Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Would Feinstein have tortured someone to stop the Pakistan school attack?

DiFi and zoomie Amos on Paki terror
When asked about the 140+ dead school children in Pakistan, Senator Diane Feinstein said, “Thank goodness we didn’t torture anyone to stop it.  As dead as those poor children are; as horrific as their deaths must have been; as terrified as they must have felt in their last moments of life, the real tragedy would have been if the CIA had gotten information to the stop the attack by making a Muslim uncomfortable for a few minutes.  I thank God our CIA didn’t waterboard some poor economically deprived jihadi, deprive him of sleep or play loud music to try to get information that could have prevented the attack.  140 dead school children is a small price to pay for me to be able to stand up here and lecture you about how morally superior I am to all of those of you who would have done something to try to stop this.”

These Taliban bastards are the exact same scum of the Earth that wannabe Gen famous zoomie Amos was all bent out shape over because a couple Marines p*ssed on their dead bodies after dispatching them to meet their 72 virgins.  Amos was reportedly heard to say about the dead school children, “I don’t know what the big deal is.  It’s not like the terrorists p*ssed on anyone.  That would make me want to ‘crush’ them.”

Sony - DON'T LOOK!
Hollywood is in panic.  The lefty libs at Sony Pictures have been exposed as catty, semi-racist boobs.  One Sony exec went on Rev? Al Not-so-sharp-ton’s MSNBC wreck of TV show to try to rehabilitate herself and salvage her career.  Anyone who has ever been caught up in one of these things knows, apologizing only makes it worse.

So Sony is claiming that these are private communications and that the media should shun publishing them.  If published, the public should shun reading them. That is the exact same logic lefty libs used when military and state secrets were leaked to the Washington Post and NY Times.  No.  Wait.  They actually reveled in that when it occurred under Republican presidents.  They got on their high and mighty “freedom of the press” horse and printed the secrets and used them against the administration.  “The people have a right to know” the high and mighty proclaimed.  Now that it is their ox being publicly gored they complain about a free press and the people’s right to know.

First off, we already know what a bunch hypocrites people on the left are.  Nothing they could do or say along that line would surprise us in the least.  Second, for that reason, I don’t think anyone on the right gives a crap about what a bunch of limousine liberals have to say about one another.  The real damage to these bozos is the damage that is being done to them among other liberals.  That’s why they are in such a rush to shut the story down.  All of this crap is “SUN RISES IN THE EAST…AGAIN” journalism to us.  It’s always the left that is seemingly surprised, “I'll be danged!  How many days in row is that now, honey?  It’s gotta come up somewhere else tomorrow.”  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
Do a movie on killing GWB and they get awards. Do a movie on a thug dictator and out of fear Hollywood pulls it from being shown.