Thursday, February 20, 2020

Dopes triggered by America

Dope Debate
Naaaaah, didn’t watch it.  Tuned into PDJT’s rally in AZ.  This morning I did notice something about the optics of the two events.  PDJT had a ginormous American flag as a backdrop for his rally.  There was not one American flag to be seen on the stage with the Dope candidates.  My guess is that the American flag is trigger for more than one of the Dope candidates, all the MSM moderators and 3/4ths the people watching.

Today’s JG rant
Does the JG have a template or scoring system for the long line of anti-Trump screeds that appear daily on this page?  The letters all seem to be about the same.  

1) Name some Republican politician.  Define them as a corrupt, immoral, dishonest, etc. water carrier for PDJT. 

2) Define PDJT with an extra-long list of pejoratives the more outrageous the better - extra points if the writer can employ alliteration in this effort. 

3) Appeal to religion by questioning the spiritual moorings of anyone who might disagree with them.  

4) Appeal to patriotism by asserting bipartisanship can only occur when Republicans agree with Democrats and that anyone who does not agree with their warped point view is not just wrong but is also an evil, godless threat to our constitutional republican form of government.  

5) FINALE!!  Appeal to fake authority by citing a #NEVERTRUMPer Republican who has previously been trashed in all the same manner described above but has since gotten his mind right by agreeing with the writer on impeachment. 

Diane Soddy’s letter, “Banks providing cover corrupt leadership” of Feb 19, 2020 fit the template to a tee then went on to demonstrate the utter failure of public education when she wrote, “The rest of the enablers who would not even dare offer a fair trial will have to live with their decision.” 

Who are these “enablers”?  The senate that sat in silence as jurors for Democrats’ ill-advised impeachment effort or the president’s defense team?  Who?  Soddy turns over 900 years of English common law on its head when she mistakenly asserts that a “fair trial” somehow requires the jury and/or the defense to help the government to prove its case.

The idea of a “fair trial” under English common law is all about the rights that are afforded the accused.  The burden of proof falls solely on the government.  An overbearing onerous government forcing the accused into making statements against his own interests is Soviet style justice.         
Wednesday, February 19, 2020 1:00 am
Banks providing cover for corrupt leadership
Jim Banks' nasty tweets following the sham trial of Donald Trump (“Banks bashes Utah senator's move,” Feb. 6) match the vile attacks of his Dear Leader, who belittles anyone with the honesty and moral courage to disagree with him or report his failings.
According to Banks, a man who honors his oath to God to defend the Constitution and render a just verdict must be doing so as a publicity stunt. And giving interviews to defend himself from the vicious attacks he knows his honesty will bring – well, that's just “animosity” toward Banks' cherished leader, Trump. It seems the greatest animosity belongs to Banks himself, directed toward Sen. Mitt Romney for pointing out the failings of his associates in the Senate.
Some people put God and truth ahead of party and Trump. That appears to be hard for others to understand. The oath all swore in the Senate was just ignored, much like Trump ignores his oath of office.
Then there was the ridiculous comment that the Democrats should be investigated. I suggest we first check out the most corrupt president we have ever endured.
We can start with one of the thousands of lies, like the oft-repeated promise that Mexico will pay for the wall. But instead Trump took billions of dollars from our military. No problem for Banks.
I could point out the numerous appointees and associates who either resigned due to corruption or are in prison.
I could mention the rollback of every environmental protection he can find. But I guess that's fine, too.
I could go on (and on and on), but why bother? Trump can do whatever he wants. No one will investigate; no one will hold him accountable. Republican senators have rendered Congress impotent and placed our democracy in serious danger. History will not be kind.
Romney will be able to hold his head up. The rest of the enablers who would not even dare offer a fair trial will have to live with their decision. Unfortunately, so will our country.
Diane Soddy

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