Thursday, January 31, 2019

PDJT should beat the party of death like a drum at the SOTU

“Moderate” VA Gov Ralph Northam has advocated for a bill that allow a baby who survives an abortion to be “kept comfortable” while the doctors and the mother decide what to do with the child. 

So to be clear.  The child is born.  He’s outside the mother’s womb.  The umbilical cord has been cut. The child is surviving on its own.  The child is to be “kept comfortable” indicating that the child is capable of feeling pain and is aware of its surroundings.

Yet this ghoul is of the opinion that child’s right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is to be subordinated to the whims of the mother and a couple of doctors. This rube says that he doesn’t want government “involved” in these decisions.  Government has been “involved” in these decisions since Moses descended Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments.  

What Demo-Dopes are advocating for is evil.  It’s murder plain and simple.  It’s more heinous because it’s murder against the most vulnerable, the most defenseless victims who cannot even speak or protest in their own defense.  The evil is compounded by the evil doers who give the process legitimacy under the color of man’s law.  The unwashed are as likely as not to think, “Well it looks like murder, but it wouldn’t be legal if it were really murder, right?  No one would legalize murder, would they?  That would be evil, right?”    

At the “right to life” service two weeks ago, my priest made the case that the battle against abortion was not a political battle, but rather one for the hearts and minds of those involved in the abortion process.  I’ve railed against that positon to priests and bishops.  Arguing that it is both.  When the NY law was passed, I e-mailed my priest and asked if he was reconsidering the political nature of the abortion question.  I have not heard back from him.

I think PDJT should spend five minutes on the question of third term abortion during is SOTU speech.  He should lay bare for the American people the extreme position of Dopes on the subject.  He should expose the Dopes’ support for Planned un-Parenthood and the founder of that vile BS organization – racist Margret Sanger.  He should read a list of Margret Sanger award winners – which includes Shrillda the Hutt and Peloser – and ask them to repudiate Sanger and return the award and ask congress to immediately defund Planned un-Parenthood.

Late term abortion is a disgusting evil.  It’s so disgusting that the issues breaks about 80-20 in favor of restricting it.  PDJT should reap the political benefits of that split and stand firmly on the side of life.           

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dope embrace of evil communist policies ensures reelection of PDJT

Today's JG rant
I want to thank the JG editorial staff and a long line of unhinged #NEVERTRUMPers for their daily diatribes directed at PDJT.  I used to cringe at PDJT’s tweets and rants.  Now I look forward to them because they trigger great wailing and gnashing of teeth among all the right people.  It’s beautiful.

As a Trump voter, let me assure you, I for one knew exactly who I was voting for.  Presidential elections are generally a binary choice that as often as not is a choice between the lesser of two inferior candidates. 

PDJT was the clear choice in 2016, because Democrats insisted on nominating the worst candidate in the history of politics, a candidate whose un-likability was only exceeded by her arrogance and criminality.

I voted for PDJT to save the Supreme Court from a hard turn to the left. Mission accomplished. In the process of saving the Supreme Court, the Democrat Party was exposed as a morally bankrupt band weasels.  

Now if anyone thinks PDJT cannot be reelected, consider that the current path of the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination process is as likely as not to produce another unelectable candidate.  The Democrat front runners are being forced to embrace a socialist/communist agenda.  Centrist candidates are being forced to the side.

Consider the Democrats’ race to the far left:
Openly embracing government confiscation of wealth – Communist

Openly supporting the confiscation of guns – Communist

Openly advocating for government seizing control of private industries like healthcare, energy, higher education – Communist

Openly demanding banishing God from the public square - Communist  

Openly supporting a two-tiered justice system whereby Democrat Party loyalist avoid prosecution while their political enemies’ homes are being raided by government thugs in the pre-dawn dark – Communist

Democrats may not be communists, but how would the policies that they are embracing be any different if they were?

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The party of pure evil

The Demo-Dope is rapidly becoming the party of pure evil.

Exhibit A:  The Dope Party in NY has made abortion legal up to the 9th month.  Think that one through. Look at an ultra sound of a baby in the 9th month. It’s a baby.  The Dope Party cheered the idea of killing that baby up to one day before his birth.  That’s evil.

Exhibit B:  The Dope Party in NY has allowed for the destruction of a baby that survives an abortion and is actually born and living outside the womb.  In addition to being murder, that’s pure unadulterated evil.

Exhibit C:  The Dope Party supports Planned un-Parenthood’s policy of harvesting baby parts during abortion and selling the parts for research.  How is that significantly different from what Nazis under Dr. Mengele did?   That’s evil.

Exhibit D:  As the Dope Party leadership and at least the loudest voices in that BS union voiced support and advocated for these evil policies.  So-called “moderates” and “centrist” Dopes - Manchin, Coons, Biden, Kaine, Casey et al - nation-wide are absolutely mute on their party’s lunge toward evil as evidenced by the party’s support of these policies.  Saying nothing under these circumstances is evil.

Exhibit E:  The loudest voices in the Dope Party, which claims to be the party of science, supports gender reassignment of children under the age of 5 years old.  That’s evil.

Exhibit F:  The Dope Party has turned a blind eye toward its thug army’s violence against Americans citizens’ right to assemble.  That’s evil.

Exhibit G: The Dope party is perfectly okay with its supporters exercising a heckler’s veto on dissenting voices on campus.  In its simple form that is rude.  When it becomes a universal policy on the left to shout down, threaten, disrupt and use university “security concerns” to cancel or make it impossible for conservative events to take place on campus it becomes evil.  Again mainstream Dopes are silent.

Exhibit H:  The Dope Party has a long history of coddling evil from ignoring/hiding Stalin’s systematic starvation of millions to praising thugs like Castro, Kaddafi, Assad et al to dumping plane loads of cash on the mullahs in Iran to supporting socialist madman Maduro in Venezuela today.  Coddling and ignoring evil is evil.

Exhibit I:  The Dope Party has no problem with suspending the presumption of innocence when it engages in a total unabashed smear of a Supreme Court nominee or a group of Catholic school kids.  It has no problem with shifting the burden of proof to the accused if serves their evil political ends.  Dopes have no problem convicting a person on nothing more than a public opinion poll. Taken in total – that’s evil.

Exhibit J:  Dopes support/tolerate a two tiered justice system that allows them to flaunt the law with impunity while raiding political opponents' houses in the pre-dawn dark with "assault weapons" drawn. Not just Roger Stone but also the whole police-state raids of political opponents by the WI AG in order to get Scott Walker. That's evil.  

This could go on and on.  These are the things that come easily to mind at 6am over a cup of coffee.

Bottom line:  This is not your dad’s Dope Party.  JFK could not be Democrat in today’s Dope Party. Like the “religion peace,” all Dopes may not buy into this evil BS, but the faces and voices of the party do. Those faces and voices have cowed the “moderates” into silence.  That silence is evil.    

Monday, January 28, 2019

PDJT is the only thing standing between us and the deep state azzbags

Okay.  Yes.  I was disappointed in PDJT opening the government with seemingly no quid.  Upon further review, all that has occurred is a return to status quo ante.  Nothing has been lost.  Further, it makes PDJT look like the reasonable one willing to try anything to move the discussion.  Now the ball is deep in Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser’s court.

My guess is that, given the rabid nature of the far-left, nothing is going to be settled in the next three weeks. When that occurs, PDJT should announce that funding for the border wall will come from money already appropriated and redirected from other government agencies. Among the funds identified should be revocation and redirection of any foreign aid to any county contributing to the border chaos. 

Barry The Empty Suit paid off the Iranians with billions in unappropriated funds.  PDJT should be able to redirect this small amount of money for security of the American people. 

The left will howl and get a nation-wide court injunction within 30 seconds.  At that point PDJT should ask the Supreme Court for an expedited hearing. The Supremes are likely to refuse.  Then PDJT could take one of two tacks.  He could pull an Andy Jackson and tell the 9th Circus, “Okay, now enforce your foolishness,” or he can declare an emergency.

The emergency rout would result in another immediate court challenge and appeal to the Supremes.  Declaring an emergency might force the Supremes’ hand.  It doesn’t guarantee a fair outcome.  Johnny Roberts is as wild a card as every other joker in the deck.

Worst case is that PDJT tries everything under the sun to get the wall he promised and is cut short by Dopes, Rat establishment Republicans and unelected activist judges.  That lines him up to run on the immigration issue again in 2020.

What I am absolutely unwilling to do is pull an Ann Coulter, Stewart Varney et al and dump on PDJT.  Ride the Trump tiger.  The only thing standing between us and a predawn raid on our homes by deep state FBI f*cks is PDJT. 

There’s nothing else.  So Ann and Stew can be purists and call for dumping PDJT, but there is nothing else.  NOTHING!  What? Marco Rubio? Mitch McConnell? Kevin McCarthy?  They’d sell us out in a heartbeat if they thought they could get 20 minutes of positive coverage on CNN.  

I’m riding the tiger.  There is no alternative.        

Today’s JG rant
Re: Marlin Culy’s letter, “Berlin stark reminder of walls’ true purpose” of Jan 27, 2019.

Hey Marlin, let me tell you what the Berlin Wall is a “stark reminder” of:  It’s a reminder of the unqualified failure of socialism and its big brother with a gun – communism - everywhere in the history of man that it has been tried. 

Idiot leftists (rapidly approaching a set of the whole these days) are so obtuse that they’ve become unable to distinguish between a prison wall designed to keep people in and locking the front door of your home, designed to keep people out.

What seems a tossup to me about Culy’s letter is this: Is Culy really so ill informed as to actually believe the Berlin Wall was constructed to keep fascists out, or does he think JG readers are stupid enough to believe such farfetched, demonstrably false and laughable nonsense?

Culy’s letter proves how difficult it is going to be to reach an agreement on border security.  It would seem that leftists either truly have no sense of history concerning the function of the Berlin Wall (Sadly, given the state of public education that is quite possible.), or they are proudly willing to feign a colossal ignorance on the subject for the purpose denying PDJT funds for border security – funds they have previously voted in favor of time and again. 

Culy’s letter, long on personal invectives directed at PDJT and short on logic and understanding of history, proves that leftists probably object to PDJT a whole lot more than they object to a border barrier.
Berlin stark reminder of walls' true purpose
On Oct. 12, 1960, Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev threw a temper tantrum at the United Nations in New York City. He pounded on the table with his shoe.
Ten months later, on Aug. 13, 1961, this tyrant began construction of the Berlin Wall. This wall, portrayed as protecting the population from fascist elements in the west, divided the German city in half.
The United States countered, increasing our military presence in Europe considerably. I was part of this buildup, spending 26 months in Germany maintaining and repairing helicopters and  helping secure the West Germany border – not our border. Our local Air National Guard was deployed to France for 12 months, disrupting many lives.
Now we have our own tyrant who rants, raves and belittles others, pouting when he doesn't get his way.
He hasn't pounded on the table yet, but he alone has shut down our government, blaming it on the Congress we elected to prevent a self-appointed supreme leader from taking complete control of our country.
He so desperately wants a wall on our southern border that he is willing to destroy millions of lives to get one. Any wall that gets built will only succeed in dividing our country more, which is what our enemies want.
We have laws that can solve our immigration problems if we just demand our judicial system use them as written. One such law allows for the expedited removal of those guilty of illegal entry and for overstayed visas. We have a Constitution that needs to be strictly followed or amended as allowed by law, not bypassed by executive order or toyed with by Congress.
Lest we forget, the Berlin Wall stood for fewer than 30 years but is remembered as an evil eyesore that cost many lives.
I am sure that the shutdown of our government and any wall we might build will only be remembered in history for the damage it is doing and has already done to our great nation.
God bless the USA and save us from ourselves.
Marlin Culy
New Haven

Friday, January 25, 2019

SOTU and the shutdown

Okay let’s give it a try.  The SOTU is off.  The MSM is celebrating PDJT caving.  That may be, but it also makes Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser look like the petty mean-spirited b*tch that she is.

I’m with PDJT on this one.  They probably looked at 20 different venues and none would come close to the atmosphere of delivering the speech from the floor of the House. I think a “rally SOTU” was a non-starter.  That would be a horrible optic SOTU.  Plus there’s this. Given that the MSM is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Demo-Dope Party, there’s probably a 90% chance the MSM would simply ignore the speech unless it conformed to Peloser’s demands.

Now the shutdown.  My sense is that PDJT is winning.  Here’s why.  He’s the only one offering anything.  Now the middle of both parties want a 3 week CR to open the government.  PDJT has indicated that, with a down payment on the wall, he’d consider that.  A 3 week pro-rated down payment on the wall would be less than half a billion dollars. 

It now appears that Peloser is willing to leave the government shut down for half a billion dollars.  That cannot be a good look for Dopes.  They howl about the safety of the American people and the effect of the shutdown on furloughed government workers yet will not offer up a crummy half billion dollars to get it done.

My guess is that PDJT will have to declare an emergency to open the government.  Then Dopes will sue him and the 9th Circus and as is their wont act like azzes. 

All that said, we’re talking PDJT.  Who knows how this will play out?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Sorry kids, not today

When I left the Dr.'s office yesterday, he told me, "We can't make you younger, so we're going to try to make you older." :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Racist Demo-Dopes scream RAAAAAACIST!!

Today’s JG rant
It was disappointing to see Democrats across America spend their MLK day calling PDJT and his supporters – 63,000,000 voting Americans - racists instead of lifting Americans up, as King did, with hope.

It was odd to see so many from the Democrat Party that spawned the Confederacy, KKK, anti-reconstruction, segregation, Jim Crow, opposition to civil rights, race baiting anti-Semite “religious” leaders Farrakhan, Wright, Jackson and Sharpton pointing to the speck in MAGA supporters’ eye while ignoring the log in their own.

Round two
Lex is looking forward to receiving his second of possibly 16 chemo infusions today.  I say “looking forward” – not because it’s going to be a good day or week, it’s not – but rather because it is the required path to a longer healthier life. If I get all 16 infusions, it’ll mean the treatment is working.  It’s like the famous quote from a Marine fighting in Vietnam to free Hue City from the Communist bastards – “We had to destroy the city to save it.”

So the DR.s infuse this rather indiscriminate poison into the body in an effort to kill the cancer cells.  Sometimes it works, but in the process it also kills all kind of other good cells and upsets the body’s equilibrium in uncomfortable (fatigue) and frankly disgusting ways (most commonly foul diarrhea, nausea and vomiting).

So I’m actually looking forward to getting my azz kicked every other week for the next 7 months.  I’ll be like the sole member of former heavy weight champ Joe Louis’ bum of the month club back in his heyday for the next 7 months. I’ll be like the Washington, General’s playing the Harlem Globe Trotters every night for the next 7 months. But even Joe’s bums and the Generals’ players received a payday at the end of the contest. I’ll go through this for the pay off.

I managed to tolerate the first round reasonably well and am just about back to my pre-infusion state just in time to start the next round and the whole cycle over again.  Oh joy!  The unknown is that the chemo apparently builds in the body until the 4th infusion when it levels off.  So my reaction to every infusion to that point is going to be kind of a wild card. 

This is a long-winded way of saying, posting may be light over the next several days.  Don’t flood the site with angry demands for refunds.  You’ll get exactly what you’ve paid for. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Limit your fake news to PDJT please

The worst case of “fake news” over the weekend wasn’t the debunking of the Buzzfeed BS about PDJT “ordering” his lawyer to lie.  The MSM has been issuing such “fake news” BS against PDJT, his family and supporters since candidate DJT took that famous ride down the Trump Tower escalator. 

As we know, being a devastating counter puncher, PDJT generally gives more than he takes in these exchanges leaving the instigator permanently labeled as a fat slob, a loser, low energy, Pocahontas, lil’ Rocketman etc. etc. PDJT’s labels tend to stick to the target like a moist booger sticks to the underside of grade schooler’s chair because they are grounded, in part at least, in the truth.

No one, not even his family I think, feels sorry for PDJT when someone attacks him.  We just sit back and wait for the withering retaliatory tweet storm or for their airplane to be canceled while they are on a bus on the way to the airport.  After all, the “P” in PDJT stands for “President.”  He’s a somewhat powerful guy.  He can take care of himself.

Besides, when I saw this I thought, "So what? If he told you to jump off the roof, would you do it?"  I recall in USMC legal school that any military member can refuse an unlawful order.  How is this different? 

Seems to me Cohen would have been obligated to inform PDJT on the law and, as an officer of the court, refuse to comply with anything outside the law.  Isn't that why normal people hire lawyers?  People like us - the unwashed - hire lawyers to make sure we are inside the lines of the law. Why else hire a lawyer to draw up papers to sell a house, conduct a divorce, apply for an adoption, or any one of a thousand different transactions that two honorable men could conduct on a handshake?  To my small legal mind this whole thing is just another example that makes Cohen look like a weak backstabbing douche. 

If he lied, it’s on him.  PDJT cannot make him lie. And what about lawyer client privilege?  If PDJT asked him to lie and the little sh*t went along with it – he’s still the azzbag that committed the crime.  

Well it’s suborning perjury Lex.  So the lay guy offers up a suggestion to an officer of the court and that officer complies and any illegality for the suggestion falls on the lay guy?  If that’s the law, the is an azz.

But the bottom line on Buzzfeed Cohen BS is that, as we suspected when the story broke, it was just another Acme anvil setup by a lying azzwipe for the purpose of getting himself off the hook and intended for PDJT that inexplicably dropped on the MSM’s head.

The biggest “fake news” story of the weekend wasn’t the Buzzfeed BS.  It was this hit piece on a group of male Catholic high school students who attended the Right to Life rally in Caligula, D.C.  These young people were mercilessly attacked by the usual mob of leftist racists after the march. Then the MSM somehow twisted the facts of story like a Twizzler to comport to their own preconceived notion of how this story SHOULD HAVE played out.  They turned the facts of this story inside out, rotated them 180 degrees and stood them on their heads. 

This is like the Duke Lacrosse frame up.  The intolerant left attacks because a fake narrative supports their political views – many knowing full well the story is made up BS.  Some on the left have called for physically attacking young men in this fake story and invading their homes.

Like the Duke fake story, once it’s totally exposed, there are exactly zero repercussions for the bigoted leftist mob that it got it so totally backazzward.  People should be ashamed, fired, docked a month’s pay, made to publicly apologize, stripped naked, tarred and feathered and forced to low crawl out of town over broken glass,

We will continue to this kind of BS until the lefty loon mob is made to pay a price. 

Today’s JG rant
Re: William Cook’s letter, “Cold air solution runs into a wall” and Duane Thompson’s letter, “If cooler heads prevail, shutdown can be ended” of Jan 19, 2019

Bravo to Mr. Cook!  Building a wall on the northern border to keep the cold out is a brilliant basis upon which to launch a campaign for president.  Now all you have to do is defeat a couple dozen highly skilled politicians on one side of the political aisle – including a political dynasty on that side of politics.  That will get you into the general election. 

Then all you have to do is take on a candidate from another political dynasty on the other side of politics who enjoys support from 98% of the MSM, 98% of the Hollywood/entertainment glitterati and 98% of the world’s globalist politicians. 

Then all you have to do is beat that candidate like a drum even though the opposition is outspending you 2 to 1 and dumping nearly a billion dollars into their campaign.  Then all you have to do is get enough Electoral College votes to become President of the United States.  It’ll be easy.  Let’s do it.

Once you’ve done all that, you can attempt to fulfill the signature promise of your campaign.  When you do, leftist loons will call you Hitler, a fascist, a white supremacist, a homophobe, a misogynist, a racist, and everything else under the sun.  They will attack you, call for your murder, the murder of family members, the rape of your wife and daughters among even more grotesque things. 

They will accuse you of being a Russian spy, colluding with Russians, cavorting with Russian whores, ordering officers of the court to lie, among about 1,000 daily phony accusations leveled without proof.

They will call you a dictator while at the same time accusing you of being a puppet to pop culture personalities on one side of the political aisle. 

They will do all of this not because they disagree with your policies, they don’t.  They have voted in support those same policies in the past.  They will oppose you because they cannot allow you accomplish in one term what they have failed to deliver after decades of promises.

Build your wall, Mr. Cook.      

If cooler heads prevail, shutdown can be ended
Just before the holidays, the House and Senate passed legislation that would have funded the government in the short term, only to have the president renege on his promise to sign it because he was “spooked” by Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. So, now we are in the fourth week of a partial government shutdown.
The situation at the border is not an emergency. An emergency means that action needs to be taken immediately. It will take years to build a wall. 
The House has sent legislation to the Senate to reopen without money for the wall. Mitch McConnell is refusing to put anything up for vote in the Senate if he believes the president doesn't want to sign it.
In actuality, the Senate passed the last bill by a vote of 100-0 before Trump backed off as mentioned earlier. Even some Republican senators have broken ranks and advocated for a vote to end the shutdown.
The TSA is losing staff because agents won't work without pay. The USDA is having to suspend food inspection. The cost of this shutdown could exceed the $5 billion that would be allocated for the wall (or better yet, border security), further adding to its real cost. Finally, other world leaders, seeing how emotionally volatile Trump is and how easily he is goaded, are probably taking notes on how to manipulate Trump.
Congress needs to pass legislation to end the shutdown so solutions to strengthen border security can be crafted in an informed and bipartisan manner and so the money allocated for border security will used in a prudent manner.
Also, we need the president to rely less on his “gut” and actually listen to his experts on our national security and domestic well-being. Currently, the president seems to think he knows more than anyone else, and that's not a trait of a good leader.
Duane Thompson
Fort Wayne
Cold air solution runs into a wall
The weatherman is talking about arctic air coming in this weekend. Arctic air should stay in the Arctic! So I propose that a wall should be built along our northern border to keep this air out. And, Canada will pay for it!
William Cook

Friday, January 18, 2019

Trump trumps Peloser's SOTU snub and it's gold

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH.  This is why we love the guy.  It is absolutely hilarious. We were at the Ford Museum all day yesterday.  On the trip home, I looked at headlines on and saw that PDJT had pulled the plug on Peloser’s boondoggle.  We all laughed hysterically. 

Cancelling it was one thing.  It absolutely should have been canceled.  If government is shutdown and 100s of thousands of overpaid government workers not being paid then we shouldn't be spending millions to accommodate SFB's travelling road show. Even brain-dead Dopes can get that. 

I’d take it one step further.  You’re day on stay on until you get your work done.  I’d say no one in government goes anywhere until the shutdown is settled. I’d cancel their pay.  I’d cancel the pay for their staff.  I’d ground all flights. I’d park every government car.  I’d close the gym.  I’d close the cafeteria.  I’d cancel everything and anything that makes these pampered Caligula, D.C. azzweasels’ lives easier.

Also azzweasel Peloser, riddle me this.  If the government is unable to provide adequate security for the SOTU in the Nation’s F-ing Capitol, how the hell is it going to secure your scrawny wrinkled worthless petrified azz on a 7 day world-wide waste of taxpayer money?   

Bottom line: The trip should have been cancelled the second the government shutdown.  PDJT did the right thing.     

What was absolutely beautiful about this - and is pure PDJT - was pulling the plug on this BS while all those Dope Caligula, D.C. azzwipes were on the bus on the way to the airport.  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH.  Apparently the empty bus was left circling the Capitol Building while calls were being made to sort out the options.  The only thing that would have been better is if the pilot met Peloser at the door, after the luggage had been loaded, pasengers strapped in and told the ancient old hag that the mission had been cancelled by the order of the Commander in Chief.  Maybe funnier - cancel it mid way over the Atlantic.

The only thing funnier than the cancellation of the BS mission was the absolutely predictable reaction to it by the usual suspects.  The hue and cry from the left and the MSM – but I repeat myself – went up before the first disgruntled Dope azzwipe was able to call his mistress to inform her that there's been a change of plans and arrange a date.  CHILDISH!!!!!

I dunno maybe it was "childish," but I apply the, “if it’s funny, it doesn’t matter how childish it is” rule.  This was funny as hell.  Well done Mr. President.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Peloser's no win gambit

The grand old, old, old hag of the House of Representatives, Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser, is threatening to disinvite PDJT from delivering the State of the Union address.  The old b*tch says the invite might be withdrawn due to security concerns caused by furloughs of DHS personnel made necessary her BS shutdown.

She’s a F-ing liar.  DHS, FBI and the Secret Service have all said that security for the SOTU is 100% certain.  Clearly the brain-dead POS is trying to manufacture a crisis (where have I heard that term before) to keep PDJT from addressing a joint session of congress and the American people in prime time.

Why would that be? Well PDJT is very effective in connecting with the everyman.  That’s reason enough.  My guess is that Peloser doesn’t want PDJT lying bare the Dope hypocrisy on balking at a 5 billion dollar investment on border security when the Dopes were willing to throw 53 billion at the project as recently as 2006. 

Also, no doubt PDJT would fill the gallery with many of the same Angel Parents that Peloser and her azz buddy, weeping Chuckles the clown Schumer, refused to meet with and had removed from their offices.  That would be a nice juxtaposition - Chuck and Nancy kissing illegal immigrants’ azzes while PDJT grieves with Angle Parents.

Now consider the clown menagerie of unhinged anti-American azzbags that comprise much of the today’s Demo-Dope Party.  Who knows what these azzclowns, insane howler monkeys and attention whores might do before, during and after the president’s address?  Cory Booker is likely as not to show in some pornographic homo erotic Spartacus outfit.  Not to be out done, Kamala Harris might show up in an evening gown belting out show tunes.  Maxine Waters will just show up as her dumb as a fence post, crazy as a March hare, baboon’s azz ugly self.

Now consider the hypocrisy of the old, old wench’s concern about safety for her own worthless wrinkled azz.  Security for me, but none for thee.  They want to take your take your guns.  They leave the border wide open, but demand men with guns form a human wall around them in Caligula, D.C.

Dare I say, given the composition of the Caligula, D.C. ruling class, would we actually be better off if there was an event requiring that we replace half of them?

My guess is that Peloser is going to take a severe azz whippin’ on this one, and the SOTU will go on as planned.  PDJT will do a great job.  The response will, as always, be flat and largely unseen.  We can only hope that Cuck and Nancy reprise their American Gothic routine.   

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Dick Turdbin advocates for the wall

I listened to a bit of the Attorney General nominee Barr’s hearings yesterday.  I caught the Dick Turdbin’s questioning. At the end Turdbin said that 90% of the fentanyl seized at the border is seized at points of entry.

Trudbin is lying sack-o-crap, but let’s accept his point as if he accidentally swerved into the truth for the first time in his worthless life and accepted that truth.  Because he’s a monumental douchebag, Turdbin probably doesn’t know that he proves PDJT’s case for a wall with his 90% statistic.

First of all, the Dick, we shouldn’t be bragging about where the highest percentage of drugs are seized.  We have a horrible drug problem.  More people are dying from opioid overdose than car crashes.  Whatever we are catching seems to be a pittance of what gets by.

Noting where we seize the most illegal drugs during an epidemic is the wrong metric.  It’s like the defensive coordinator bragging about holding the opposition’s all-pro running back to 20 yards on 10 carries when they trail 35-7 at the half. The dope is clearly looking at the wrong metric.

Where are the drugs getting in?  Can we assume that because 90% of what we seize is snatched at ports of entry that we are doing a good job of interdicting the flow at those points?  I don’t know.  Maybe.  

If that’s true, wouldn’t it be cool if there were some way to channelize the all of the border traffic into those ports of entry?  What could we do to force people to use our ports of entry rather than just strolling across an open border?  Could we put some kind of obstacle at the most likely avenues of approach into the country and force traffic toward the ports of entry where we are most successfully controlling the flow of drugs into the country? 

Chuck and Nancy act as if that kind of talk is crazier than betting the Bengals to win the Super Bowl in the pre-season.  It seems commonsense to me.

The metric that would mean something is what percentage is the 90% that is seized of the whole.  If the 90% that is seized at ports of entry represents only 10% of the total coming into the country we have a problem. Where/how is the other 90% of the total illegal drug wave getting in?
Could it be filtering in across a long unsecure southern border?  I suspect that it could.  Again, could some kind of a barrier help to stem the flow and force the mules back toward points of entry?  I suspect that it could.

Thanks, the Dick, for the promoting the wall.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

PDJT scores with the masses

It was simple.  The white House chef was furloughed due to the government shut down.  So PDJT did what no other president would do, he brought in fast food to welcome National Champ Clemson football team to White House. 

The Dopes and the MSM are going nuts calling it “strange,” “odd”, “bizarre”, a “spectacle” etc. So PDJT brings in iconic fast food eaten by millions (maybe billions world-wide) every day and the Dopes and MSM call it “strange,” “odd,” “bizarre” and a “spectacle.”  WTF does that make the millions of people who eat that stuff every day? 

I loved McDs as a youngster.  My tastes have changed, but every once in while I still get a craving that will not end without a visit to the Golden Arches.
My guess is that there are far more Americans who visit McDs occasionally than don’t.  Only the effete BS artist who populate the ruling class in Caligula, D.C. would look down their noses at food that has fueled the American working class for decades.  F-em. 
PDJT wins again.   

Today’s JG rant
Re Therese Spencer’s letter, “Climate change threatens stability”, of Jan 14, 2019

When facts do not support a left-wing shibboleth, the lefties can be relied upon to make them up. Nothing has challenged the left-wing fact manufactures more than their insistence that man-made global cooling warming change disruption will be the end of mankind…in the next 10-20 years.

Notice, it’s always 10-20 years out.  In 2006 AlGore famously told us we had but 10 years to save the Earth “from turning into a total frying pan.” Now we’re 13 years out and there has been no measurable warming for over 20 years. But what would one expect from a global warm-monger profiting from the hysteria he creates?  Also, this is the genius that told an audience that the center of the Earth is “several million degrees” making it hotter than the surface of the sun. 

In 1988 well-known scientist, deep thinker and left-wing darling Ted Danson told the world that the oceans would be “dead” in 10 years. Hint:  It’s 2019.  It’s been 31 years since Danson’s foolish prediction.  The oceans are not dead.

I’m old enough to have lived through the global cooling scare, the global warming scare, the all-encompassing climate change scare and the current “climate disruption” nonsense. One thing, among almost everything, changing faster than the climate is the terminology the left has been forced to use to keep their hoax alive.  They regularly change the terminology. They make up studies.  They hide data that proves their models are bogus mumbo-jumbo. 

Spencer just makes it up.  The Earth’s climate has been changing since Genesis. To say the last major change in the Earth’s climate was over 10,000 years ago destroys her own argument, but is just factually incorrect.  1,000 years ago the Vikings were farming in Greenland during the medieval warming period.  That was followed by the mini-ice age in the 1900.  So the current warming period might be considered a cycle.

Why is it that the warm-mongers insist that the climate of today or the last 200 years is best for the Earth?  Could a longer growing season be beneficial?  Could a few more degrees of heat help? I am not certain, but I’m willing to entertain the thought.  The warm-mongers are not willing to examine anything that doesn’t require the everyman to give up access to his automobile, his thermostat, his dinner choice, his travel plans et al.  Meanwhile clueless buffoons like AlGore and Danson go merrily along their ways consuming whatever they like. 

My response is simple:  If you believe this BS, act like it. Until then, leave me alone.

Climate change threatens stability
I must take issue with one small comment made by Lee Hamilton in his opinion column about climate change published Jan. 7. He stated an often-repeated claim that “the Earth's climate changes all the time.” This needs to be clarified.
The climate does not change all the time, but local weather conditions do change. The defining characteristic of climate is its long-term stability, so long that biomes which are dependent on stability have developed, such as deserts, rain forests, tundra and – most importantly for our food supply – huge swaths of temperate grasslands.
The last major change in Earth's climate took place in prehistory, when the glaciers that covered much of North America retreated over 10,000 years ago. All of recorded human history and advancement have occurred since then.
Facing climate change today, as average global temperatures increase, we may be able to model the effects on weather and biomes, but we cannot truly fathom its effect on human civilization.
One of the most notable examples of climate change in human prehistory is found in the Sahara Desert. There are rock paintings in the wasteland depicting all kinds of large wildlife no longer able to survive there. They suggest a green land which supported herds and human settlements. It ended when the climate changed long long ago. Here's hoping we face our future with wise decisions.
Therese Spencer
Fort Wayne