Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Catch up Tuesday

Pope adds 8th deadly sin - capitalism
If Pope Homer and the USCCB want to take the Catholic Church down a rat hole on some absurd theological issue fine, but the church shouldn’t be dragged into that rat hole by supporting stupid political views.  Pope Homer, hot off his screed on global warm-mongering, recently claimed that “unfettered capitalism is the dung of the devil.”  What?  Capitalism is the dung of the devil and not say the big 7 - lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy or pride?  Or disease, totalitarianism in all of its forms, war, poverty, ignorance, pornography, slavery, religious persecution, famine or addiction?  Capitalism is the dung of the devil?  YGBSM.

First off, aside from criminal enterprises such as drugs and prostitution, which are by definition illegal, where in the world does “unfettered capitalism” exist?  Don’t rack your brain.  It doesn’t.  The pope knows it doesn’t.  So what’s his point?  His point is to demonize the word “capitalism.”  Capitalism has done more good for more people in the world – including the Catholic Church – than anything else.  Where does the pope think Catholic Charities get the bulk their donations?  From Communist Cuba, China, Venezuela?  I don’t think so.

I think the pope is a Marxist.  I wish he and the USCCB would limit their comments to things affecting the Catholic faith which grew under the last two popes and is now going to go into a steep slide if politics become more important this pope and the bishops than the gospel.   The Protestant Church tried going down this road years ago.  Their pews are empty as a result and gave rise to the evangelicals.  If the pope and the bishops want to destroy the church, keep going down political rat holes.  

Speaking of Global Warm-Mongering
Here’s all you need to know.  They'll be ice skating on the Tames again soon.  

The Donald update
I heard some idiot talking head on TV complaining that the Donald was raging on about illegal immigration again because he gets so much publicity on the issue.  OK why does he get so much publicity?  Well the MSM azzwipes tried to destroy him on the issue.  That’s why. 

But the Donald has a higher IQ than whole bunch combined.  They thought they could shame him into restating and apologizing 10,000 times for his original statement.  He made the media look like the fools that they are every time they tried nail him the issue.   Trump’s mastery over the media on this issue can be summed up in one line, “Someone is doing the raping Don.” 

Now Mexican drug kingpin El Chapo has joined the chattering class and Rat Establishment bastard by threatening the Donald.  The Donald has responded by telling the MSM that he’d kick el Chapo’s azz.  He’s not in my top five of preferred candidates, but Trump has the fire I wish every other establishment Rat Republican had.

Speaking of top five.  Scott Walker is now officially in the race.  As such, I am officially a Walker/Cruz Cruz/Walker guy. 

Non-deal deal with Iran
The Empty Suit is on TV right now.  Let me boil it down for you.  He’s telling Iran, “If you like your nukes you can keep your nukes.”   Unlike when he lies to the American people about their healthcare plans, in excrement head speak in this case, he means that the Iranians will be able to keep their nukes.  Why any rational person trust this pant load crap is well beyond me.  Here’s one problem.  Iran will lie to us.  Here’s another.  TES and band of lying thieving weasels will lie to us.  So both sides will lie straight to our faces.

The only way to verify this deal is to let the Little Sisters of the Poor monitor both sides.  The Sisters would have to monitor that the Iranians aren’t violating the deal and they’d have to monitor that our State Dep. the UN and NATO $h!ts aren’t lying to us about the Iranians violating the deal.

TES brags to us that all Iranian sites are open to inspectors.  He forget to tell us that we have to tell the Ayatollahs which site will be inspected and when.  Anyone who is familiar with drug testing knows that if you announce who is going to be tested a week before the test, everyone will miraculously come up clean. 

If you want to know if the deal is any good forget about listening to the opinions of any of the Caligula, D.C. ruling class thieves.  Listen to what Israel has to say about it.  Then watch the other Arab Gulf states.  They will let their opinion about the deal be known.  Watch what they do.  The Gulf Arabs don’t build nukes the old fashion way, they will just buy them.

$h!t for brains is still droning on.  He’s getting to the wrap up where he will tell us the deal is better than going to war with Iran which he will claim is what anyone who opposes the deal is advocating for.  That or they are just racists. 

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