Friday, February 15, 2019

It's all the Rat establishment Republican surrender monkeys' fault

Let’s be honest.  This whole border bill debacle can be laid at the feet of Rat establishment Republican surrender monkeys starting with that gutless POS Paulie walunts Ryan and running right up to Demo-Dope turncoat turned Rat establishment Republican turned turncoat - the double deal bastard Richard the dick Shelby.

ReRs could have gotten this thing done two years ago if they wanted to. They don’t.  They are all sleazy Caligula, D.C. ruling class thieving swamp creatures.  The latest bill – if we can believe what is being reported – is a total cave by the ReR surrender monkeys.  They didn’t even try. They depantsed themselves, bent over and let Chuck and Nancy to lay the wood to them. When Cuck and Nancy were done beating them like rented mules, the ReR surrender monkeys thanked Chuck and Nancy and ask them for another beating.

That said, I don’t think PDJT should declare a national emergency on the border.  The real national emergency is the total capitulation by one of the country’s major political parties and its merger into the other.

Here are some options PDJT could use: 1) his power as Commander in Chief to secure the border with the military. 2) Ask for a CR and send the POS bill back to congress for a rewrite. 3) Move money from other pots sans the emergency declaration.  Using one or all of these puts PDJT on firm ground as trying to make a good-faith effort to negotiate a reasonable solution to the problem while keeping it front and center and exposing open borders Dopes and ReRs.

He’s winning the battle of public support for a wall.  If he just keeps bumping it he’ll win – bigly.

But what do I know?  I’m not a billionaire.  I didn’t defy 10,000 to 1 odds to become POTUS.  Whatever PDJT does, I will continue to ride the Trump tiger because I know that the Caligula, D.C. azzweasels are not so much going after PDJT as they are trying to come after me.  They only thing standing between me and the Caligula, D.C. ruling class SFBs is PDJT.

Fallout – the inevitable court battle - from any declaration of a national emergency will be swift and last through the 2020 election.  Maybe that’s the play.  It worked in 2016.  I dunno. 

Now Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser is saying the next Dope president may declare a national emergency with regard to gun control.  That’s a constitutionally protected right, but okay.  Let’s see how that one plays out. I for one will be saying, “Come and take it.” Maybe that’s Peloser’s play – a Civil War.  I am beginning to think that such an outcome is becoming inevitable.   

Then there’s this
In Britain a woman was arrested for referring to a biological man who “identifies” as a woman as “him.”  Yes ARRESTED, in Britain, for using the correct pronoun to refer to a man who is scientifically provable to be a man but says he’s a woman.  YGBSM!  ARRESTED!!  IN BRITAIN!!  FOR USING AN INCORRECT PRONOUN!!

Okay.  I am a physical mess, but I identify as the starting linebacker for the world champion New England Patriots.  I demand Robert Kraft pay me the league minimum and give me the Super Bowl ring I have earned by identifying as his all-pro linebacker.

Today’s JG rant
Re James Cox’s letter, “Republican Party exists no more,” of Feb 15, 2019.

There once was a political party that believed in classic liberalism – free men and free markets – once thought abortion should be “safe, legal and rare,” were reliably anti-socialist/communist and touted itself as the party of the working class.  It was called the Democrat Party.

It’s gone now and has been replaced by the Dimocrat Party that believes in none of those things.  Today’s Dims are happy to trample your 1st, 2nd, 4th Amendment rights and any other unalienable rights that stand in their way to power. 

They are happy to crush your individual freedoms by advocating for government control of basic services such as healthcare and energy and want to levy confiscatory taxes on your livelihood.

They now openly embrace killing babies born alive and are, as is their history, openly racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic.

Today’s Dims are far more comfortable in the company of Silicon Valley millionaires than they are with anyone with a bit of grit under their fingernails.

In 2020 we are likely to be faced with a choice between an anti-American left-wing bomb throwing socialist and pro-American capitalist.

In two short years the ISIS caliphate is gone and America is back.  Taxes and unemployment are down and wages and energy production is up.  Six more years of pro-growth put America first policies would be a blessing.    

Republican Party exists no more
There once was a political party that believed in free trade, deficit hawkishness, NATO, keeping Russia in check and many other tenets. In fact, it once touted itself as the “Moral Majority.” It was called the Republican Party.
It's gone now and has been replaced by the Retrumplican Party that believes in none of those things.
Hopefully, in 2020 we won't be faced with another Morton's Fork (look it up) as we were in the 2016 presidential election.
It's been a long, long two years. Let's hope we won't have to endure another six like those two.
James Cox
Van Wert

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