedle dum (Maria Harf) at the State Department.   You could not go to central casting and get two people who inspire less confidence that the government is being run by adults than these two hashtag queens.  How’s that #BringBackOurGirls thing working out?

Then there’s the smug Pentagon wannabe Adm Kirby trying to explain away the “we’re NOT at war”, “oh yes we are” argument among administration grandees.  Describing someone in this administration as smug pretty much covers the waterfront starting with TES himself.  Smug AND incompetent is not a good combination for any administration.

So lying incompetence are not the things strong coalitions are made of.  If you throw in the cluelessness that this administration prides itself in, you have the trifecta of how not to build a coalition.  When DOJ gun running scheme surfaced TES claimed not know a thing about it.  Eric the wad Holder took the same alibi.  The lapdog MSM covered for them, as if not what knowing what the hell is going on is good thing.  When the IRS scandal broke TES claimed he read about it in the papers.  At first he was outraged.  Then he called it a “phony scandal.”  Then he told America there’s “not even a smidgen of corruption at the IRS.”  TES and the Shrilldabeast claim not to have had the slightest indication that things were going bad in Benghazi.  They blamed the whole thing on a video.  Then dismissed the entire incident with a, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

So why in the world would anyone with a brain sign onto a coalition with a lying, incompetent and clueless bunch of smug buffoons?

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