Monday, May 14, 2018

Don't tell anyone, we are all dying

Everyone per usual is looking to be offended as hard as Boob Nifong Mueller is looking for collusion in PDJT campaign.  No one, it seems, is looking harder than John McCain’s family.

They are hanging their outrage hat these days on some off the cuff remark that a White House staffer made about McCain’s opinion concerning confirmation of Gina Haspel to run the CIA, to wit, “It doesn’t matter, he’s dying anyway.”

First, “It (McCain’s opinion) doesn’t matter.”  Probably true.  Enough Demo-Dopes worried about getting beat in red states are likely to vote to confirm Haspel.  So, it’s a 100% accurate statement, McCain’s opinion REALLY doesn’t matter.

Let’s consider part two of the statement, “He’s dying anyway.”  1) An accurate statement.  2) A statement that can be applied to every living thing.  As sad as it is, we all started dying the day we were born.  Each day after birth brings us closer to our end, so we are all started dying the day we were born. At 80 with stage 4 brain cancer, McCain can probably see his own end by now.  

So McCain’s opinion on Haspel doesn’t matter because there probably enough Dopes to carry the nomination and McCain, like all of us, is, without a doubt, dying.

As in all things legal, the truth in this matter is no defense. McCain’s family is outraged.  His daughter wondered why the woman who uttered the truth hasn’t been fired.  His wife got all indignant and tweeted, "May I remind you my husband has a family, 7 children and 5 grandchildren.”  

Well may I remind the senator’s wife, Sarah Palin has a family as well.  How do you suppose McCain’s unnecessary, embarrassing and hurtful statements about his VP pick effected them?     

When Shrillda the Hutt said aloud at a congressional hearing, “What difference, at this point, does it make” that I got four men with more virtue in the first knuckle of their pinky fingers than my entire worthless family, killed in a horrible and avoidable way????  F-em!  They signed up for it. 

No one cared.  At least no one in the chattering class now fainting dead away for truism uttered by a staffer behind closed doors in a private setting.

When PDJT was being murdered in effigy night after night in Central Park, no one worried about his wife and 5 kids.  No one worried about the effect on his family when a talentless tasteless “comic” hoisting a look-a-like severed bloody head of PDJT.

All of that was very public fantasizing about the premature death of PDJT.  The staffer’s statement was the acknowledgement of the public fact of McCain’s impending natural death in a private setting. 

John McCain is 80+ years old.  He’s not exactly being snatched away in his prime leaving his large family destitute. If he cannot take a bit of gallows humor when actually at death’s door, when? 

My dad was smoker.  He was diagnosed with lung cancer my sophomore year in high school.  He used to tell a great story about a conversation he had with his doctor.  Dad asked, “What’s the prognosis?”  The Dr.’s answer was an ominous but lighthearted, “Well John, don’t buy season tickets.”  Dad asked, “What are my chances?”  The Dr. responded, “20 in a 100.”  Dad lamented, “That’s not very good odds, Doc.”  The Dr. said, “Better than 10 in a 100.”  In a bit irony, dad reportedly smoked a cigarette in the hospital on the way to surgery to have the affected lung removed. The doctor reportedly told him, "one more won't kill you if the first 10,000 don't."     

Given pop’s own sense of humor, I don’t know that the conversations actually took place, but it serves to make the point.  He was capable of laughing at his own demise.  If you can’t whistle past the graveyard and give the grim reaper the finger as you go, maybe the greatest worry in your life isn’t dying.  If that’s the case, you need to address the worry(ies) in your life greater than dying.

My own opinion is that when you look at dying as the final great adventure, you’ll be like pop.  You'll be able to take that last long drag off a cigarette, blow smoke in the reaper’s face and say, “F-you let’s go.”   

How sad is it McCain’s family is upset by some dopey truism some non-descript staffer uttered in private?  They actually want the person fired and by extension their life ruined.  Goodness.  Make light of it, and let it go.  The American people will love you for it.         


AF Bro said...

On the other hand, the one who leaked should be flogged, fired, and have their life ruined. Trump should tell Gen. Kelly, “Make it happen.”

The Griffin said...

If I were McCain...have the family called to come to my home immediately. Make sure beer and liquor well stocked. Close all drapes. Let it leak to the press. As each family member arrives take their phone. Watch the TV. All the cable news trucks would be arriving. One or all of the cable news HQs would crack. McCain is dead! Running the preprepared stories of my life. Announce that a statement coming at say 6pm. At 6:20 pm I would walk out outside to the microphones wearing robe, slippers, carrying a Makers Mark on ice. I would say..." Number One..I love Sarah Palin. I screwed up the election and lost. Not Sarah. She was great. Number Two...give that WH staffer a raise for speaking truth to power, and Number Three..To you Fake News sons-a- bitches..I ain't dead yet." Finish my drink and go back into the house. Then I would laugh till I died. Literally.