Monday, December 01, 2014

Fate was the hunter. Brown should have wised up at any one of 1,000 points to stay alive

Michael Ramirez captures the plain truth in one frame.  The commie agitators and the permanent victim class don’t want to see it or hear it.  The “it” in this case being the truth.
It’s time to play the new hit game sweeping the country called “Wise up.”  We’re here with our studio audience.  Each has a  green to check button to continue in the game and a red button to hold meaning they’d stop right there.  Here's the point of our game:  The first one to wise up before being fatally shot while advancing as far down the time line as possible wins.  Ready?  Well then let’s all “Wise up.”

It’s 12:30 in the afternoon in the hood.  You decide to get up early.  (Check or hold?)  Well only the guys working the 3rd shift have “Wised Up” and are holding at this point.

It 12:45 You’ve spent 15 minutes selecting the pair of trousers that expose just the right amount of your butt crack and underwear.  (Check or hold?)  Oh a couple of racist cracker moms and dads have “Wised Up” and are holding on that one.

It’s 12:50 Nothing to do so you plug in your profanity laced, Ho beatin’, Ho impregnatin’, homo bashin’, child abandonin’, drug usin’, gun glorifyin’, cracker hatin’, cop killin’ rap and crank it up. (Check or hold?) Uh oh, more cracker mom and dads are holding and even a few educated blacks who recognize pollution when they hear it are “Wising up.”

It’s 2pm Your friend calls telling you he scored some awesome loco and demands that you “get yo nigga azz up and get over” to his place to blow a couple of Phillie Blunts.  (Check or hold?)  Oh no Johnny, this is our first mass exodus of mostly concerned white and black parents “Wising Up.”  Even if they get high themselves, they don’t want their kids involved with drugs.

It’s 2:30 You’ve run out of cigarillos.  You decide to walk to the convenient store to get some more.  (Check or hold?) A coupe of lazy kids are “Wising Up” here.  Why walk anywhere when you’re already high?  Dude chillax. 

It’s 2:40 You arrive a the convenient store only to realize you traded your last EBT card and your 12th Obamaphone that week for the weed and have no means to procure more cigarillos.  (Check or hold?)  Game over for a couple of more kids here.  They have no imagination.  They think because they have no money they can’t walk into the store and take what they want.

It’s 2:41 You enter the store intent on taking what you want without paying.  (Check or hold?)  Last chance conscious check.  Ahh, a couple more have “Wised Up” and are holding right there.

It’s 2:45 The store owner confronts you as try to leave his store with stolen merchandise.  (Check or hold?)  Worried the racist owner may just shoot their azz off for stealing, a couple of more are “Wising up” and holding right there. 

It’s 2:46 You threaten the store owner and shove him out of your way.  (Check or hold?) Uh Oh Johnny another big exit point.  Lots are “Wising Up” right here.  If the owner didn’t shoot you for stealing, he’ll certainly blast away after you assault him.  NOOOOOO! Our perps are on their way. 

It’s 2:47 Not wanting to call any attention to yourself or your crime you decide to return to your crib by the most direct route possible – walking down the middle of the street. (Check or hold?)  Seems harmless enough.  Everyone is checking and staying in the game.  No one is “Wising Up here.”

It’s 2:55 A cracker cop approaches, instead of making a bee line for the sidewalk you continue walking up the middle of the street.  (Check or hold?)  OH no!  The cops a big exit here.  More people are “Wising up” and leaving the game.

It’s 2:57 The cop stops and tells you to get up on the sidewalk. (Check or hold?)  Seems reasonable for most the players to comply but nobody’s gonna get killed for walking in the middle of the street most check and continue.

It’s 2:57:10   You tell the cracker azz cop to f*ck off.  (Check or hold?)  Over the line for couple here to unnecessarily antagonize what you already know to be trigger happy cops.  They are “Wising Up” right here.

It’s 3pm The cop repositions his car to block your path.  You hand the stolen cigarillos over to your friend to confront the cop.  (Check or hold?)  What?  Dude you know the cop is a racist looking for any excuse to shoot a brother, what are you doing man?  One guy “Wises Up” and holds right there. 

It’s 3:03 You reach in to the car and struggle with the cop.  (Check or hold?)  We’re down to last three players.  They are all checking.

It’s 3:03:45 The cop tells you to get back or he’ll shoot you.  (Check or hold?)  Everyone is still refusing to “Wise Up” with that warning.  

It’s 3:03:50 You tell the cop he’s too big a p*ssy to shoot you.  (Check or hold?)  Uh oh this is going to enrage the racist cop whose only goal since waking up in the morning was to shoot an unarmed black man.  But everyone remarkably is checking and still in the game. 

It’s 3:04 You punch the cop twice in the face.  (Check or hold?)  Oh, it’s intense now.  One check, two checks, three checks.  Amazingly everyone’s still in the game.  You can cut the tension with a knife.

It’s 3:05 You struggle with the cop for his weapon.  (Check or hold?)  Holy cow, someone’s sure to hold now.  NO!   Incredibly no one has “Wised Up.”

It’s 3:06 The cop fires several shots inside the cop car striking you once in the hand. (Check or hold?)  Immediately just one contestant slams down the hold button and “Wises Up.”

It’s 3:07 You run away.  (Check or hold?)  OK both are checking and still in the game as this seems to be smart move.

It’s 3:07:20 You hear the cop giving chase so you stop and face the officer.  (Check or hold?)  Both are checking here, although the likelihood that the racist officer will just shoot you down is, of course, always a possibility.

It’s 3:08 The cop has his weapon drawn and pointed at you demanding that you get down on the ground.  (Check or hold?)  Both are checking knowing they always give at least one more chance. 

It’s 3;08:10 You decide to charge the officer.  (Check or hold?)  Still two checks. 

It’s 3:08 50 The cop fires a series of shots hitting you several times. You stop. (Check or Hold?)  Two checks here.  You are going to die in the next move so might as well check here. 

It’s 3:09 The cop again orders you to get down.  (Check or hold?)  Wow!  
We’ve hit an unexpected loop.  It looks like the same scenario again.  Surely he’ll warn you a second time.  So both player are checking.

It’s 3:09:10 You decide to charge at the cop again head down in a bull rush.  (Check or hold?)  One slams down the hold button.  The other is playing on.

It’s 3:09:15 The cop fires another series of shots killing you.  GAME OVER!

Here’s our runner up.  Bobby nice try.  Too bad you didn’t “Wise UP.”  You went a mere 5 seconds too deep into the timeline and got your azz shot off before you “Wised Up.”  What were you thinking? 

Bobby:  Well I remembered that Clint Eastwood movie when after a long chase, not knowing if he’d fired all six rounds in his revolver, Clint asked the punk if he felt lucky.  The punk chickened out but had to know if there was a round left.  Turns out Ol’ Clint had used all six rounds.  I didn’t want to go down like that punk.

Wink:  Well Thanks for playing Bobby.  Johnny what parting gifts do have for our runner up?  

Johnny:  Wink we have a deluxe box of Swisher cigarillos, an all out roadside memorial with floral displays, candles and a teddy bears.  In addition we’ll loot a neighborhood liquor store for him and then burn it to the ground.  And…Gloria Allred is suing the police department, the city of Ferguson, the police officer, the gun manufacturer, the ammo company, the company that manufactured the magazine in the cop’s gun, the cop car manufacturer, the company that paved the road you were shot on, the company that manufactured the officer’s uniform, the governor, the entire state and the federal government.  Congratulations Bobby, you win 50 million dollars.  The government will take half of that, of course.  The lawyers will take most of the other half leaving you just enough to buy another box of cigarillos.

Wink:  Here’s our winner.  Mary from Elmira, IN.  Congratulations Mary.  Why did you “Wise up” when you did? 

Mary:  It just seemed right.  I’d already been shot several times.  I knew that continuing to charge the officer wasn’t going end well for me. 

Wink:  Johnny what do we have for winner?

Johnny:  You get an all expense paid trip for 6 months in Juvee Hall! 

Mary:  Huh? That’s not a very good grand prize.

Johnny:  Well Mary if you wanted a good prize you should have “Wised up” earlier.  The real winners in today’s game are the contestants that “Wised up” at the 12:45 mark.  Everything after that was a bad decision.  Those who “Wised up” at the 12:45 mark will receive $10,000 after taxes.  Congratulations for “Wising up.” 

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