Monday, November 13, 2017

Moore, the short and fat Kim Jong Un and AFA El Supremo channels Lex

Roy Moore
Because he irritates all of the right people, it’s hard not to support Roy Moore.  Like the bumper sticker that reads “Annoy a liberal.  Buy a gun.”  I’m apt to think another one could read, “Push the liberals over the edge.  Elect Roy Moore.”

I do not know the truth of the allegations leveled against Moore.  I do know that they are 40 years old and surfaced 4 weeks before an election, so color me skeptical.  Those facts cause me believe that the story is, at a minimum, politically motivated.

I also find it odd that many of the same people rolling in on Moore with such unbridled outrage seem to be perfectly okay with Billyboy Billbo put some ice on it Clinton sexually harassing and raping his way through a 30 year political career.

Where are the calls for Billbo to return all of the speaking money and foundation money donated to a rapist and life-long sexual harasser?  Harveywood elites, college students, military members nearly everyone who looks sideways at a dame* is being savaged while Billbo goes on his merry way unscathed.

You’d think given the plethora of evidence against ol’ Billbo in this era of pillorying sexual harassers and abusers, no matter how old the allegations, ol’ Billbo would be at the top of the “public enemies” list.  He’s not.  Why?  He’s the biggest scumbag out there.  Why isn’t there any interest in harpooning this whale?  

Note: Yeah, I know they won’t like that word.  That’s why I used it.   

Good thing PDJT would never call Kim Jong Un short and fat
I’m sure the Lefty Libs, MSM and people trying to demonstrate their moral superiority over the rest of us are appalled at PDJT’s tweet declaring that he’d “NEVER call [Kim Jong Un] short and fat” thereby calling the North Korean “leader” short and fat.

I’m not appalled.  There’s an old adage in the comedy business: good humor always has an element of truth in it.  PDJT’s roundabout way of stating an obvious truth about Kim, combined with the fact that the news flash comes in the form of a tweet from the President of the United States, to me, is hilarious. Mrs Lex's eyes are rolling, followed by an "Oh brother."

The hand wringers will whine, “He’s going to get us into a nuclear war!”  I don’t believe so. If one does ensue, the blame can be laid at the feet of a long line of US presidents and diplomats that thought giving the North Korean commie bastards what they wanted – nuclear weapons - was a sound US foreign policy.

Speaking of moral preening…

Wannbe AFA El Supremo channels Lex, stands by his BS words after being duped by a hoax
El Supremo’s excuse for being played like a clueless a-hole is like global warm-mongering.  Everything – including unseasonably cold weather – is caused by global warming.  So it is with El Supremo everything is racist.  The fact that the incident that triggered El Supremo’s knee-jerk reaction calling the entire student body at the AFA prep school possible racists turned out to be a hoax doesn't matter.  Someone out there somewhere was thinking it.  Because someone was thinking it, for El Supremo it’s perfectly okay to trash his own institution for something they did not do.

No doubt, morale at the AFA is at an all-time high because nothing improves morale like being accused of something you had nothing to with.  No doubt El Supremo has cancelled all leave and liberty at the AFA until all non-existent racist come forward for more group punishment.  El Supremo will not rest until the non-existent racism is stamped out at the AFA.

It’s time to admit that the military has been infiltrated by Lefty Lib loons bent on its destruction from within. Exhibits:
1. USMA El Supremo
2. AFA El Supremo
3. With “leadership” or lack thereof demonstrated by the AFA El Supremo is it any wonder the AF is down 2,000 pilots?
4. Bergdahl judge who let the traitorous bastard walk
5. The judge who gave the TX shooter a scant one year sentence for beating his wife and child
6. Inability to prosecute the most obvious Islamo-Terror-Fascist held at G’itmo
7. Navy vessels giving up the ship, running aground and into anything and everything that floats
8. Precious resources being spent to accommodate sex change operations and a lifetime of medical care
9. Women in combat
10.   Advocating for drafting women

11.   Every military standard reduced to the lowest common denominator to accommodate diversity 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Roy Moore slandered? I hope he sues WaPo. Let's see if this is true or BS. And in the same vein checkout Oberlin college being sued by the Gibson Brothers bakery. Three students caught shop lifting found quilty. Cops say no racism involved. Oberlin jumps in with all kinds of bogus racism claims. Now going to court. Oberlin standS to lose millions for very false claims. It is time to attack the liars of racism, sexism, sexual harrasment making up false claims and hit back. For too long justice has not been rendered. The Griffin.