Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Of course there's a two-tiered justice system that's why we need to keep our guns

Two Tiered Justice System
Lying scumbag Andy McCabe will not be pursued by the DOJ for being a lying scumbag.  The DOJ spokesman put it this way.  “Democrats don’t get put in jail.  Have you ever heard of Shrillda the Hutt? Former lying FBI sh*t Jimmy the shape shifter Comey laid it bare for 20 minutes what a lying, justice obstructing, classified material leaking, perjury suborning POS that oxygen thief was, and then he let the cow off the hook.  There’s Loretta I’ll take a fifth of that Learner.  Then there’s lying Suzzy Rice.  Lying Barry the empty suit Obama.  Lying Shiffty Sch*tf.  Lying Fat Jerry Nadler.  Lying Ilhan Omar. Look this can on as long as can come up with the names of Demo-Dopes. You get the point.  But if Roger Stone, Manafort, Papadopolis or any other Republican so much as misremembers weather or not it was raining on their birthday 20 years ago, it’s 25-30 for lying.  That’s just how deep state DOJ f--ks roll.”

I don’t know if Andy should be sent to the gray bar hotel or not.  Losing his pension on the last day before becoming eligible may be enough. If I wasn’t absolutely certain that some azzbag Dope somewhere down the line wouldn’t award it to him - back pay included – I might be inclined to say that that was enough.  Since I’m not.  Throw the book at the lying scumbag. 

Some say ol’ Andy may be prosecutor Durham’s sights.  Idunno.  Everyone seems to in Durham’s sights.

I’ve got even money that no Dope does so much as 30 minutes jail time for any of this.  See paragraph one.  Also, all of this stuff seems to come up in Caligula, D.C.  No Dope will be indicted there – ever – for anything.  All Republicans will get 25-30 years hard.  Forget it, Jake.  It’s Caligula, D.C.

Calls for AG Barr to resign
Slowest of all Joes pay my worthless as sh*t son millions or you don’t get the billion dollars Biden told a crowd that 2,000 former DOJ excrement heads signed a petition that Barr should resign.  Okay, there’s two guys who trump your 2,000 or 20,000 or 20,000,000 who say he shouldn’t, PDJT and Barr himself.  So Joe, you and 2,000 excrement head friends can all GFYs.

The real reason Slow stupid Joe and Dopes are after AG Barr is because he’s over the target and they want to take him out before the truth comes out about phony Russia hoax, FISA, FBI leaks etc.  

Today’s long JG rant
I notice in her harangue, “The civil path forward” of Feb 16, 2020 Patricia Van Leuven is long on PDJT’s and American CEO’s process and nonexistent on the results that those processes have produced, that by any reasonable standard have improved the human condition in America.

Van Leuven laments the fact that 80% of the president’s executive office have already departed the administration.  She wonders, “How do so many people get hired who don't fit in…” Who knows why people don’t or refuse to fit in?  Here’s some examples: 1)  If you believe UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, in the case of Chief of Staff Gen John Kelly and Ex SecState Rex Tillerson these two unelected “public servants” were actively undermining their boss. 2) In the case of the now sainted Ambassador Yovanovitch, the host nation president had expressed a loss of confidence in her.  3) Ambassador Sondland by his House testimony proved to all to be a self-serving erratic loose cannon. 4) FBI Director Comey was fired, then he admitted to leaking to an associate to trigger a two and half year Russia collusion hoax on the administration.

All of these individuals were confirmed by the senate and as part of that process were issued a commissioning document to commemorate the event.  That document sates that the commission is to remain in effect “during the pleasure of the President of the United States for the time being.”  That means the president can fire any of them for any reason or for no reason at all.

Van Leuven goes on to wonder, “…and why are many of our longstanding civil servants who have provided stability in process and policy across administrations treated as if they are so dispensable?”  Well, they might be treated as if are “so dispensable” because they are, well, “so dispensable.” Far from providing “stability” many deep state civil servant hacks are more interested in undermining the administration by political vendetta than providing stability – Vindman, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, et al. 

Van Leuven laments PDJT attempting to fulfill a campaign promise of ridding the country the idiotic Un-Affordable Care Act and rolling back long-developed EPA regulations.  I suppose she’d leave out the EPA’s long-developed regulation that resulted in the dumping millions of gallons toxic waste into the Animis River in Colorado.  Or the long-developed Waters of America regulation that defined any standing puddle of water on a farm or building site after a rain storm as “protected.”  She even goes to far as to protest PDJT rolling back key provisions of unelected Michelle Obama’s idiotic school lunch program that did a better job filling trash receptacle than children’s stomachs.

Best case for these dopey policies, Ms. Van Leuven, is to simply ax them, return to the status quo ante and start over.

With regard to a leader’s ego, I ask who does an organization want at its head, some mealy mouthed, hand wringing, vacillating nitwit who is so unsure of himself and petrified of making an error that he fails to act or a confident man who can weigh the options and make a timely decision and exudes confidence to subordinates that if they pull together his decision will profit the organization?  A good plan well executed is better than the perfect plan that never makes it off the drawing board.  It would seem liberals just can’t stand too much peace and prosperity while PDJT is calling the shots.

As for jobs and employers, there were several way I could tell whether or not my employer cared about me.  1) Did he pay me on Friday afternoon?  2) Did he cover the doctor bill if I got hurt on the job?  3)  Did he give me a week off with pay?  4) Did he provide a safe place to work?  That’s pretty much it.  I didn’t care if sent me a Christmas card or not - though most employers did add little extra to the paycheck for that oversight.

Conversely, I’m pretty sure that most of my employers were more interested in whether I showed up on time, ready to work and put in an honest day’s work for the wage than if I bothered to ask how the wife and family were doing.

If I found a better job, better money or had to move, I put in my two-week notice, continued to perform, shook hands and moved on.

It’s really not much more complicated than that.           
Sunday, February 16, 2020 1:00 am
The civil path forward
Focus on solutions, rather than egos, to return honor and value to public life
Patricia Van Leuven
We live in a time when opportunities to improve the human condition are potentially boundless.
We have people trained in best practices for service delivery, policy development, evaluation research and strategic planning to develop pathways forward in economic development, health care, education and climate change.
And yet we continue with what appear to be haphazard, politicized, and non-cumulative decisions and actions at all levels of leadership in this country – government, corporations and nonprofit organizations.
Why do we waste resources through high staff turnover, spending money without impact, using physical resources foolishly and failing to build a viable infrastructure?
I am sure there are many factors. But for me one of the key factors is how leadership at all levels acts and reacts based on ego needs rather than system needs. Some examples include:
• The current U.S. administration has been in power for 75% of its first term. According to a 2020 Brookings Institute report, some 80% of the president's executive office team have already departed, 36% of those positions have had serial turnover, and 10 key Cabinet members have left or been fired – significantly more than any other president in the past 40 years. How do so many people get hired who don't fit in, and why are many of our longstanding civil servants who have provided stability in process and policy across administrations treated as if they are so dispensable?
• The current administration also appears to relish trashing policies/programs without viable replacements. Note attempts to kill the Affordable Care Act, long-developed EPA regulations and school lunch standards without any viable alternatives proposed or enacted. How does this improve anything? When trashing previous administrations' policies is an end in itself, the potential for chaos and more government waste is evident.
• Certainly, other presidents and political leaders have also led with their egos, but today our country is so divided on so many issues that action is needed. The reality is we seldom use the skills and resources we have to evaluate what we know works or could be tweaked to work better. Leaders just throw it out for something new with their name on it.
• Wasting resources occurs in workplaces – according to 2020 data from Career Builder, only 54% of U.S. workers think their employer is loyal to them. Staff turnover rates have been rising – as of 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found median employee job tenure is 4.3 years. Job opportunities and higher wages at other places have fueled this turnover, but also it has been fueled by employees' perception that employers are not interested in investing in their futures – that they are dispensable. It costs a third of the salary of the worker being replaced to recruit and train a replacement.
• New CEOs come into leadership positions and want their own hires and seek to initiate a new vision and programs. New strategic plans are drawn up – typically without regard to the viability of the one in place. Employees with too much history/knowledge can be viewed as possible threats to a new leader and are fired/laid off. Eventually what happens in these dynamics is that layers of knowledge, experience and commitment are let go and the viability of the company/agency is weakened. Companies fail and workers feel demoralized, angry and dispensable.
We cannot continue to afford to waste resources. We are no longer a “frontier” society. The “land of milk and honey” has limits. The deficit is beyond imagination. The divisiveness is palpable each day in the news and down the street.
It is in this context we have discovered the need for “civil conversations” at all levels – the workplace, the community, the country. Having people with different life circumstances and points of view come together, hear one another, acknowledge differences and seek out common ground is a viable starting point. This vehicle can move conversations, set expectations and build pathways forward. It is a vehicle that should be formalized in a variety of venues where we have wasted time and resources and where sustainable planning for the future can occur with an emphasis on system needs, not the egos of those involved.
Let's get started and work our way up! It's called democracy.
Patricia Van Leuven worked in northeast Indiana for more than 35 years. She taught at local universities and worked in several nonprofit organizations before retiring.

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