Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dope embrace of evil communist policies ensures reelection of PDJT

Today's JG rant
I want to thank the JG editorial staff and a long line of unhinged #NEVERTRUMPers for their daily diatribes directed at PDJT.  I used to cringe at PDJT’s tweets and rants.  Now I look forward to them because they trigger great wailing and gnashing of teeth among all the right people.  It’s beautiful.

As a Trump voter, let me assure you, I for one knew exactly who I was voting for.  Presidential elections are generally a binary choice that as often as not is a choice between the lesser of two inferior candidates. 

PDJT was the clear choice in 2016, because Democrats insisted on nominating the worst candidate in the history of politics, a candidate whose un-likability was only exceeded by her arrogance and criminality.

I voted for PDJT to save the Supreme Court from a hard turn to the left. Mission accomplished. In the process of saving the Supreme Court, the Democrat Party was exposed as a morally bankrupt band weasels.  

Now if anyone thinks PDJT cannot be reelected, consider that the current path of the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination process is as likely as not to produce another unelectable candidate.  The Democrat front runners are being forced to embrace a socialist/communist agenda.  Centrist candidates are being forced to the side.

Consider the Democrats’ race to the far left:
Openly embracing government confiscation of wealth – Communist

Openly supporting the confiscation of guns – Communist

Openly advocating for government seizing control of private industries like healthcare, energy, higher education – Communist

Openly demanding banishing God from the public square - Communist  

Openly supporting a two-tiered justice system whereby Democrat Party loyalist avoid prosecution while their political enemies’ homes are being raided by government thugs in the pre-dawn dark – Communist

Democrats may not be communists, but how would the policies that they are embracing be any different if they were?

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

How can Dems be unhinged about Russian meddling then nominate socialist/communist leaning candidates? Who should be feared more? Russians or Dems?