Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Red hats are way more dangerous to Dopes than real racists in their own midst

The happiest people in America that Jussie Smollett has gotten his azz in sling over a hate crime hoax are the alleged rapist Lt. Gov. and confirmed racist Gov. and AG down in VA. Smollett has driven these three models of the modern Demo-Dope Party off the front pages. 

The Smollett case has caused a couple of other Dope pols some angst.  Willie Brown’s $2 whore, Kamal Harris and idiot Farticus Booker now want to wait for all of the facts to out before commenting on Jussie’s mess. 

Well, there are whole lot more facts available today than there were when Harris and Booker called Jussie’s hoax a modern day lynching. So, in their own vernacular, wat up with that?

Now, maybe in response to the Smollett hoax, Dopes and MSM are saying that a MAGA hat is the new Klan hood.  Well as the founders of that odious organization, the Does should know. But they don’t.  It’s all political BS.  Dopes are still the racist azzbags that they have always been. They just want to shift the blame.

So you can have a confirmed racist Dope Gov. and a racist Dope AG in VA covered in blackface and they go happily on their way.  None of the NFL, NBA or Hollywood swells – the same ones who soiled themselves over a bathroom ban to men out of the ladies room - none are calling for a boycott of the racist state of VA until the racist Gov and AG are removed.  Seems just a bit two-faced to me.  But we all know that Dopes have a minimum of two faces. 

Openly racist Gov in VA is A-OK with the Dopes, but hell yes those red MAGA hats are the real threat.  MAGA hat are sooooo dangerous to the racist Dope creeps that they are actually now comfortable pulling guns on people wearing the offending headgear.  YGBSM!  How whacked out are these people?

These crazies are going to get us into a real no sh*t shooting war with each other. As always more guns and ammo are the only answers.

You know we've entered crazy land when Rev? Al Not-so-Sharp-ton wants Jussie prosecuted if this turns out to be a hoax.  You cannot make this stuff up.  The original Tawana Brawley fraudster is calling foul on Smollett.  Put them in adjoining cells.

Fake Indian Lizzy Warren’s “wealth tax”
Idiot millionaire who rails against the wealthy, Lizzy heap big lyingface Warren is going to propose a “wealth tax” to fund her socialist BS. I do not think a “wealth tax” is constitutional.  The 16th Amendment, that legalized the income tax, is directed at income – not wealth.

But like the New Green Deal, what does reality have to do with Dope pie in the sky schemes to separate the American people from their livelihood? You can bet this rich b*tch will never be sending in her own marker to the treasury to support her BS plan.  It always has to be other people’s money.  

Chemo Infusion #4 is today
That means I'll be laid low by the side effects of the curative poison for at least a couple of days.  I might see you by Fri.   

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

How many legit cases did Chicago PD set aside to aggressively pursue the Smollett Hoax? As this was a Protected Class Hate Crime no expense has been spared by CPD to solve it. We find Jussie even had a
Hoax Rehearsal with the Nigerians then tried to " hang" them out there. Jussie has blamed them, whites, Trump, Chicago PD, Clorox, some in the press, and others. Now the feds are involved for mail fraud. As though the feds have nothing better to do. He got the publicity he wanted. And real crime cases back burnered. He deserves jail and big fines.