Thursday, January 31, 2019

PDJT should beat the party of death like a drum at the SOTU

“Moderate” VA Gov Ralph Northam has advocated for a bill that allow a baby who survives an abortion to be “kept comfortable” while the doctors and the mother decide what to do with the child. 

So to be clear.  The child is born.  He’s outside the mother’s womb.  The umbilical cord has been cut. The child is surviving on its own.  The child is to be “kept comfortable” indicating that the child is capable of feeling pain and is aware of its surroundings.

Yet this ghoul is of the opinion that child’s right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is to be subordinated to the whims of the mother and a couple of doctors. This rube says that he doesn’t want government “involved” in these decisions.  Government has been “involved” in these decisions since Moses descended Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments.  

What Demo-Dopes are advocating for is evil.  It’s murder plain and simple.  It’s more heinous because it’s murder against the most vulnerable, the most defenseless victims who cannot even speak or protest in their own defense.  The evil is compounded by the evil doers who give the process legitimacy under the color of man’s law.  The unwashed are as likely as not to think, “Well it looks like murder, but it wouldn’t be legal if it were really murder, right?  No one would legalize murder, would they?  That would be evil, right?”    

At the “right to life” service two weeks ago, my priest made the case that the battle against abortion was not a political battle, but rather one for the hearts and minds of those involved in the abortion process.  I’ve railed against that positon to priests and bishops.  Arguing that it is both.  When the NY law was passed, I e-mailed my priest and asked if he was reconsidering the political nature of the abortion question.  I have not heard back from him.

I think PDJT should spend five minutes on the question of third term abortion during is SOTU speech.  He should lay bare for the American people the extreme position of Dopes on the subject.  He should expose the Dopes’ support for Planned un-Parenthood and the founder of that vile BS organization – racist Margret Sanger.  He should read a list of Margret Sanger award winners – which includes Shrillda the Hutt and Peloser – and ask them to repudiate Sanger and return the award and ask congress to immediately defund Planned un-Parenthood.

Late term abortion is a disgusting evil.  It’s so disgusting that the issues breaks about 80-20 in favor of restricting it.  PDJT should reap the political benefits of that split and stand firmly on the side of life.           

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The mother and doctor decide? Do fathers have a say? Who goes to the next room to tell the father that the doctor and mother decided to let his child die? The father would have every right to save that baby if even he has to take on Seal Team Six. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is to be guaranteed for all. Including newborns. Especially newborns. Killing the innocent? God said those people should place millstones around their own necks and jump into the sea or face severe judgement. How could anyone vote for people supporting killing live, breathing newborn babies? Truly sick and disgusting.