Wednesday, September 04, 2019

A tale of three mass shootings

On Friday night, after a high school football game, a black teen opened fire on the crowd with a hand-gun.  Ten teenagers were injured.  This shooting, like the 8 shooting deaths and 41 gunshot injuries that occurred in heavily gun controlled Chicago the same weekend, flew largely under the MSM radar.

Saturday afternoon a white guy with an AR sporting rifle opened fire killing 10 and injuring 21.  The MSM went wild and has continued to point to the Texas shooting as the latest cause celeb to beat the “ban all black guns that we don’t like the looks of” drum. 

What are we to make of these three cases? White guys can shoot - black kids can’t?  No.  My guess is that the kid wasn’t actually trying to kill anyone.  Besides the slaughter in Chicago indicates that blacks are much more proficient in killing humans on a weekly basis than the occasional white guy with a black rifle. 

NOTE:  High school shootings after football games would all end if the games started at 8 a.m. on Saturday mornings.

The bottom line up front: The Texas shooting is a politically correct vehicle to subvert Americans’ Amendment II rights.  The other two involve minos shooting minos, so in Lib world, who cares?  F-em. Who else can they vote for?  No white supremacist, no “assault rifle” no story.

Conspiracy Theory 19-1:  (Seriously, the first conspiracy theory of 2019? A bad year for conspiracy theories.)  As the Demo-Dopes openly push a communist agenda, if they win, they will certainly demand that you turn in your guns.  Once the lambs comply, the communists will open the gulag and the re-education camps. Google, facebook, twitter etc. will be tasked to identify the malcontents for re-education.

Republicans need to smoke the Dopes out on the Amendment II issue.  It’ll play well in the suburbs and with the supposed majority of Americans who support “common sense” gun control.  Here’s what Republican commonsense gun control looks like.  PDJT holds an all-day open hearing on gun violence in America.  He invites all the key players including the NRA and Brady gun grabbers.  He listens to all sides.  He adjourns.  He waits a week to consider all sides.  He goes before the nation on a Friday afternoon from the Rose Garden.  He announces that after considering all sides, most of the “common sense” solutions offered from the left run afoul of Amendment II.  Therefore he directs the libs to propose a new Amendment II within 90 days that would be consistent with their “common sense” desires. 

The left cannot refuse.  One of their fall back lies is that Amendment II was constructed with single shot muskets in mind.  Okay, fine, repeal Amendment II write an Amendment 28/29 that outlines how libs will safeguard Americans’ right keep and bear arms. 

My guess is that the effort will result in 28,000 pages of BS most which will be used to define their BS term “assault rifle.”   It will put their nefarious aims front and center.  They will have to say “yes” or “no” on the proposal. Most importantly, Americans will know what the left’s true aims are with regard to the right to keep and bear arms. Then America can vote on the Amendments that will fail fantastically.   

Today’s JG rant
I can’t believe that I agree with a couple of points from a letter from a lefty lib like Ralph Watson “GOP own worst roadblock on path to solutions” of Aug 31, 2019.  Agreed, Democrats have been busily writing legislation with high-minded titles but which are actually nothing more than long-winded, liberty strangling gobooldygook that rightfully go to the senate to die.

Darn that pesky constitution and a bicameral legislative body.

Agreed, thankfully PDJT has done everything in his power to undo everything President Obama did.  That’s why he was elected.  Obama eschewed the normal legislative process to enact many of his initiatives.  As a result, a lot of Obama’s enterprises carried the paper thin veneer of legitimacy through “executive authority” but lacked the heft carried by “the rule of law.”  So the next executive can simply overturn them.  Rule by executive order.  Die by executive order.    

Agreed, most issues at the border haven’t been solved.  But hey, Democrats have been telling us, until recently, that there weren’t any problems at the southern border.  So what’s up with that?  Any legislation to fix the border from House Democrats?  Nothing serious.

Agreed, money spent in the region where mass migration occurs is about 12 times more effective than in the country of destination.  That said, anyone who thinks sending money to the corruptocrats running Central and South American countries probably thinks that the key to improving public education is to simply throw more money down that rat hole.  Whatever money the US government sends to that corrupt region needs to go through non-government organizations.

GOP own worst roadblock on path to solutions

In an Aug. 21 letter, the writer decried that Democrats have made a hobby of “building roadblocks to everything Donald Trump does, or (is) trying to do, or for that matter has done.” It seems he is complaining that the Democrats are doing to Trump the same thing  Republicans did to President Obama. How many times did the Republicans put up a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act when they knew it wouldn't stand a chance of being passed into law, and they didn't have a replacement bill or plan? The writer fails to recognize that President Trump has done his utmost to undo everything that President Obama did.
The author seems to overlook that since the Democrats took over as the majority in the House, they have been busy identifying problems, writing bills and allocating money to fix those problems. The roadblock to accomplishing these solutions is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has been making an art of his “hobby” of collecting most of these bills in his desk, so “little gets accomplished.”
Yes, most of the issues at the border haven't been solved. But I would remind the writer that neither party can put together a consensus within its members on how to fix the problems. How can we hope to get both parties together to agree upon a solution? Meanwhile, Trump continues to make moves that aggravate the problems in hopes of justifying the expense of building an ineffective wall to fulfill a campaign promise, a wall he insisted Mexico would pay for.
The real solution to the problems at our southern border is to use some of the money that he's asking for to work with the Central American countries from which these people are fleeing. But that's something Trump is incapable of doing and on which his party is reluctant to buck him.
Ralph Watson
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

To Lex's point, the drug wars generate the most homicides per the CDC. This is the same for Mexico and countries south. Guatemala is the size of Missouri and has 10,000 murders a year due to drug wars. Mexico 3x that number. Convictions are below 10 percent. In Chicago last year cops confiscated 6,521 guns. Three were "assault weapons". Doing a drug deal while holding an AK tends to stand out. To decrease gun homicides in the US, 1) clamp down hard on drugs and gangs,2) prosecute felons with guns, 3) secure the border, 4) let it be known that drug users, recreational and hardcore, in the US fund most homicides in the US and south, 5) US gun laws exist to shrink the drug-gun-homicide problem and need more national support.
How many people get stoned or high as they complain about the gun homicides? Way too many.