Monday, August 14, 2017


Were it not for all of the racial healing inspired by The Empty Suit for 8 years, the events in Charlottesville this weekend would indicate that we’re in serious trouble.

First, White Nationalist should call themselves “separatists.”  As I understand the movement, one of their goals is a separate white state.  By simply calling themselves separatists, they could co-opt black lunatics that have the same goal but want a different state and don’t get half the condemnation that White Nationalist.  There’s also La Raza a group that shares separatist notions but also rates little condemnation from the MSM.  At a minimum, White Nationalists need to take the word “white” out the title.  It’s embarrassing to share the same skin color as some of these chuckleheads.

Two, when PDJT noted the violence “on many sides” the MSM went nuts.  Lemmesee, as far as I know, it takes two to have a fight.  Some news accounts indicate that the police “stood down” to allow AntiFa thugs in to disrupt the White Nationalist’s 1st Amendment right to march.  We’ve seen this police tactic before in Ferguson, Berkeley and Baltimore.  The police “standing down” and allowing anarchists to run amok never seems to pan out.  Why do they keep doing it?  Slow Joe Biden chipped in with a tweet, “There is only one side #Charlottsville.”  No Joe if there was “only one side” there would be no such thing as war crimes.  Anything would go.  You cannot allow thugs to disrupt other people’s 1st Amendment rights.  Marching and protesting are as American as apple pie.  Sadly Leftist beating the protestors is also an American tradition.  Free speech is protected.  Violence against people saying something you do not like is not.  So, Slow Joe there are at least two sides.  Let’s face it, no matter what PDJT said, the MSM wouldn’t like it.

Three, The Empty Suit and worthless AG Eric the wad Holder set race relation back 50 years when Holder refused to prosecute “his people” for voter intimidation.  Seems to me a society cannot brush aside the accomplishments of an entire race of people by attributing their success to “privilege” rather than hard work.  Jimmy Greek was pilloried for attributing black athletic success to breeding and genetics rather than hard work.  Now any white guy who has a decent job needs to “check his privilege.”  Add all of this to colleges engaging in open discrimination against whites – particularly white males – and at some point you get some kind of push back.

Four, purposfully running a speeding car into a crowd of people and killing a woman is murder – plain and simple.  

Last, all of this has been brought on by Demo-Dope's identity politics.  For as long as I can remember, Dopes have been dividing people by race, income, religion, sexual orientation etc. etc. Everyone is allowed to have month of recognition and earn victim status except whitey.  Everyone is supposed to “celebrate” their ethnicity except whitey.  I think I’ve said on this page more than once we never have a color blind society as long as we engage in stupidity of “Black History Month” and affirmative action.  The whole point of those two racist activities is to segregate us.

Conspiracy Theory 4-17:  George Soros is funding both sides of the current brouhaha.  Soros needs legitimacy for his AntiFa goon army.  What better way than to earn that legitimacy than to have them engage a bunch of racists; separatists or whatever willing to run a speeding car into a crowd?  If you can do that, you might just get a braindead former Vice President of the United States to say AntiFa is the only side.

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